regarded by many as complete,-that letters are certainly of Divine origin—and the immediate gift of God. Let the inestimable favour then, be duly acknowledged. Preaching the gospel is not the declared object of this paper; but our readers will admit the propriety of the writer calling upon them to adore the infinite wisdom and goodness of our glorious Creator, in granting to us the precious art of alphabetical writing, and especially to praise his holy name for the gift of Divine Revelation. With the inspired Apostle Paul, therefore, he would say, 'And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them who are sanctified.' May this be the happy portion of every reader through faith in Christ Jesus! WHY AM I A SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER? 1. Because I trust that God by His grace has revealed Himself unto me as my God reconciled through Jesus Christ. 2. Because Christian believers are the salt of the earth,' and therefore their savour must be known in their respective conditions of life. 3. Because it is the duty of brethren to love each other, and build each other up in the faith of the gospel, according as God has imparted the gift to every one. 4. Because Christ has said Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not,' and I wish, as an humble instrument of the Saviour, to direct the young unto The Refuge.' 5. Because when the young are induced to attend at the Sunday school, there is impressed upon their minds a feeling of regard to the Lord's day; and since as the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined,' I hope that the habit which at first may be formed by constraint will in after-life become, through God's power, the willing obedience of Christian love. 6. Because it is the duty of all who love Jehovah Jesus,' to do what they can in checking the violation of the Lord's day, and in becoming fellow-helpers with the ministers of the Church. Constrained by the above reasons, I have become a Sunday school teacher. To God will I give the praise, and may the Great Shepherd of the flock enable me to adore the doctrine of my God and Saviour in all things. Amen.-American Periodical. The frontiers of Palestine were inhabited by wandering tribes who delighted in robbery. Watch towers were therefore built in numerous places. Sentinels were placed upon them, who by trumpet or by fire might give an alarm when the foe was approaching. Their duties were very important and very harassing. See Isa. Ivi. 10. Ezek. xxxiii. 2, 5. Isa. xxi. 8. Judg. ix. 51. 2 Chr. xxvii. 4. Towers were also built to keep open communications between one town and another, thus affording safety to travellers, Ezek. xviii. 17, 18; and to facilitate the destruction of besieged cities, Ezek. xxi. 22; as also to protect vineyards, flocks, plantations, and various kinds of property. God is the protector and tower of his people : see Ps. Ixi. 3. xviii. 10. Nahum i. 7. TO OUR READERS. Many perperiodical, Will our The Conductors of the Sunday School Magazine request from their kind readers one favour. A new year is at hand. sons will be disposed to commence it by ordering some which shall accompany and instruct them through the year. readers introduce this, and say a good word in its favour? We are preparing to render it increasingly worthy of general support; and, to be free from pecuniary loss, we ask that each subscriber will obtain a new one. Will superintendents kindly suggest it to their brethren, the teachers? Will teachers kindly encourage their scholars to obtain it, by receiving their half-penny each week? Will secretaries kindly introduce our two volumes to their school and congregational libraries? Will committees kindly adopt this magazine as a prize and reward book? To facilitate such efforts we shall be willing to give, for gratuitous circulation, a few copies as specimens, to any friends who can receive them, free, either from Manchester or from London. Let such friends address a note to the Editor, at 64, Market Street, Manchester, on or before December 15th, stating the number of scripture readers in their school, and the mode by which the parcel is to be conveyed. Our January number will contain, among other articles, a New Year's Address to Sunday Schools, by the Rev. J. A. James, of Birmingham; and the first of a series of papers, 'Astronomy for Sunday Scholars,' with engravings by Thos. Dick, Esq., L.L.D. It will also be richly illustrated with wood cuts. Poetry. LINES ON THE DEATH OF JOHN BRITCHER, A voice came from an early grave, That grave had been but lately open, Into its wide devouring mouth! For oh! affliction came, and sped A burning fever in his head Soon laid him low in Death's dark gloom. The voice to me itself addressed, And spoke what I again might say; And deeply on my mind impress'd And bade me seek, while time is given, It bade me of the Judgment tell, When men shall rise to meet their doom; Sinners shall see a yawning Hell Moving for them, before they come. And saints shall shout for joy, and sing, Ye Scholars! of the Sabbath School, Ye Teachers! teach while yet you may, And warn the young, from wrath to flee, The summons soon may be address'd If early death-or longer life To us on earth by Thee be given, Now fare thee well, dear Youth, we trust Shall meet in bliss to part no more. Where saints and angels both shall join Even now sweet Hope the prospect cheers, We are but pilgrims here on earth, And with them in His presence stand. |