| William Oldys - 1740 - 328 pages
...th' univerfal frame : The nobleft part, man, felt it firft ; and then, Both beafts and plants, curft in the curie of man ; So did the world from the firft...loft, and th' earth , and no man's wit . Can well dirsft him where to look for it. Dr. Donne. 'The world contains Princes for arms, and councilors for... | |
| James Daly - 1979 - 46 pages
...famous lines are not so widely known that they are not worth quoting at length : And new Philosophy calls all in doubt, The Element of fire is quite put out; The Sun is lost, and th'earth, and no mans wit Can well direct him where to looke for it. And freely men... | |
| Robert Anderson - 1795 - 912 pages
...beginning of the day ; And now the 'Brings and fummcrs which, we fee, Like (or. s of w >men after fifry be : And new philofophy calls all in doubt The element of fire is quite put cfet ; The fun is I ft, and th' earth, and no man's wir C,m well direct hini where to Fook for it :... | |
| John Bell - 1800 - 458 pages
...and summers which we >tr, , , Likesons.of women after fifty be: . , ,.,,-.,,,„\. And new philosophy calls all in doubt " The element of fire is quite put ou,t; .. .....,,,. lwa c.TheĞun is lost, and th' earth, and.no.msn's.MiJV ,,l ,s.& Can well direct him where... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1810 - 728 pages
...And now the springs and summers, which we see, Like sons of womc-n after fifty be. And new philosophy calls all in doubt, The element of fire is quite put out : The Sun is lost, and th' Earth; and no man's wit Can well direct him where to look for it, And freely men... | |
| John Donne - 1839 - 588 pages
...And now the springs and summers which we see, Like sons of women after fifty be. And new philosophy calls all in doubt, The element of fire is quite put out ; The sun is lost, and the earth, and no man's wit Can well direct him where to look for it. And freely men... | |
| John Donne, Henry Alford - 1839 - 582 pages
...And now the springs and summers which we see, Like sons of women after fifty be. And new philosophy calls all in doubt, The element of fire is quite put out ; The sun is lost, and the earth, and no man's wit Can well direct him where to look for it. And freely men... | |
| John Donne, Henry Alford - 1839 - 598 pages
...And now the springs and summers which we see, Like sons of women after fifty be. And new philosophy calls all in doubt, The element of fire is quite put out ; The sun is lost, and the earth, and no man's wit Can well direct him where to look for it. And freely men... | |
| Mary (Queen of Scots) - 1855 - 306 pages
...now the Springs and Sommers which we see, Like sonnes of women after fiftie bee. And new Philosophy calls all in doubt, The Element of fire is quite put out ; The Sun is lost, and th' earth, and no mans wit Can well direct him where to looke for it. And freely men... | |
| Alexander Andrews - 1859 - 646 pages
...man is," where correspondences are lost and nature no longer fulfills its office: And new Philosophy calls all in doubt The Element of fire is quite put out; The Sun is lost, and th1 earth, and no mans wit Can well direct him where to looke for it. And freely men... | |
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