Page images

near Settle, and a stone wedge found near
Hellifield, 79

SYMONS (Mr. J.) finds mould for casting pil-
grims' signs, Trinity House Lane, Hull, 82


Talayots and Taulas of Minorca, 265
Talley Abbey, excavations at, 89
Toldenstall (Sir Richard), his monument,
1601, 304

Torksay, ancient carving in wall of church,


Troad, excavations into the tumuli of the,
etc., 311

Tympanum with sculpture of St. Michael
contending with the Dragon, 298


Upton (John), brass of, 1530, exhibited, 75
Ure River gave the name to York, 32


Victorian monarchy, British, historical chart
of, 203


Wandsworth, some memorials of, 189; old
houses at, 200

WATLING (Mr. H.), of Ipswich, communi-
cates tracings of Roman and Arabic nu-
merals, etc., in Church of St. Clement,
Ipswich, 76

WAY (Mr. E.) exhibits variety of ancient
remains found in the Borough, 76

exhibits French copper coins found
in Southwark, and drawing of terra-cotta
slab with carved Arabesque foliage found
there, 83, and Roman beads dug up there
also, 83

[ocr errors]

WELLS (Mr.) exhibits prehistoric relics, and

reads note on, 183

WILLIAMS (Mr. F. H.), paper on Roman
hypocaust, Chester, 169

WINSTONE (Mr. B.), M.D., exhibits glass
medallion portrait of Sir Hans Sloane,
Bart., 75

exhibits office books of Commission-
ers of River Stort, 1728-60, 75
WOOD (Mr. J. M.) exhibits mortar from Ro-
man wall, Colchester, 76

exhibits lead pipes, 6 in. diameter,
of original New River works, 1616-30, 76
explains method of construction of
early leaden pipes of New River Company,
and exhibits photograph of oak carving
in room of the Company's Office, Clerken-
well, 78

describes seal of Corporation of
Sudbury, Suffolk, 167

on the round tower of Little Sailing,
Essex, 229

on round towers of Essex, 300


York, Inaugural Address at, 1; King's Ma-
nor, 7; Council of the North at, 7; list of
Lords President of, 8; Henry VIII visits,
9; Charles I at Manor House, 13; Council
of North abolished, 1642, 13; an early
British centre of life and learning, 31;
a colonia like London and Verulam, 33;
its Bishop present at Council of Arles,
A.D. 314, 33; Minster visited, and de-
scribed by Canon Raine, 58; Fairfax
(Lord) preserves the glass, etc., in Min-
ster, 60; All Saints' Church visited, and
described by Mr. Brock, 63; St. Martin-
cum-Gregory Church visited and de-
scribed, 60; Holy Trinity Church visited
and described, 60; St. Mary, Bishophill
Junior, visited and described, 63; Mickle-
gate Bar visited, 63; Museum visited,63;
St. Michael's, Spurriergate, visited and
described, 63; St. Mary's, Castlegate,
visited and described, 63; Castle visited,
63; Corporation insignia,-mace, state
swords, cap of maintenance, 144

exhibits collections of fictilia found'
in Southwark, etc., 84

exhibits finds in Southwark, 169
exhibits a variety of objects, 183
exhibits collection of Greybeards

found in Southwark, 185













Archæologia, li. lii.

Archæologia Æliana, N.S. xv.

Archæologia Cambrensis, 5th S. viii.

Archæological Journal, xlviii.

Bath Field Club Proceedings, vii.

Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, xiii.

Collections for Staffordshire (Wm. Salt Arch. Soc.), xii.

Devon Association, xxii.

Folklore, ii.

Glasgow Archæological Society, N.S. ii.
Glastonbury Antiquarian Society, 1891

Hants Field Club, ii.

Jour. Anthropological Institute, xx.

Jour. British Archæological Association, xlvii.

Jour. Derbyshire Arch. and Nat. Hist. Society, xiv,

Jour. Hellenic Studies, xii.

Jour. Numismatic Society, 3rd S. xi.

Jour. Royal Institution of Cornwall, x.

Norfolk Archæology, xi.

Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, vii, and Memoir xxvi.

Proc. Clifton Antiquarian Club, 1891

Proc. Society of Antiquaries of London, 2nd S. xiii.

Proc. Somerset Arch. and Nat. Hist. Society, xxxvii.
Proc. Warwickshire Field Club, 1891

Publications of the Huguenot Society, iii. v. vi.

Quarterly Journal of the Berks A. and A. Society, ii.
Records of Bucks, vii.

Royal Irish Academy, 3rd S. ii.

Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 5th S. i.

Salisbury Field Club, i.

Surrey Archæological Society, x.

Sussex Archæological Collections, xxxviii.

Trans. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archæological Society, xv.

Trans. Cumberland and Westmoreland A. and A. Society, xii.

Trans. Leicestershire A. and A. Society, vii.

Trans. Royal Institute of British Architects, N.S. vii.

Trans. St. Albans A. and A. Society, 1889

Trans. St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society, iii.

Trans. Shropshire Arch. and Nat. Hist. Society, 2nd S. iii. Wiltshire Arch. and Nat. Hist. Magazine, xxvi.

Wincanton Field Club Proceedings, 1891

Y Cymmrodor, xi.

Yorkshire Archæological and Topographical Journal, xi.


Royal Archæological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. (HELLIER GOSSELIN, Esq.,
Oxford Mansion, Oxford Street, W.)

British Archæological Association. (W. DE GRAY BIRCH, Esq., F.S.A., British Museum,
W.C., and E. P. LOFTUS BROCK, Esq., F.S.A., 36, Great Russell Street, W.C.)
The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. (ROBERT COCHRANE, Esq., F.S.A.,
Rathgar, Dublin.)

Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion. (Dr. IsAMBARD OWEN, M.A., 5, Hertford Street,

W., and ALFRED NUTT, Esq., 270, Strand, W.C.)

Primrose Hill, N.W.)

Huguenot Society of London. (REGINALD S. FABER, Esq., M.A., 10, Oppidans Road, Society for Preserving Memorials of the Dead. (W. VINCENT, Esq., Belle View Rise, Hillesdon Road, Norwich.

Berkshire Archæological Society. (Rev. P. H. DITCHFIELD. M.A., F.S.A., Athenæum,
Friar Street, Reading.)
Birmingham and Midland Institute (Archæological Section). (ALFRED HAYES, Esq.,
Bristol and Gloucestershire Archæological Society. (Rev. W. BAZELEY, M.A., Matson
Rectory, Gloucester.)

Bucks Architectural and Archæological Society. (JOHN PARKER, Esq., F.S.A.,
Desborough House, High Wycombe.)
Cambridge Antiquarian Society. (N. C. HARDCASTLE, Esq., LL.D, F.S.A., Downing

College, Cambridge.)

Chester Archæological and Historical Society. (T. J. POWELL, Esq., 14, Newgate
Street, Chester.)
Cornwall, Royal Institution of. (Major PARKYN, F.G.S., 40, Lemon Street, Truro.)
Cumberland and Westmoreland Archæological and Architectural Society. (T. WILSON,

Esq., Aynam Lodge, Kendal.)

Derbyshire Archæological and Natural History Society. (ARTHUR Cox, Esq., M.A.,
Mill Hill, Derby.)

Essex Archæological Society. (H. W. KING, Esq., Leigh Hill, Leigh, Essex.)
Hampshire Field Club. (W. DALE, Esq., F.G.S., 5, Sussex Place, Southampton.)
Kent Archæological Society. (G. PAYNE, Esq., F.S.A., Rochester.)

Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society. (G. C. YATES, Esq., F.S.A., Swinton,


Leicestershire Architectural and Archæological Society. (W. J. FREER, Esq., 10, New
Street, Leicester.)

London and Middlesex Archæological Society. (CHARLES WELCH, Esq., F.S.A., Guild-
hall, E.C., and M. POPE, Esq., F.S.A., 8, Dane's Inn, W.C.)
Maidenhead and Taplow Field Club. (JAMES RUTLAND, Esq., The Gables, Taplow.)
Norfolk and Norwich Archæological Society. (Rev. C. R. MANNING, M.A., F.S.A.,

Diss, Norfolk.)

Oxford Architectural and Historical Society. (PERCY MANNING, Esq., North End, Watford.)

Oxfordshire Archæological Society. (Rev. W. D. MACRAY, M.A., F.S.A., Ducklington
Rectory, Witney, and G. LOVEDAY, Esq., J.P., Manor House, Wordington.)
St. Albans Architectural and Archæological Society. (Rev II. Fowler, M.A., Lemsford
Road, St. Albans.)

Shropshire Archæological and Natural History Society. (FRANC GOYNE, Esq.,
Dogpole, Shrewsbury.)
Somersetshire Archæological and Natural History Society. (C. J. Turner, Esq.,

Surrey Archæological Society. (MILL STEPHENSON, Esq., B.A., F.S.A., 8, Dane's Inn,
Strand, W.C.)

Sussex Archæological Society. (H. GRIFFITH, Esq., F.S.A., 47, Old Steyne, Brighton.) Wiltshire Archæological and Natural History Society. (H. E. MEDLICOTT, Esq., Potterne, Devizes, and Rev. E. H. GODDARD, Clyffe Vicarage, Wootton Bassett.) Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club (Hereford). (H. CECIL MOORE, Esq., 26, Broad

Street, Hereford.)

Yorkshire Archæological and Topographical Association. (G. W. TOMLINSON, Esq., F.S.A., Wood Field, Huddersfield.)

The Congress has also issued a




giving suggestions as to transcriptions, &c., and a list of printed registers and transcripts.

Copies may be had from the Secretary of the Congress, W. H. St. JOHN HOPE, Esq., Burlington House, London, W Price 6d. each.

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