OF FOUNDERS' KIN. THOMAS HENRY BUND, ESQ. OF WICK HOUSE, CO. WORCESTER. ¡ [All Souls.] THOMAS CHICHELE, d. 1400. = Henry Chichele, FOUNDER OF ALL SOULS. William, Sheriff of London. 亍 John Chichele, Chamberlain of London. 구 J Agnes Chichele.John Tattershall. Ann Tattershall. Sir Ralph Hastings, Knt., 3rd brother of William, Lord Hastings, d. 1495. Thomas Henry Bund, Esq., of Wick-Anne Wilmot, dau. of the William-Anne Ryder The Rev. Thomas Ann-Susannah-Kent, wife of John Wal- Bund. Mainprize. ר Ursula-Frances, wife Elizaof the Rev. Henry Emily. Thomas Hill. MISS RICHARDSON CURRER. Worcester College.] EDWARD COOKES, Esq. of Bentley Paunce--Mary, dau. of Nicholas Cotton, Esq. of Hornfort, co. Worcester, d. in 1637. church, co. Essex. Sir William Cookes, of Sir Thos. Cookes, Bart. T Anne, eldest dau. of Edward, and aunt-Richard Amphlett, Esq. of of Sir Thomas Cookes, the Founder. Hadsor, co. Worcester. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Amphlett, Robert Clive, Esq. of Richard Clive, Esq. of Styche, M.P. for Mont-Rebecca, dau. and coheir of Nathaniel Gasgomeryshire. Γ kell, Esq. Frances, 4th dau. of Richard Clive, Esq. of Matthew Wilson, Esq. of Eshton Hall, co. HERBERT TAYLOR, ESQ. [All Souls' College, Oxford.] Thomas Chichele, of Higham Ferrers, co. Northampton, d. 25 Feb. 1400. HENRY CHICHELE, Archbishop of Canterbury, William Chichele, Sheriff of London. John Darrell, of Calehill, Kent, living in the 15th century, his 2nd wife. Thomas Darrel, Esq. of Scotney, co. Sussex, Thomazin, dau. of Sir John Gresley, Knt. of son of Florence. Staffordshire. Henry Darrell, Esq. of Scotney, son and Elizabeth, dau. of John Cheny, of Crally, co. Sussex. heir. Thomas Darrell, Esq. of Scotney, son and Alice, dau. of William Whetenall, 2nd wife. heir. Rose Darrell, dau. of Thomas, of Scotney.William Whetenall, of Peckham. a Rose Whetenall, dau. of William Whetenall, Thomas Wilsford, of Cranbrook. and Rose Darrell, his wife. Cicely Wilsford, dau. of Thomas of Cran-Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York. brook and Rose Whetenall, his wife. J Margaret Sandys, dau. of the Archbishop of Anthony Ancher, Esq. of Bishopsbourne, d. York. 13 Jan. 1609-10. Sir Anthony Aucher, Knt. of Bourne, High Hester, dau. and coheir of Peter Collet, of Sir Anthony Aucher, Bart. of Bourne, d. in Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Thomas Hewitt, Knt. 1692. Elizabeth Aucher, elder dau. and eventually John Corbett, LL.D. coheir of her brother, Sir Hewitt Aucher, Bart. Catherine Corbett, eldest dau. and coheir of Stephen Beckingham, Esq. his wife. The Rev. John Charles Beckingham, of Bourne House, co. Kent, son and heir of Stephen Beckingham, Esq. by Catharine Corbett, his wife. Alice, dau. and heir of William Champney.William Perrot. Sir Thomas Perrot, who took the name of Wykeham, as heir to his grand-uncle, William of Wykeham. a Margaret, dau. of John Willecotes. α William Wykeham, Esq. of Broughton Cas-Jane, his wife. tle, co. Oxford. ୮ Margaret, dau. and heir of William Wyke-William Fiennes, Lord Saye and Sele. ham. Henry Fiennes, of Broughton Castle, Lord Anne, dau. of Sir Richard Harcourt, of Richard Fiennes, Lord Saye and Sele, eldest Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Crofts, Esq. of son and heir. Chipping Norton. ୮ Edward Fiennes, Esq. of Broughton Castle, Margaret, dau. of Sir John Danvers, of eldest son and heir, d. in 1529. Dantsey. Sir Richard Fiennes, Knt. of Broughton Cas-Ursula, dau. of Richard Fermor, of Easton. tle, eldest son and heir, d. in 1573. r Sir Richard Fiennes, Knt. Lord Saye and Constance, dau. of Sir William Kingsmill. Sele, eldest son and heir. William, Lord Saye and Sele, created Viscount Saye and Sele, 1624, d. 14 April, 1662. г Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Temple, of Stow, co. Bucks. The Hon. Nathaniel Fiennes, 2nd son of Wil-Frances, dau. of Richard Whitehead, Esq. of liam, 1st Viscount Saye and Sele. Mary, dau. and eventual heir of the Hon. Nathaniel Fiennes, and sister of the 2nd Viscount Saye and Sele. Cecilia, 2nd dau. and coheir of Sir Edmund Harrison, by Mary his wife, sister of Viscount Saye and Sele. Tidderly, co. Hants. 2nd wife. Sir Edmund Harrison, Knt. of London. William Snell, Esq. of Laurence Pountney Hill, and of Walthamstow, d. 1759. Mary, 2nd dau. of William Snell, Esq. and William Jacomb, Esq. of Laurence Pountney coheir of her brother. Hill. Cecilia Lucy, d. 14 Wm. Wilkin Wilkin, Sept. 1706. Simon Emma Wilkin. Culley. Esq. of Cossey. Martin Hood Wilkin. Mary. |