October, 1887], An English Deer-Park [The Century, October, 1888], My Collected papers from sources indicated above. Contains some of his finest work, as "Hours of Spring," "The July Grass," "Walks in the Wheat-fields," "Summer in Somerset," and "My Old Village," also what is perhaps his only acknowledged piece of verse, "My Chaffinch," in which we find a style curiously reminding us of certain of Miss Ingelow's narrative poems. The Toilers of the Field. XXV. First Edition. One vol. Crown 8vo. Cloth, with paper label, pp. 327. Longmans. November, 1892. 68. With portrait from the bust by Miss Thomas in Salisbury Cathedral, photographed by Mr. J. Owen, of Salisbury. Large Paper Edition, November, 1892, limited to one hundred and five copies (price on application to publishers). New Edition. One vol. Crown 8vo. 68. Third thousand, April, 1893. Contents:--Part I.: The Farmer at Home: The Labourer's Daily Life : Field-faring Women: An English Homestead; John Smith's Shanty [all from Fraser's, 1874]: Wiltshire Labourers [Letters to the Times, 1872]: A True Tale of the Wiltshire Labourer. Part II.: The Coming of Summer [Longmans, December, 1891]: The Golden-crested Wren [Longmans]: An Extinct Race [Longmans]: Orchis Mascula [Longmans]: The Lions in Trafalgar Square [Longmans, March, 1892]. Noticed in Devizes Gazette, 1st and 8th December, 1892. A True Tale was written about 1867, and rejected by several magazines aud papers, eventually falling into the hands of Mr. George Harmer, of Cirencester. IV. MISCELLANEA. MAGAZINE AND OTHER ARTICLES, NOT YET REPRINTED. 1866. Four short stories by "Geoffrey," in North Wilts Herald :--A Strange Story. 1867. Henrique Beaumont. Who will win? or, American Adventure. The History of Malmesbury, by "Geoffrey," twenty-one chapters, with appendix, North Wilts Herald, 20th April, etc. Its appearance was thus announced by the Editor:-"TO OUR READERS. The antiquity of Malmesbury and its many historic associations render it of more than ordinary interest. With a view of making our readers familiar with many facts in their own locality, we have arranged for the publication in hebdomadal instalments of a 'HISTORY OF MALMESBURY,' from earliest to modern times. The task will be performed by a gentleman of considerable ability and much knowledge of county lore. The proprietor trusts that this : effort to render the 'Herald' additionally attractive will be appreciated by the extensive circle of readers in the Malmesbury and Tetbury district." The History of Swindon would seem to have appeared in instalments in the local papers about this time. Jefferies once proposed to issue this by subscription at 1s. 6d., and names were to be sent to the Author, or to Mrs. Booth, bookseller, Swindon. 1873. On Swindon, its History and Antiquities, a paper read before the Wilts Archæological Society, and published in Wilts Arch. Mag., xiv., p. 180. The Future of Farming [Frasers]. 1874. The Works at Swindon [Frasers]. 1875. Allotment Gardens [New Quarterly, November]. Field-faring Women [Graphic]. Marlborough Forest. Village Churches. The Average of Beauty. Village Organization [Mark Lane Express]. The Cost of Agricultural Labour [Standard]. The Power of the Farmer [Fortnightly]. 1883. An Analysis of The Story of My Heart, in Longman's "Notes on Books," 30th November. 1884. A King of Acres [Chambers, February]. After the County Franchise [Longmans, February]. 1886. Out of the Season. Published in "The Dove's Nest and other Tales," by Joseph Hatton, R. Jefferies, H. S. Clarke, etc. Vizetelly, 1887. Preface to White's "History of Selborne," in Camelot Classics, 1886. The above list is by no means exhaustive. I have met with several other papers, of which I have no note. UNPUBLISHED MATTER. (Works mentioned by Mr. Besant, but never published.) 1868. Cæsar Borgia; or, the King of Crime. A tragedy. 1870. Verses on the Exile of the Prince Imperial. 1872. Only a Girl. A novel; offered to Tinsleys. 1874. The Agricultural Life. Offered to Longmans. 1875. In Summer Time. A novel. 1875. The New Pilgrim's Progress; or, a Christian's Painful Progress from the Town of Middle Class to the Golden City. 1878. The Proletariate; the Power of the Future. Planned. 1878. The History of the English Squire. Planned. 1878. A work on Shooting. Offered to Longmans. 1882. A series of Short Story-Sketches of Life and Character, Incident and Nature. 1885. A Bit of Human Nature. A novel. ARTICLES, ETC., RELATING TO JEFFERIES. (in addition to those mentioned in Section III.) (a) THE EULOGY OF RICHARD JEFFERIES. Chatto & Windus. 1888. First Edition. One vol. Second Edition. One vol. portrait. 68. By Walter Besant. Post 8vo. Portrait. 10s. 6d. Crown 8vo. Cloth extra. Photo A thoroughly charming and sympathetic sketch of life and works, which should be valued by all admirers of Jefferies. Noticed at considerable length in Salisbury and Winchester Journal, 29th December, 1888, also in Daily News and British Weekly in November. (b) Paragraphs relative to the Goddard Memoir in Globe, 11th June, 1892, and previously. VOL. XXVII.-NO. LXXIX. H (c) The Unveiling of the Bust. Articles in Saturday Review, 12th March; Nature Notes, iii., 87; Salisbury Journal, 2nd April; and Sarum Diocesan Gazette, April, 1892. (d) "Richard Jefferies in Salisbury Cathedral," by Miss Thomas, with illustrations, Literary Opinion, April, 1893; also some notes in same number. (e) "Richard Jefferies," Marlburian, 16th November, 1892. (f) "Richard Jefferies," a poem, by Mary Geoghegan, Temple Bar, (g) January, 1892 : "Room in his heart for all! For striving stitchwort as for oak-tree tall; Room for the chickweed at the gate, the weed upon the wall; Still as the page was writ 'Twas Nature held his hand and guided it Vague longings found a tongue; Things dim and ancient into speech were wrung; The epic of the rolling wheat, the lyric hedgerow sung No bird that cleaves the air But his revealing thought has made more fair; Lo! he yet speaketh! and the words are sped Stanzas 2, 3, 4, 9, 10. "Richard Jefferies," a poem, by W. H. A. E., [Rev. W. H. Α. Ewance, Twickenham,] in Wilts County Mirror, 8th April, 1892: Shire, where the fountain fills Guard in thy storied fane his carven form, Thine still, though cold and dead!"-Stanza 3. (h) "Round about Coate," by P. Anderson Graham, Art Journal, January, 1893, with nine illustrations by H. E. Tidmarsh. (1) Biography, by Dr. Garnett, in Dictionary of National Biography, vol. xxix. (k) "The Books of Richard Jefferies," Nature Notes, i., 194. NOTE. The Bibliography is probably still far from complete, and I shall be glad to have any additions or corrections. My memoranda as to articles relative to Jefferies have been mislaid, and I can therefore only quote a few here. I take this opportunity of thanking those who have kindly helped me in various ways, especially W. Cunnington, Esq., for the loan of the History of Malmesbury; H. N. Goddard, Esq., for that of several hitherto unpublished letters; the Rev. A. Smythe-Palmer, D.D., for collating my list with the British Museum Catalogue (which appears to be very deficient in editions of Jefferies); and Messrs. Brown & Co., of Salisbury, for allowing me to look over several years of the Bookseller and other papers. In Memoriam, William Collings Lukis, M.J., J.S.J.' 1 PY the death of the Rev. W. C. Lukis our Society has lost another of its oldest officers, for at the inauguration of the Society in 1853 (now very nearly forty years ago) Mr. Lukis and Canon Jackson jointly undertook the office of General Secretaries, and to their united efforts we are indebted for the excellent start which they gave to the Society. Mr. Lukis was a born archæologist and naturalist, inheriting his scientific knowledge from his father, Colonel Lukis, who was distinguished for his careful researches into the construction and uses of the rude stone monuments of Brittany and this country, and also for his profound acquaintance with the natural history, in all its branches, of the Channel Islands, where his home lay. The subject of this memoir was born in Guernsey in 1817, and Many of the details of this memoir are derived from the Biograph for 1881, vol. vi., pp. 37-39. |