Co. June, 1882. 31s. 6d. [Now priced at 25s. to 47s. 6d.] New Edition. One vol., illustrated, pp. 362. 1891. 68. Noticed in Harper's, January, 1883, p. 392, as "Two vols., 12mo." Was this an English second edition, or an American reprint? Also very unevenly written and badly proportioned. The Robinson Crusoe life on the island is mostly excellent. The story appears to have been developed from the earlier chapters of the Amateur Poacher. Nature near London. XVL. First Edition. One vol. Crown 8vo. 242. Chatto and Windus. April, 1883. Second Edition. 1887. 68. Cloth extra, pp. vi. [Now priced at 218.] New Edition. 1889. Post 8vo, pp. 242. Cloth limp. 28. 6d. New Edition. Handmade paper, bound in buckram with gilt top. 6s. In press, January, 1893. Noticed in St. James's Gazette, Pall Mall, Atheneum, Tablet, Saturday Review (19th May, 1883), Harper's Magazine (January, 1884, p. 322), etc. Contents :-Woodlands. Footpaths. Flocks of Birds. Nightingale Round a London Copse. Reprinted from the Standard. Short sketches, aimed at showing that wild birds and animals-contrary to the general idea-are almost as abundant near London as in distant country places. XVII, The Story of My Heart: My Autobiography. First Edition. One vol. Post 8vo. Cloth, pp. 188. Longmans, Green, & Co. November, 1883. 58. [Now priced at 30s. to 428.] Second Edition. One vol. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. 206, with portrait and new preface by C. J. Longman. Silver Library. 1891. 3s. 6d. "I have just finished writing a book about which I have been meditating seventeen years it really is an autobiography, an actual record of thought." Letter to Mr. Longman, 22nd June, 1883. . "This book is a confession. The author describes the successive stages Red Deer. XVIII. First Edition. One vol. Crown 8vo, pp. 207. Longmans, Green, & Co. February, 1884. 48. 6d. [Now priced at 30s.] Second Edition, with frontispiece by H. Tunaley, and sixteen illustrations by John Charlton. One vol. Crown 8vo, pp. 248. Silver Library, March, 1892. 38. 6d. II.-Wild Exmoor. Contents:-I.-Red Deer Land. "A minute account of the natural history of the wild deer of Exmoor, and of the modes of hunting them." - Letter to Mr. Longman, 1883. The best work in existence on its subject. The Life of the Fields. XIX. First Edition. One vol. Post 8vo. Cloth extra, pp. viii. : 262. Chatto & Windus. June, 1884. [Now priced at 24s.] New Edition. Post 8vo. Cloth limp, pp. 262. April, 1888. 28. 6d. New Edition. Handmade paper. Buckram, with gilt top. 68. In press, January, 1893. Short sketches, collected from sources indicated below. Contents: The Field-Play-(1) Uptill-a-Thorn. (2) Rural Dynamite [Time]. Bits of Oak Bark-(1) The Acorn-gatherer. (2) The Legend of a Gateway. (3) A Roman Brook [Longmans]. The Pageant of Summer. [Longmans, June, 1883]. Meadow Thoughts [Graphic]. Clematis Lane [Standard]. Nature near Brighton [Standard]. Sea, Sky, and Down [Standard]. January in the Sussex Woods [Standard]. By the Exe [Standard]. The Water-Colley [Manchester Guardian]. Notes on Landscape Painting [Magazine of Art]. Village Miners [Gentleman's]. Mind under Water [Graphic]. Sport and Science [National Review]. Nature and the Gamekeeper [St. James's]. The Sacrifice to Trout [St. James's]. The Hovering of the Kestrel [St. James's]. Birds climbing the Air [St. James's]. Country Literature: -(1) The Awakening. (2) Scarcity of Books. (3) The Villager's Taste in Reading. (4) Plan of Distribution [Pall Mall]. Sunlight in a London Square [Pall Mall]. Venice in the East End [Pall Mall]. The Pigeons at the British Museum [Pall Mall]. The Plainest City in Europe [Pall Mall]. Noticed in Derby Mercury, Society, Saturday Review (12th November, 1884), Nature Notes (April, 1893), etc. Contains some of his best work, as The Field Play, and The Pageant of Summer; also Village Miners, his only article on dialect. xx. The Dewy Morn. A Novel. First Edition. Two vols. Post 8vo. Bentley. August, 1884. 218. Second Edition. Two vols. 1889. Third Edition. One vol. Crown 8vo, pp. 396. 68. "Bentley's Favourite Novels." June, 1891. Noticed in John Bull, Vanity Fair, Morning Post, Academy, Saturday Review (18th October, 1884), etc. Frequently advertised as "In a Dewy Morn" and "In the Dewy Morn." Written about 1875, and then declined by Tinsley Bros. Like Greene Ferne Farm, mostly crude and weak, with a few good passages. ΧΧΙ. After London; or, Wild England. First Edition. One vol. & Co. 1885. 10s. 6d. Crown 8vo, pp. vii. 442. Cassell (Now priced at 248. to 30s.] New Edition. One vol. November, 1886. 38. 6d. [Now priced at 7s. 6d.] In two parts:-Part I. The Relapse into Barbarism. Part II. Wild England. Noticed in Harper's (October, 1885, p. 804), Saturday Review (11th July, 1885), etc. An attempt at depicting an imagined relapse of England into semibarbarism. The story stops short in the middle, leaving us in doubt whether Felix succeeds in his efforts to re-establish order, or falls a victim to his enemies. XXII. The Open Air. First Edition. One vol. Post 8vo. Cloth Extra, pp. 270. Chatto & Windus. 1885. 68. [Now priced at 16s. 6d. to 18s.] New Edition. Post 8vo. Cloth limp. 1890. 2s. 6d. New Edition. Handmade paper. Buckram with gilt top. In press, January, 1893. 68. Contents:-Saint Guido [English Illustrated, December, 1884), Goldenbrown. Wild Flowers. Sunny Brighton. The Pine Wood. Nature on the Roof. One of the New Voters. The Modern Thames. The Single-barrel Gun. The Haunt of the Hare. The Bathing Season. Under the Acorns. Downs. Forest. Beauty in the Country. Out of Doors in February. Haunts of the Lapwing. Outside London. On the London Road. Red Roofs of London. A Wet Night in London. Short papers, collected from Chambers's Journal, English Illustrated, Good Words, Longmans, Manchester Guardian, Pall Mall, St. James's Gazette, and Standard. XXIII. Amaryllis at the Fair: a Novel. First Edition. One vol. Crown 8vo. Cloth extra, pp. 260. Sampson, Low, & Co. March, 1887. 78. 6d. [Now priced at 78. 6d. to 128. 6d.] Noticed in Saturday Review, 9th April, 1887. The best of his so-called novels. The scenery is that of Coate, and the characters are mostly drawn from his own relatives. Like After London, it stops short just as the plot should be developing itself. XXIV. Field and Hedgerow: being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies, collected by his Widow. First Edition. One vol. Crown 8vo. Cloth, pp. viii. 331, with portrait. Longmans, January, 1889. [Now priced at 158. to 188.] Large Paper Edition, limited to two hundred copies, with etched portrait by W. Strang, half vellum, imperial 8vo, gilt top, January, 1889 (price on application). (Now priced at 188. to 30s.] Crown 8vo. Portrait. In Silver Library, New Edition. Noticed in Saturday Review (9th February, 1889), Morning Post, etc. Contents:-Hours of Spring [Longmans, 1885], Nature and Books [Fortnightly], The July Grass [Pall Mall], Winds of Heaven [Chambers's Journal], The Country Sunday [Longmans, June, 1887], The Country-side: Sussex [Manchester Guardian], Swallow-time [Standard], Buckhurst Park [Standard], House-martins [Standard], Among the Nuts [Standard], Walks in the Wheat-fields [English Illustrated, July and August, 1887], Just before Winter [Chambers's], Locality and Nature [Pall Mall], Country Places [Manchester Guardian], Field Words and Ways [Chambers's], Cottage Ideas [Chambers's], April Gossip [St. James's], Some April Insects [Pall Mall], The Time of Year [Pall Mall], Mixed Days of May and December [Pall Mall], The Makers of Summer [Pall Mall], Steam on Country Roads [Standard], Field Sports in Art: The Mammoth Hunter [Art Journal, April, 1885], Birds' Nests [St. James's], Nature in the Louvre [Magazine of Art], Summer in Somerset [English Illustrated, |