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Christians fully live according to the Gospel, how will the world regard them?-20. What proof of brotherly love did these persons give?-21. Were they compelled to sell their property? Acts v. 4.22. Was this practice meant to be an example for all ages ?-23. Are there many other ways in which we can show our love to each other?-24. If every Christian would act as did the primitive saints, would conversions be more frequent?-25. How may we make our Sunday Schools to resemble the first Christian churches?


Bromley, Kent.-'INDEPENDENT CHAPEL.'-A beautifully bound copy of the Holy Scriptures, with marginal readings, with the following inscription inserted -"Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light;' was presented to John Bristor, on Sunday, April 2nd, for learning nine thousand and five hundred verses of the Scripture in the space of twelve months. The presentation was made by the Rev. G. Verrall, minister of the chapel, before the children of the Sunday School, when an appropriate address was given, upon the value of the Word of God; after which the Rev. gentleman promised the same gift to any of the scholars learning the same portion of Scripture.

Burslem.-The teachers of the school at St. Paul's church, presented to their esteemed minister, the Rev. B. Ellis, a gown and cassock, on Thursday, March 9th, as a testimony of their high respect for his unwearied exertions among them. Enoch Wood, Esq., occupied the chair during the proceedings of the presentation.

Churchtown, Lancashire.-On Tuesday, the 21st of February, an interesting meeting was held in the Independent Chapel, for the purpose of presenting a testimonial of respect and esteem to the venerable minister, the Rev. W. Alexander, on his attaining his eightieth year. About 200 persons partook of tea in the School-room, after which they adjourned to the chapel, which soon became crowded with an attentive audience. Appropriate mottos adorned the walls, such as Ebenezer,' 'I am this day four-score years old,' (2 Sam. xix, 35.) 'By the grace of God I am what I am.' The Rev. G. Greatbatch, of Southport, was appointed chairman. Mr. Pierpoint, the senior deacon, was then called upon to read an address, after which Mr. Gregson, the other deacon, presented to their venerable pastor, in the name of the congregation and other kind friends, a purse containing forty sovereigns. Mr. Pierpoint next presented a snuff-box with its contents, which had been provided by the children belonging to the Sabbath School. The chairman then handed to the veteran soldier of Jesus Christ the complete works of the Rev. Andrew Fuller, the kind gift of a member of the Independent Church, at Norwich. Mr. Alexander returned thanks, and in an interesting speech related the particular events of his long life, bringing the narrative down to the present time. He is still able to preach three times every Lord's day, besides itinerating in the neighbourhood during the week. Several Sabbath School Teachers and Scholars were present, and the address contained the pleasing fact that some of them were his children in the Lord.'

Nottingham.-On Tuesday evening the teachers of the Sabbath Schools connected with the Independent Church assembling in Castle-gate, Nottingham, met for tea in the Hounds-gate school-room. In the course of the evening, Mr.

Peacock, the much respected superintendent who has been honourably connered with the school for forty-four years, after an interesting address, in winch be affectionately alinded to the labours of the Rev. Richard Alliott, late in connection with the formation and carrying on of these Sunday Schools, and to the continued exertions of their present pastor in forwarding the good work, presented. Dr. Albot, in the name of the teachers, with a handsome copy of Dr. G's Commentary,' in nine volumes quarto, bearing the following inscription:

•Presented by the teachers of the Sabbath School connected with the Independent church assembling in the Mesting-house, Castle-gate, Nottingham, to their beloved pastor, the Rev. Richard Alliott, LL.D., as a small testimonial of their Christian affection for him, and of the high esteem in which they hold his ministry; accompanied by their best wishes for his welfare, and their earnest prayer that Almighty God would be pleased abundantly to bless his efforts for the spread of the Redeemer's Kingdom in the new sphere of labour to which in the course of Providence, he has been recently called.-Nottingham, March 28th, 1843."

At the same time, Mr. S. W. Moore, on behalf of the teachers, presented Mrs. Alliott with an elegantly bound copy of Finden's Landscape Illustrations of the Bible,' as a mark of their esteem for her, and the value which they attached to her services in connection with the schools.

Dr. Alliott, in reply, after expressing his deep interest in the future prosperity of the Church and schools, called upon the teachers to renewed diligence in their labours, and concluded with a strong exhortation to prayer and union.

The meeting was afterwards addressed by the Rev. Thomas Keyworth, and by Messrs. Straw, Taylor, and Mather. The thought of having so soon to part with their beloved pastor, was the only thing to interfere with the otherwise unmingled enjoyment of the evening.


Died at Trowbridge, on the 17th of March, aged 61, Mr. RICHARD WEARING, for many years the superintendent of the Baptist Sunday school, in Back street Chapel.

Died on the 29th of March, in Manchester, aged 79, Mr. JOHN YOUNG, the oldest Sunday school teacher in Manchester. He entered the Church of England Sunday schools, as a teacher, in 1786, and, down to his death, steadily pursued his consistent and useful course. The Sunday before his death he occupied his post as president in the St. Paul's school, and after seeing much fruit from his labours, he departed amid the benedictions of all who knew him.

Died at Wigan, on the night of Sunday, April 2nd, Mr. WILLIAM MCKERROW, Draper, &c., for some years the superintendent of the Princess street Independent Sunday school in that town. He had been at worship twice, appearing unusually well: he united in family worship, and shortly after retiring to rest was seized with apoplexy, and died almost instantaneously.

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No country in the world possesses such facilities for internal commerce as China. Availing themselves of the great number of rivers and lakes which intersect the Empire, its industrious inhabitants have almost everywhere opened communications by water, thus securing the advantages of traffic, and at the same time effectually draining many districts, which at one time were marshy and insalubrious. Though China were not of itself so fruitful a country as I have represented it,' wrote Le Compte in 1690, the canals which are cut through it, were alone sufficient to make it so. But besides their great usefulness in that, and the way of trade, they add also much beauty to it. They are generally of a clear, deep, and running water that glides so softly that it can scarce be perceived. There is one usually in every province, which is to it instead of a road, and runs between two banks built up with flat


force your children to learn a lesson, nor lead them in any way to consider it as a task, rather, kindly desire them to prepare it, and not only so, but if you would encourage them as much as possible, you must prepare it with them, and thus show your interest in them and their work. Your little ones will then be anxious to keep in mind what they are taught at school, in order that they may have the pleasure of telling you, and catching your approving smile. Thus many a sweet domestic hour will you pass together in mutual improvement and good will. You will always find this kind of encouragement successful and profitable to all parties concerned.

Fourth.-Help your children to APPLY, during the week, what they learn on the Sabbath. 'Before parents can do this,' says the same writer, they must attend to the former request, to question them on what they have learned. Remembering the lessons so as to be able to repeat them perfectly on the following Sunday, will be of little use to the children, if they do not remember them so as to influence their conduct during the week. The Teachers cannot watch over the words and actions of the children, this must be the parents' work. For instance, if they see them quarrelling, to remind them of some text or verse of a hymn, which they have learned on the subject-if the children promise, as they are so ready to do, that they will not be naughty again, to remind them that they have been taught to ask God to help them to be good, and that of themselves they can do no good thing. If the various doctrines and precepts of God's word were thus continually brought before the children, what happy results, with God's blessing, might we expect would follow.' This, dear friends, is one of the most important parts of your duty, and one of the most effectual ways in which you can work with us. You must watch over your children's characters, and bring the instructions they receive on the Sabbath to bear upon their daily habits and faults. This is training them in the 'nurture and admonition of the Lord,' and bringing them, as far as we ourselves are able, to see and feel the nature and power of religion. If this method of applying what they learn is neglected, they will have but very faint and partial notions of what piety is, and will be increased in head knowledge, while their heart and conduct remain unaltered. In this way only can be corrected the very common notion, that learning the word of God and knowing the truths of the gospel is religion, while its very

essence and power in regulating the heart and life is wanting. This will, more than anything else, realize in their minds the excellence of piety. This, on your part, will be seeking God's blessing in the use of appointed means. And if these, your efforts, are joined with consistency in your own life, frequent earnest prayer, long-suffering, kindness, and constant watchfulness, they will be in time crowned with success, and you will see your children grow up like olive branches round your table,' exhibiting all the freshness and vigour of 'plants of God's planting, that he may be glorified.'

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Keep, then, dear friends, these four things in mind— 1st, The use and object of the Sunday School, and the motive you should have in sending your children. 2nd, The duty which is laid upon you of giving them right notions on these points, both by word and deed. 3rd, The importance and happy results of encouraging them to learn their lessons, and preparing them with them. 4th, And the necessity of helping them to apply, during the week, the instructions they receive on the Sabbath.


C. W.



There is a happy place,

Where little children meet,

To sing of Jesu's grace,

And sit at Jesu's feet,

To learn of him a life of love,

And seek a sweeter world above.

There is a happy day,

'The best of all the seven,'

When children read and pray,

To find the road to heaven,

Kind Jesus! guide us lest we stray,
THOU art the life, the truth, THE WAY.'

Jesus! our dying friend,

We joy to hear of thee,

And till this life shall end,

And through eternity,

We'll sing thy love to fallen man,

'And praise thee more than angels' can.'

To thee we look and call,

While here below we roam,

Bring children,-teacher, -all

Safe to a better home;

Then shall we shout in louder strain,

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Worthy the Lamb that once was slain.'


C. W.

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