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" Though farther toils his tired limbs refuse, The dreaming hunter still the chase pursues. The judge a-bed dispenses still the laws And sleeps again o'er the unfinish'd cause. "
Sporting Magazine - Page 149
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Select British Classics, Volume 16

1803 - 376 pages
...cavetur equis. Me (juoque Musarum studium sub nocte silenti Artibus assuetis sollicitare solet. CLAUD. In sleep, when fancy is let loose to play, Our dreams repeat the wishes of the day. Tho' farther toil his tired limbs refuse, The dreaming hunter still the chace pursues....
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The British Essayists;: Spectator

Alexander Chalmers - 1808 - 318 pages
...cavctur equis. ATe quuquc Musarum stadium sub nocte silenti Artibus assuctis sollicitare sold. CLAUDi In sleep, when fancy is let loose to play. Our dreams repeat the wishes of the day. Though further toil his tired limbs refuse, The dreaming hunter etill the chace...
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The British Essayists; with Prefaces, Historical and Biographical,: The ...

1810 - 316 pages
...eqiiit. Me quoque Musarum studium sub nocte rilenti Jirtibut assuetit sollieitare solet. CLAUD. Tn sleep, when fancy is let loose to play, Our dreams repeat the wishes of the day. Though further toil his tired limbs refuse, The dreaming hunter still the chase...
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The British Essayists: Spectator

James Ferguson - 1819 - 310 pages
...cavetur equis. Me qvoque Mtuantm stadium sub nocte silenti Artihim altiteiis sollicilare sold. CLAUD. In sleep, when fancy is let loose to play, Our dreams repeat the wishes of the day. Though further toil his tired limbs refuse, The judge a-bed dispenses still the...
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The Spectator: Corrected from the Originals, Volume 7

1827 - 412 pages
...cavetur equis. Me quoquc Mnsarum studium sub nocte silenti Artibui assitetis sollicitare iolet. CLAUD. In Sleep, when fancy is let loose to play, Our dreams repeat the wishes of the day. Though further toil his tired limbs refuse, The dreaming hunter still the chase...
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The Spectator [by J. Addison and others] with sketches of the ..., Volumes 9-10

Spectator The - 1853 - 560 pages
...cavctur equis. Me quoque Musarum studium sub nocte silenti Artibus assuetis sollicitare solet. CLAUD. In sleep, when fancy is let loose to play, Our dreams repeat the wishes of the day. Though farther toil his tired limbs refuse, The dreaming hunter still the chase...
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The Works of Joseph Addison: Including the Whole Contents of Bp ..., Volume 5

Joseph Addison - 1854 - 726 pages
...eavotur equls. Me. quoque Musarum atudinm sub uoete Pilenti Artibus assuctts sollicitare solet CLAUD. In sleep, when fancy Is let loose to play, Our dreams repeat the wishes of the day. Though farther toll his tired limbs refuse, The dreaming hunter still the chase...
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The Spectator

Joseph Addison - 1856 - 704 pages
...cavotur equls. Me qnoque Musarum studlam sub noctc silent! Artibus assuetis sollicitare solet CLAUD. In sleep, when fancy is let loose to play, Our dreams repeat the wishes of the daj. Though farther toil his tired limbs refuse, The dreaming hunter still the chase...
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A new dictionary of quotations from the Greek, Latin, and modern languages ...

Greek - 1859 - 568 pages
...precedents. Omnia quae sensu volvuntur vota diurno, Pectore sopito reddit arnica quies. Lat. CLAUDIAN. " In sleep, when fancy is let loose to play, Our dreams repeat the wishes of the day." Omnia tuta tituens. Lat. VIRGIL. — " Fearing all things, even those which are...
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Wisdom, Wit, and Allegory. Selected from "The Spectator"

Joseph Addison, P.P. - London. - Spectator, 1711-14 - 1864 - 344 pages
...condition to provide for its safety and subsistence in its proper station. WISDOM AND RICHES : A VISION. " In sleep, when fancy is let loose to play, Our dreams repeat the wishes of the day, Though further toil his tired limbs refuse, The dreaming hunter still the chase...
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