acquaintance with their churches. Hence all the more the world of archæology owes Major Heales a debt of thanks for his novel and attractive contribution to historical art. A History of Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight. By T. W. SHORE, F.G.S. (London: E. Stock.) - The progress of this series of Popular County Histories, published by Mr. Stock, is well marked by this latest addition to the number, of which there are now eight, most of which have been noted in this Journal. It would be manifestly impossible in the modest compass of less than 300 pages octavo to give more than a very slight sketch of any county of this kingdom, much less one which deserves to be enumerated among those of the first importance, whether for extent or for wealth of antiquarian remains; but the author has maintained a very even balance, and taken record of almost all the prominent points which occur to those who have prosecuted their researches into so fertile a field. Busy readers, who cannot find time to devote to plodding wearily through the oldfashioned folio histories, which county topographers of a past age delighted to produce, can obtain a fair general idea of an English county in a few hours by consulting this series; although in the case of the county here under notice there is really no genuine old folio history to turn to, and we were constrained to seek for aid from very insufficient publications respecting any topographical point about Hampshire. Mr. Shore has happily digested the extant published literature, but we fear his visits to the Manuscript Department of the British Museum have not been so frequent as they might have been, where, in that division of the Classed Catalogue which is devoted to this subject, he would, for example, have been advertised of the late Sir Frederic Madden's MS. Collections for Portsmouth, and many other laborious compilations which should have been examined. The Winchester Cathedral Codex, in the Additional Series; the Register of Hyde, and the Winchester Corporation Register among the newlyacquired Stowe MSS.; and a large number of court rolls and charters hitherto unexplored, would have opened up a new light, and a fresh interest to him; but it would be foreign to a work which aims at generalisation and conciseness to enter into minute details, and its task is accomplished probably more efficiently in arranging and condensing what is on record already, than in adding more matter to what is ready to hand. The essays on the history of Winchester, Portsmouth, and Southampton are well written, and in some respects treated in a novel manner; and the author may be congratulated on his labours to produce, as he has produced, lucid and trustworthy compilations of Hampshire facts and fancies in an easily-studied book, which deserves to be widely appreciated. Mr. Stock has also published recently a tastefully-printed work, entitled Books in Chains, and other Bibliographical Papers, by the late William Blades, edited by Mr. Wheatley, whose works are always acceptable to a large class of literary folk. This one is no exception to that rule, and introduces to our notice some quaint aspects of mediæval reading life:- And The Gentleman's Magazine, English Topography, Part II, edited by Mr. Gomme, containing a large amount of antiquarian notices concerning four counties-Cambridge, Chester, Cornwall, and Cumberland, not so generally known and drawn upon as they ought to be. Mr. Gomme deserves much credit for what must really be a heavy task of classifying and arranging these bygone contributions to local history. Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages. Translated and edited by ERNEST F. HENDERSON. (London: Bell and Sons.)-A very useful collection of texts, which form the groundwork of any research into the progress of European political influences during the postRoman period. The Laws of William the Conqueror, The Constitutions of Clarendon, The Magna Charta, The Manner of Holding Parliament, The Rule of St. Benedict and of St. Francis, King John's Concession to the Pope, and The Report of Bishop Luitprand, Ambassador of the Emperors Otto I and II to the Court of Constantinople, are a few among the large number of documents which have been translated. It is to be regretted that explanatory and illustrative notes have not been added, and an index is above all indispensable to such a work; but, apart from this, it is eminently useful to have so handy a collection of deeds, which exist elsewhere only in special works dedicated to one or two single pieces. This ought to become a standard educational work on the especial subject which it takes in hand; but a scholar with any beside a superficial knowledge of the documents would be, perhaps, more willing to turn to more critical editions, the aim of this being only collective and comprehensive. INDEX. A. ALBEMARLE (William Earl of) founds Meanx Aldborough, or Isurium, visited, and its ALLEN (J. R.), Esq., on Early Norman B. Bamborough, kingdom of Bernicia founded BARRETT (Mr.) reads history of Trinity describes jug of Dutch manufacture, BAXTER (Mr.) exhibits printed mug, 1790, 173 Bede spread learning in Northumberland, Bernicia, kingdom founded at Bamborough, BIRCH (Mr.W. DEG.) exhibits casts of seals a few Notes on the Gods of Bri- exhibits impressions of seals of reads Further Notes on St. Nicho- las, 169 exhibits cast of mould for signacu- lum of St. Thomas, found at Hull, 82 describes Sutton in Holderness and BODGER (Mr. J. W.) exhibits Roman remains Boroughbridge visited, 65 Brass of Andrew Evyngar and wife, 263 BROCK (Mr. E. P. L.) exhibits book printed 1892 BROCK (Mr. E. P. L.) reads paper on Wad- exhibits collection of bone relics exhibits Greek turned alabaster from Cyzicus, 184 C. CAVE-BROWN (Rev. J.) describes seals of by Dr. Cox, LL.D., 134 Cliffe Hulme College, near Baslow, find of COKAYNE (Mr. A. E.) communicates notes on archæology in Derbyshire, 127 exhibits rubbings of brasses, Ring- reads note on foundation of Fur- reads paper by Mr. A. C. Fryer on note by, on Furness Abbey, 238 CUMING (Mr. H. S.), V.P., on the Hog's D. Danes conquer Northumberland and settle, 23 M. MACGUIRE (Mr. G.), Town Clerk of York, exhibits an illustrated work on pub- exhibits fermail from Long Lane, exhibits fictilia, temp. Charles I, trated, 185 ster, 251 Magical Roll in the British Museum, 38 exhibits Roman vase, 173 100 Melsa, or Meaux, founded by William Earl Remigius (Bishop), his work at Lincoln, 293 RIPON (The Most Noble the Marquess of), Ripon Cathedral visited, 66; its Communion Roman remains found in Deepdale Cave, Round towers, Essex, 300, Bardfield, Sail- RUSSELL-FORBES (Dr.) on Discovery of Etrus- S. Sailing (Little), the round tower of, 229 Scarborough Castle and Church visited, and J. P. Pritchett, 73, 93; founded 1069, Part II: east or Jesse window, 285; Serpents sculptured, Acropolis of Pergamos, Shrines ordered to be taken down, order Sicily, superstition of the Sicilian peasants, 47 Sigismund, Emperor of Germany, his sword at York, notes of his history, 146 SPARROW-SIMPSON (Rev. W.) describes Magi- St. Piran's Church, Cornwall, uncovered in Stonehenge and Avebury, existing analogues Strafford (Earl of), arms on King's Manor House, York, 10 Strata Florida Abbey, dimensions of, 91 Sussex, the hog's head, the nuptial cup of, 173 Sutton in Holderness, list of lords of, 102 |