New Romney. Sir Edward Deering... Richard Jackson; made a commis sioner of the treasury; a new writ ordered, July 8, 1782, he was re-elected. Rye. Middleton Onslow; made steward of the manor of East Hendred in the county of Berks; a new writ ordered, 1775.--Thoinas Onslow; eldest sou of lord Onslow and Cranley.--Rose Fuller; died, a new writ ordered, May 8, 1777.--William Dickenson. Winchelsea. Arnold Nesbitt; made his election for Cricklade; a new writ ordered, February 21, 1775.---William Nedham.---Charles W. Cornwall; a commissioner of the treasury, and on the dissolution of this parliament made chief justice in Eyre, north of Trent. Seaford. W. Hall, viscount Gage.--GeoMedley. WALES. ANGLESEY. Thomas James, viscount Bulkeley; of Ireland; made lord lieutenant and custos rotulorum of the county of Carnarvon. Beaumaris. Sir Hugh Williams. BRECONSHIRE. Charles Morgan. Brecon. Charles Van; died, a new writ ordered, April 9, 1778.--Charles Gould; judge advocate-general to the landforces; he was knighted in 1778; made chamberlain of the town and borough of Brecon, and counties of Brecon, Radnor, and Glamorgan. CARDIGANSHIRE. Wilmot, viscount Lisburne; created earl of Lisburne, July 16, 1776. Cardigan. Sir Robert Smith; not duly elected.--Thomas Jones, jun.; duly elected, and ought to have been returned; made steward of the manor of East Hendred in the county of Berks; a new writ ordered, June 1780, he was elected for the county of Radnor.--John Campbell. CARMARTHENSHIRE. George Rice; died, and the Speaker issued his warrant for a new writ to the clerk of the crown, August 20, 1779.--John Vaughan. Carmarthen. John Adams. CARNARVONSHIRE. Thomas Asheton Smith. FLINTSHIRE. Sir Roger Mostyn. Flint. Sir John Glynne; died, a new writ ordered, June 5, 1777.---Watkin Williams. RADNORSHIRE. Chase Price; died, and the Speaker issued his warrant to the clerk of the crown for a new writ, July 1777. --Thomas Johnes, sen. ; custos rotulorum of the county of Glamorgan; died, a new writ ordered, June 1780.--Thomas Johnes; son of the late member; made auditor or receiver-general of the customs of Wales; a new writ ordered, May 25, 1781, he was re-elected. Radnor. John Lewis; not duly elected. --Edward Lewis; duly elected, and ought to have been returned. SHIRES OF SCOTLAND. Aberdeen. Alexander Garden. Ayr. Sir Adam Ferguson. Argyle. Adam Livingstone; second son of sir James Livingstone. Banff. James, earl Fife. Berwick. James Pringle.--Sir John Paterson; son-in-law to the earl of Marchmont. Bute and Caithness. James Stuart; second son of the earl of Bute; majorcommandant of a regiment of foot. Clackmannan and Kinross. Ralph Abercrombie; lieutenant-colonel of dragoons. Cromartie and Nairn. Cosmo Gordon; made a baron of the court of Exchequer in Scotland; a new writ ordered, March 1777.--John Campbell. Dumfries. Robert Laurie; eldest son of sir Robert Laurie, bart.; a major-general; succeeded his father as baronet. Dunbarton. Sir Archibald Edmonstone. Edinburgh. Henry Dundas; solicitorgeneral for Scotland; made lord advocate for Scotland; a new writ ordered, May 1775, he was re-elected; made joint keeper of the signet for Scotland; a new writ ordered, March 1777, he was re-elected; made keeper of the signet for Scotland; a new writ ordered, June 3, 1779, he was re-elected. Elgin. Arthur Duff; fourth brother to earl Fife; made comptroller of the excise in Scotland; a new writ ordered, April 2, 1779.--Lord William Gordon; next brother to the duke of Gordon; deputy ranger of St. James's and Byde parks. Fife. John Scott; made a major-general; died, a new writ ordered, December 1775.--James Townshend Oswald; secretary to the Leeward islands; made auditor of the Exchequer in Scotland; a new writ ordered, June 2, 1779.--Robert Skene; a major-general; baggage-master, and inspector of the roads in Scotland; this last office was created since the year 1704, and on that account the committee who tried the petition against this election found that Robert Skene, esq. was not eligible to be elected, and that John Henderson, esq. the petitioner, was duly elected, and ought to have been returned, February 7, 1780.--John Henderson; eldest son of sir Robert Henderson, bart. Forfar. William earl Panmure. Haddington. Sir George Suttie; made steward of the manor of East Hendred in the county of Berks; a new writ ordered, May 9, 1777.--William Nesbitt. Inverness. Simon Fraser; a lieutenantgeneral in 1772, and in 1775 colonel of a regiment of foot. Kincardine. Lord Adam Gordon; uncle to the duke of Gordon; colonel of a regiment of foot, and a major-general; made a lieutenant-general in 1777; made governor of Tinmouth castle in 1778. Kirkcudbright. William Stewart. Lanark. Andrew Stuart; made joint keeper of the signet; a new writ ordered, March 1777, he was re-elected ; made a commissioner of trade and plan. tations; a new writ ordered, June 3, 1779, he was re-elected. Linlithgow. Sir William Augustus Cunningham. Orkney. Thomas Dundas, jun. ; made a lieutenant-colonel in the army. Peebles. James Montgomery; made lord chief baron of the court of Exchequer in Scotland; a new writ ordered, May 25, 1775.--Adam Hay; died, a new writ ordered, November 1775.--Sir Robert Murray Keith; his majesty's ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary at Vienna, and a colonel in the army; made a major-general in 1777. Perth. James Murray; made governor of Fort William in Scotland. Renfrew. John Craufurd; chamberlain of the county of Fife. Inverness, &c. Hector Munro; made a colonel in the army in August 1777 ; made a knight of the bath in 1780. Elgin, &c. Staats Long Morris ; a colonel in the army; made a major-geheral in August 1777; made colonel of a regiment of foot in August 1778. Aberdeen, &c. Thomas Lyon; made steward of the manor of East Hendred in the county of Berks; a new writ ordered, 1778.--Adam Drummond; a banker in London; in this parliament before for St. Ives. Forfar, &c. George Dempster. Crail, &c. Philip Anstruther; eldest son of sir John Anstruther, bart. ; a lieutenant of dragoons; made steward of the three Chiltern Hundreds; a new writ ordered, November 20, 1777.--George Damer; eldest son of lord Mil ton. Kirkaldy, &c. John Johnstone. Inverkeithing, &c. Archibald Campbell; a lieutenant-colonel in the army. Glasgow, &c. Lord Frederick Campbell. Selkirk, &c. Sir James Cockburne. Haddington, &c. John Maitland; made lieutenant-colonel of a regiment of foot; died, at Savannah in North America; a new writ ordered, November 1779.-Francis Charteris; only son of the bonourable Francis Charteris, and grandson of the late earl of Wemyss. Dumfries, &c. William Douglas. Wigton, &c. William Norton; eldest son of sir Fietcher Norton, knt. the Speaker in last parliament; minister to the Swiss Cantons; not duly elected.---Henry Watkin Dashwood; eldest son of sir James Dashwood, bart.; duly elected, and ought to have been returned. Ayr, &c. Sir George Macartney; sonin-law to the earl of Bute; made go vernor and captain-general of the islands | His Majesty being seated on the throne, of Grenada, Grenadines, &c. in the commanded the gentleman usher of the West Indies; a new writ ordered, Black Rod to let the Commons know," It 1775.-- Frederick Stuart; fourth son of is his Majesty's pleasure that they attend him immediately in this House." Who being come, the earl of Bute. SIXTEEN PEERS OF SCOTLAND. Duke of Gordon. Earl of Cassilis; died in 1775; (earl of Dunmore in his stead.) Strathmore; died in 1776; (earl of Eglintoun in his stead.) Abercorn. Breadalbane. March and Ruglen. Viscount Stormont. Irwin; died in 1778; (marquis of Lothian in his stead.) Lord Cathcart; died in 1776; (earl of Sir Fletcher Norton re-chosen Speaker.] The Commons being returned to their House, Lord Guernsey, son and heir apparent of the earl of Aylesford, addressing him. self to the Clerk, (who, standing up, pointed to him, and then sat down) proposed to the House for their Speaker the right hon. sir Fletcher Norton; in which he was seconded by lord Robert Spencer, brother to the duke of Marlborough. The House then calling sir Fletcher Norton to the chair, he stood up in his place, and expressed the sense he had of the honour proposed to be conferred on him, and submitted himself to the House. The House then again unanimously calling sir Fletcher Norton to the chair, he was taken out of his place by the said lord Guernsey and lord Robert Spencer, and conducted to the chair: where being placed, he again expressed himself truly sensible of the high honour the House had been pleased to confer upon him, in unanimously choosing him again to be their Speaker. And then the mace (which before lay under the table) was laid upon the table. Then sir John Shelley, treasurer of his Majesty's household, having congratulated Mr. Speaker elect, moved to adjourn till to-morrow. The Speaker's Speech on being presented to the King and approved of.] Nov. 30. Sir Fletcher Norton said, "Most gracious Sovereign; "Your Majesty's dutiful subjects, the Commons of this your realm in parliament assembled, have, in pursuance of your Majesty's direction, and of their ancient right, elected one of their members to be their Speaker for this parliament; and their choice, Sir, having once more fallen upon me for this high and important trust, they now present me to your Majesty for your judgment upon their election. Needless will it be in me, Sir, to mention on this occasion, with regard to myself, what I fear cannot but be too well known to your Majesty: it therefore best becomes me, with silence and submission, to resign myself to your royal determination." Then the Lord Chancellor, receiving directions from his Majesty, said, "Sir Fletcher Norton, "You have appealed to the King's own experience and knowledge for the decision of the weighty affair now under his consideration, and it is from thence his Majesty has formed his judgment. "After having had such clear demonstration of your abilities, zeal, and application, in the service of himself and of your country, in the last parliament, his Majesty commands me to let you know, that he entirely approves the choice which his faithful Commons have made, and allows and confirms you to be their Speaker." After which, Mr. Speaker said: Since your Majesty has been pleased to confirm the choice your Commons have made of me to be their Speaker, it is my duty, Sit, with all humility, to conform myself to their appointment and your royal approbation of it; begging your Majesty's favourable acceptance of my humblest acknowledgments for this fresh instance of your Majesty's grace towards myself, and that your Majesty would vouchsafe to pardon my failings and infirmities, at least not to impute them in any wise to your faithful Commons. And that your Commons in parliament may be the better enabled to discharge their duty to your Majesty and their country, I do in their name, and on their behalf, by humble petition to your Majesty, lay claim to all their ancient rights and privileges; particularly that they, their servants, and estates, may be free from arrests and all other molestation. That they may enjoy freedom of speech in their debates, and have liberty of access to your royal person on all occasions; and that all their proceedings may receive from your Majesty the most favourable interpretation." Which done, into execution the laws which were passed in the last session of the late parliament, for the protection and security of the commerce of my subjects, and for the restoring and preserving peace, order, and good government, in the province of the Massachuset's Bay. And you may depend on my firm and stedfast resolution to withstand every attempt to weaken or impair the supreme authority of this legislature over all the dominions of my crown, the maintenance of which I consider as essential to the dignity, the safety, and the welfare of the British empire, assuring myself that, while I act upon these principles, I The Lord Chancellor, by his Majesty's shall never fail to receive your assistance further commands, said, "Mr. Speaker, "The King has the greatest confidence in the duty and affection of this House of Commons to his person and government, and an high opinion of that wisdom, temper, and prudence, which they will use in all their proceedings; and his Majesty does most readily grant and allow to them all their privileges, in as full and ample a manner as they have at any time been granted or allowed by his Majesty, or any of his royal predecessors. "There is one suit, Sir, which you have made on your own behalf: his Majesty has received the surest pledge that no person in your station ever stood less in need of it than yourself: but that you may want no support in sustaining the burden of that important trust which is reposed in you, his Majesty has directed me to assure you, that he will put the most favourable construction both on your words and actions." The King's Speech on Opening the Session. Then his Majesty was pleased to speak as follows: "My Lords, and Gentlemen; "It gives me much concern that I am obliged, at the opening of this parliament, to inform you that a most daring spirit of resistance and disobedience to the law still unhappily prevails in the province of the Massachuset's Bay, and has in divers parts of it broke forth in fresh violences of a very criminal nature. These proceedings have been countenanced and encouraged in other of my colonies, and unwarrantble attempts have been made to obstruct the commerce of this kingdom by unlawful combinations. I have taken such measures, and given such orders, as I judged most proper and effectual for carrying [VOL. XVIII.] and support. "I have the greatest satisfaction in being able to inform you, that a treaty of peace is concluded between Russia and the Porte. By this happy event the troubles which have so long prevailed in one part of Europe are composed, and the general tranquillity rendered complete. It shall be my constant aim and endeavour to prevent the breaking out of fresh disturbances; and I cannot but flatter myself I shall succeed, as I continue to receive the strongest assurances from other powers of their being equally disposed to preserve the peace. "Gentlemen of the House of Commons; "I have ordered the proper Estimates for the service of the ensuing year to be laid before you; and I doubt not but that, in this House of Commons, I shall meet with the same affectionate confidence, and the same proofs of zeal and attachment to my person and government, which I have always, during the course of my reign, received from my faithful Commons. "My Lords, and Gentlemen; "Let me particularly recommend to you, at this time, to proceed with temper in your deliberations, and with unanimity in your resolutions. Let my people, in every part of my dominions, be taught by your example, to have a due reverence for the laws, and a just sense of the blessings, of our excellent constitution. They may be assured that, on my part, I have nothing so much at heart as the real prosperity and lasting happiness of all my subjects." The Lords' Address of Thanks.] His Majesty having retired, The Earl of Hillsborough rose, and in a long and able speech set forth the situation of the colonies with the mother country, [D] highly disapproving of the refractory spirit of the Americans, and hoping, that, with temper and unanimity, such measures might be adopted, as to bring about a reconciliation. His lordship then moved, "That an humble Address be presented to his Majesty, to return his Majesty the thanks of this House for his most gracious Speech from the throne. "To declare our abhorrence and detestation of the daring spirit of resistance and disobedience to the laws, which so strongly prevails in the province of the Massachusets Bay, and of the unwarrantable attempts in that and other provinces of America, to obstruct, by unlawful combinations, the trade of this kingdom. "To return his Majesty our humble thanks for having been pleased to communicate to us, that he has taken such measures, and given such orders as his Majesty hath judged most proper and effectual for the protection and security of the commerce of his Majesty's subjects, and for carrying into execution the laws, which were passed in the last session of the late parliament, relative to the province of the Massachuset's Bay. To express our entire satisfaction in his Majesty's firm and stedfast resolution to continue to support the supreme authority of the legislature over all the dominions of his crown, and to give his Majesty the strongest assurances that we will cheerfully co-operate in all such measures, as shall be necessary to maintain the dignity, safety, and welfare of the British empire. "That as this nation cannot be unconcerned in the common interest of Europe, we have the greatest satisfaction in being acquainted with the conclusion of the peace between Russia and the Porte; that we confide in his Majesty's endeavours to prevent, as far as possible, the breaking out of fresh disturbances; and from the assurances given to his Majesty by other powers, we have the pleasing expectation that nothing is likely to intervene that may interrupt the present happy tranquillity in Europe. | conjuncture our inviolable fidelity to his Majesty, and our serious attention to the public welfare." The Earl of Buckinghamshire seconded the motion. The Duke of Richmond spoke strongly against the measures which he imagined were intended to be taken, and moved, That an Amendment be made to the said motion, by inserting, after the word throne,' at the end of the first paragraph, these words: "And to desire his Majesty would be graciously pleased to give direction for an early communication of the accounts which have been received concerning the state of the colonies, that we may not proceed to the consideration of this most critical and important matter, but upon the fullest information; and when we are thus informed, we shall, without delay, apply ourselves with the most earnest and se rious zeal, to such measures as shall tend to secure the honour of his Majesty's crown, the true dignity of the mother country, and the harmony and happiness of all his Majesty's dominions." Lord Lyttelton replied to him, and, amongst other things, urged the necessity of asserting the sovereign right of Great Britain over the colonies by the most speedy and resolute measures. His lordship declared, that it was no longer a question, whether we should relinquish the right of taxation, but whether that commerce, which had carried us triumphantly through the last war, should be subject to the wise and necessary regulations prescribed by the Act of Navigation, and confirmed by many subsequent acts of parlia ment, or at once laid open at the will of the factious Americans, who were now struggling for a free and unlimited trade, independent of their mother country, and for powers inconsistent with, and derogatory to, the honour and dignity of the im perial crown of England: that if govern. ment should now in the least degree re cede, all would be over, and America, instead of being subject to Great Britain, would soon give laws to it. Lord Shelburne spoke next; then lord Talbot. After him, "That it is no less our duty than our inclination to proceed with temper and unanimity in our deliberations and resolutions, and to inculcate, by our example, a Lord Camden expatiated largely on the due reverence for the laws, and a just inexpediency of coercive measures at this sense of the excellency of our constitu- time: he said such measures might be very tion; and impressed with the deepest gra- properly exercised in the infancy of colotitude for the many blessings we have en-nies, but that when they had acquired joyed during the course of his Majesty's power by commerce, and strength by the reign, to testify with unaffected zeal at this increase of numbers, it was wholly impo |