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fessor Wanklyn's table which gives the results in 1,000,000, i.e. milligrammes in a litre," there is in

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These results, it will be seen, differ very widely from those of Dr. Frankland, and the whole subject seems to require further investigation. The process by which Professor Wanklyn obtains the albumenoid ammonia will be found in the abstract of his paper.

While on this subject we may quote the directions given by J. Loewe for the separation of organic matters from a water.*

In the first place the water is boiled until all carbonic acid is expelled. Any deposit is then collected, washed, and boiled with distilled water, adding at long intervals crystallized chloride of ammonium as long as any odour of ammonia is given off. A solution of acetate of copper is then added as long as a precipitate is produced. This precipitate is decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the filtered solution is evaporated to dryness on a waterbath. The author has only obtained traces of organic matter in this way. The water separated from the precipitate produced by boiling is now concentrated, and when cold, acetate of lead is added. The precipitate is first washed with boiling water to remove chloride of lead, and then with hyposulphite of soda to remove sulphate; there then remains only the organic compound of lead. To secure all the organic matter the liquor decanted from the acetate of lead precipitate must be treated with sub-acetate of lead; this second precipitate will, besides the organic compound, contain oxy-chloride and sub-nitrate of lead. These being got rid of, the mixed lead precipitates are decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the solution is filtered and evaporated. It is said that the residual organic matter obtained by the author was free from nitrogen; but we are not told what water he examined.

W. Heintz gives a method of determining the amount of solids, both organic and inorganic, which does not much differ from that usually employed by careful chemists. The author evaporates below 100° C. sufficient water to leave from 0-3 to 0.6 gramme of

* Zeitschrift für Chemie.' New Series, V. ii., p. 595; and 'Bulletin de la Société Chimique de Paris,' June, 1867, p. 497.

+ Zeitschrift für Chemie.' New Series, V. ii., p. 586.

residue, which he then keeps at 150°, until no loss of weight is observed. This gives the total residue. He then gradually ignites in a platinum crucible-allowing only a part to come to a red heat -until the residue is white, then moistens with solution of carbonate of ammonia, dries at 150°, and reweighs. The difference is very nearly the weight of the organic matter. But as the carbonate of magnesia will have undergone some alteration, to be exact, the author determines the carbonic acid both in the first and second residues, and adds the difference to the second weighing, thereby reducing by so much the organic matter. Heintz states that this method only gives accurate results when the magnesia is present in an organic combination, and when the water is not strongly charged with the oxides of iron and manganese, whose state of oxidation may be altered by the ignitions. The presence of chloride of magnesium is also a source of error, as all chemists will understand.

In technical chemistry one noteworthy fact is the process invented by M. Paraf-Javal, for the Transformation of Liquid into Solid Fats. It was known that under the influence of a strong alkali oleic acid splits up into acetic and palmitic acids This fact the inventor applies industrially as follows:-He heats one part of oleic acid with two or three times its weight of hydrate of potash almost to the fusing point of the potash. A large amount of hydrogen is disengaged in the reaction that ensues, and a porous, swollen mass results. The sudden collapse of this mass indicates that the reaction has ended. Water is now added in small quantities, so as to obtain a strong alkaline solution in which the soap formed is insoluble. The soap can thus be separated, and the greater part of the alkali recovered. When separated the soap is dissolved in water and afterwards precipitated by common salt. It is then decomposed by treatment with an acid, and the palmitic acid is purified by distillation. The liquid from which the soap is separated will, of course, contain an acetate of the alkali. This can be separated and the acetic acid obtained by means known to all chemists. Soda, it is said, may be used in place of potash. It is right to say that this process has been patented in France.

A method of obtaining caustic baryta cheaply is a great desideratum; and we give one recently published by M. Tessie du Motay, which, however, we fear is not likely to receive an extensive application. The inventor takes carbonate of baryta, mixes it into a paste with fat resin and charcoal, and burns the mixture in a reverberatory furnace. In this way the carbonate is reduced and the baryta is left mixed with some charcoal. The latter is burned away by passing a current of oxygen through the furnace, and the heat developed in this operation is so great as to prevent the recombination of the baryta with the carbonic acid produced. Baryta

thus obtained is to be converted into peroxide of barium to furnish peroxide of hydrogen for bleaching purposes.

A new kind of artificial stone invented by M. Sorel deserves a passing notice. A strong solution of chloride of magnesium will consolidate a large amount of calcined magnesia, forming an insoluble oxychloride of magnesium, resembling the oxychloride of zinc proposed by the same inventor for stopping teeth. When, however, a weaker solution of the chloride of magnesium is used with some calcined magnesia, the mixture has the power of holding together fifteen or twenty times its weight of sand and other materials which set into a substance sufficiently hard to be used for flags and tiles, and which may be coloured by ordinary mineral colours for ornamental purposes.

The space we have in this number only allows the mention of the publication of useful practical papers "On the Analysis of Cast Iron," by Dr. G. E. Tosh;* and also "On the Practical Losses of Sulphur in the Manufacture of Oil of Vitriol," by Mr. C. R. A. Wright.†


On the 6th of June, Sir B. C. Brodie delivered a lecture to an unusually large audience, "On the Mode of Representation afforded by the Chemical Calculus, as contrasted with the Atomic Theory." For this lecture and the interesting discussion which followed it we must refer our readers to an admirable report in the Chemical News' for June 14. And those who wish to see the opinions of some other chemists, mathematicians, and physicists on Sir B. C. Brodie's system may consult the papers of Professor Williamson and Mr. Stanley Jevons in the 'Laboratory;' and the articles of Professor Wanklyn and Dr. Crum Brown, in the Philosophical Magazine' for August and September.

The last meeting of the Society was held on June 20, when Mr. W. H. Perkin read a paper "On some new Derivatives of the Hydride of Salicyl;" Dr. Gladstone read a second paper "On Pyrophosphoric Acid;" Dr. Phipson gave an "Analysis of a Biliary Concretion found in a Pig, and a new Method of preparing Biliverdin;" Dr. Stenhouse made a communication on the action of Chloride of Iodine on Picric Acid; and Mr. Henry Bassett read a short paper "On Julin's Chloride of Carbon." A paper by MM. J. A. Wanklyn, E. T. Chapman, and M. H. Smith, "On Wateranalysis: Determination of Nitrogenous Organic Matter," was also read. As the subject of this paper is of great public interest we give + Ibid., Aug. 23 and 30.

* Chemical News,' Aug. 9 and 23, 1867.

a short abstract. The peculiar feature of the method is the estimation of the amount of nitrogenous organic matter by the amount of ammonia which is actually formed by distillation with carbonate of soda, caustic potash, and permanganate of potash. Direct experiments have shown that all the nitrogen in urea, gelatine, and albumen are obtainable in the form of ammonia by the method of treatment described; and has disclosed, the authors say, the singular fact that boiling with a caustic alkali liberates one-third the nitrogen of albumen and gelatine in the form of ammonia, and that a subsequent boiling with permanganate of potash liberates the other two-thirds. Thus the nitrogen of urea is obtainable as ammonia by boiling with carbonate of soda; and that of albumen by the caustic alkali and permanganate. We have therefore the means of distinguishing between ammonia from the two sources. The method pursued is briefly as follows: Free ammonia is first estimated in the water by Nessler's test, as described by Dr. Miller. A litre is then distilled with a little carbonate of soda. In this distillate will be found the ammonia from urea. The distillation is interrupted when ammonia ceases to pass, and caustic potash being added to the contents of the retort the distillation is again proceeded with. In the distillate now collected there will be ammonia representing onethird the nitrogen in the albumenoid matters in the water. The distillation is again interrupted and crystals of permanganate of potash are added, enough to give a deep violet tint, and once more the distillation is continued, now almost to dryness. This final distillate will give the remaining nitrogen in the form of ammonia. We must add that all the estimations of ammonia in the various distillates are made with Nessler's test-liquor. For quantitative examples of the method we must refer our readers to the original paper, published in the 'Journal of the Chemical Society' for September.

6. ENGINEERING-CIVIL AND MECHANICAL. WE have, this quarter, to chronicle a more than usual extension of open lines of railway, some of which, too, are of the first importance.

In August last, two new Welsh railways were opened. The one from Aberystwith to Carmarthen, which, by completing a link in the western chain of railways running through the principality, opens the new route between the manufacturing districts of South Lancashire and the mineral districts of South Wales. The other— the Cambrian Railway-affords an unbroken route between Aberystwith and Carnarvon.

In India, the extension of the East India Railway from Allaha

bad to Jubbulpoor was opened on the 2nd May last. The only gap now remaining in the line from Bombay to Calcutta is between Khundwah and Jubbulpoor, which, it is expected, will be completed by May, 1868. In the Punjab the line from Umritsur to the Beas has just been opened, as has also a branch railway between Lucknow and Cawnpore in Oude. The East India and the Great Indian Peninsular Railways are busily engaged in laying down a second line of rails on portions of their lines; and the usual government guarantee has been given to the Indian Branch Railway Company for the construction of 672 miles of light railways in Oude and Rohilcund.

On Monday, 26th August, the first engine and train passed over the Mont Cenis Railway from St. Michel to Susa, a distance of 48 miles. The summit crossed is at an elevation of 6,700 feet above the level of the sea, which is attained by a series of steep inclines, worked on Mr. Fell's central rail system.

The Brenner Railroad, between Innspruck and Botzen, has recently been opened for traffic, thus establishing a direct connection between Italy and Central Germany. The summit of the Brenner Pass is 4,484 feet above the sea level.

At Stutgard a new railway terminus has been opened, and a series of small branches intended to complete the railway network of Wurtemburg, have been completed. The Eastern Railway of France has added to its system a section, 28 miles in length, from St. Hilaire au Temple to St. Menehould. This company has now 1,630 miles of railway open. The length of railway in operation in Prussia at the close of 1866 was 5,762 miles, which had been completed at an expenditure of 90,000,0007.

The Pacific Railway, intended to connect the railroad system of the United States with California, and which is now under construction, will, in connection with the other lines of railway already completed, cross the Continent in a direct line from New York on the Atlantic, to San Francisco on the Pacific Ocean, having a total length of 3,300 miles.

The fourth of the six great lattice girders, intended to form three spans, of 300 feet each, over the Mersey at Runcorn, was let down to its bearings on June 11th. This bridge will carry the London and North-Western Railway by a direct line to Liverpool. The last girder is expected to be in its place by Christmas next.

The Dutch government has determined on the construction of the Mærdyk bridge, between Mærdyk and Willemsdorf. This work, which will be 1 miles in length, will directly unite the railway network of the Low Countries to the Belgian and French lines.

The Cincinnati Suspension Bridge, U.S., which has recently been completed, has a clear span between the centres of towers of 1,057 feet, and is the longest suspension span yet executed. The

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