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hallowed truths and counsels with which this charming little volume teems. We strongly recommend it to all such; and have no doubt but that its use may be tracked in the pure joys it will excite.

BARNABAS. By Rev, T. MANN. Ward.

This is termed 'A Manual for those who are Cast Down.' It consists of twenty-five sections, on subjects eminently adapted to those who need the Son of Consolation, and each section is illustrated by remarks from authors-ancient and modern. Need we say more in praise of this small work, than that our own apprehensions of future sorrows are allayed by the possession of so rich a fund of encouragement as we have here?


We can safely introduce this small volume to the libraries of our Sunday schools. It is addressed to the young, and it gives information on the efforts which have already been made for Western Africa, together with the need and encouragement there is for greater efforts. A very pretty engraving embellishes the work; and, altogether, it is one of the most instructive and exciting publications of the present day.


We owe an apology to our friend, Mr. Cobbin, for our neglect of his musical productions. We beg, however, now to remind all our readers that the work is progressing. It consists of original easy, yet beautiful anthems, adapted to the most popular of the psalms of David. The sound and the sense do most admirably agree. They conspire in producing real melody. Being somewhat distrustful of our opinion, in musical matters, we are very happy in being able to echo the opinion of a very competent judge, who reports that 'the series, thus far, is all that could be wished.' We regret that, through a fearful bereavement, Mr. Cobbin's harp has been hung on the willows. Let us hope it will, ere long, reverberate to the songs of Sion. We shall endeavour in future, to announce each part as it issues from the press.

The Portion.

MARCH 12.- THE TABLES BROKEN. - Exodus xxxii. 15-35.


Ver. 15. Written on both their sides, either the words were cut through the stone, as the Rabbins maintain, or the words on the back were a continuation of those in front, or the same words were written on both sides, so that two parties might read them at the same time. Ver. 17. 'Noise of war,' supposing, as a military man, that the camp had been attacked by neighbouring tribes. Joshua appears to have been on the mount waiting for Moses. Ver. 18. 'He said,' Moses said it. Ver. 19. 'Brake them," under a divine impulse, and signifying that the covenant with God was broken. Ver. 20. The calf, the wood was burnt to dust, and the golden covering of the calf was ground thin as our gold leaf and made to float on the water descending from the mount, Deut. ix. 21. Ver. 25. 'Naked,' helpless and wretched as in 2 Chron. xxviii. 19: they had lost not only their ornament, but their innocence and defence in God's favour. Ver. 26. 'Who is, free from this transgression. Ver. 27. Gate to gate,' the camp has been

thought to be entrenched with two gates: the sin was a capital offence against their God and King. Ver. 32. 'Blot me,' the people were registered and at death were blotted out of the book of the living: Moses would rather die than see the destruction of the people. Ver. 34. 'Visit, God spared the people in answer to the prayer of Moses, but did not allow any to enter Canaan except Caleb and Joshua.


1. Can you give the substance of the last portion?-2. What was written on the tables while Moses was with God on the mountain? -3. On approaching the camp how did Joshua and Moses understand the noise they heard? -4. How was Moses affected?-5. What did he do?-6. What did the action signify?-7. Moses was angry, when may we be angry?-8. How were the Israelites punished for making the calf? name different ways, Acts vii. 41, 42.-9. What painful consequences are sure to spring from sin?-10. Can sin under any circumstances profit us?-11. Which is the worse result of sin, man's suffering or God's dishonour?-12. What do we learn from Moses' faithful rebuke to his brother in ver. 212-13. Did Aaron's high station lessen or increase his guilt in this transaction?-14. What is there to blame in Aaron's defence of himself? give two or three things.-15. Why was not Aaron put to death? Deut. ix. 20.16. Why was the atonement made after the three thousand had been slain?-17. What dispositions are manifest in Moses' intercession?18. How does his pleading resemble that of Christ? -19. How does the pardon of the Israelites differ from the pardon we may have through Jesus? Jer. xxxi. 34.-20. Is there any sin greater than making a golden calf?-21. When may we safely believe that God has pardoned us? Acts v. 31, х. 43.



This Psalm is supposed to have been written by some Jew who had been carried captive to Babylon. The Israelites were there seventy years in dreadful bondage, because they had slighted divine things. They would carry many of the spoils of the temple with them; and among them, it has been thought, the cherubic figures of the ark: see page 58. Ver. 1. 'Rivers, Chebar, Ulai, Tigris, Euphrates, Ezek. i. 1, Dan. viii. 2. Perhaps the Jews were there, being forbidden to live in towns, or worshiping as was customary, Acts xvi. 13, or employed in draining marshy lands: 'Sat down' in distress, Lam. ii. 10, Job ii. 13. Ver. 2. 'Harps, formerly employed in the temple: Willows, there were many, Is. xv. 7. Ver. 3-4. 'Sing,' many singers were carried captive, Ezra ii. 41: the Jews have always been fine singers: the songs were sacred and not fit for idolators. Ver. 5-6. 'If I forget,' it would have been like forgetting God who dwelt at Jerusalem: 'Cunning, skilfulness to play on the harp, 1 Sam. xvi. 16-18. Ver: 7. 'Children of Edon,' the Idumeans who joined Nebuchadnezzar in destroying Jerusalem, Ezek. xxv. 12, Obad. i. 8, 11, 14; they were of the same blood as the Israelites, and in five years, God did remember their sins and allow the Chaldeans to scourge them. Ver. 8. Daughter,' the capital of Babylon; the Persians reduced it, and Cyrus destroyed it five hundred years before Christ: the inhabitants were dreadfully slaughtered : it seems the Jew's children were killed by stoning, Lam. ii. 11, Is., xiii. 16.


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