୮t Thomas Nugent, d.s.p. v.p. ston, an officer in the 5th | Fusileers, served in the Seven Years' War, and with Lord Cornwallis in America, d. in 1815. Charles Nugent, d.s.p. July, 1751. Ignatius Anthony, styled Lord River-Olivia, dau. of Arthur French, Esq. of די Arthur Anthony Nu- | TT1 Five daus. Olivia Emily Nugent, m. 1793, Christopher Dillon Bellew, Esq. of Mount Bellew, and d. 1856, having had issue, Sir M. D. Bellew, Bart. 7 James Fitz-Gerald-Jane Olivia Nugent, Kenney, Esq. of Kil- b. 24 Oct. 1797, m. clogher, &c., co. Gal- Jan. 24, 1814, d. Deway, and Merrion cember 27,1842. (See Square, Dublin, J.P., BURKE's Peerage,title late Lieut. 8th Regi- Westmeath.) ment, Lieut. - Colonel in foreign Service, b. 21 April, 1790, d. 29 Feb. 1852. (See Royal Descents, pedigree xlv. and BURKE's Landed Gentry.) Nugent Thomas Francis, d. 31 Mar. Julia Mary Dec. 1817. Olivia Emily, d. 20 Nov. 1823. Jane Olivia, d. 23 DYKES, OF DOVENBY HALL, &c. CUMBERLAND. [Queen's College, Oxford.] SIR ROBERT DE LAMPLUGH, of Lamplugh, Knt. temp. Henry II. Sir Robert de Lamplugh, Knt. 43 Henry II. Melcora, an inheritrix." Margaret.... Constance.... Thos. de Eglesfield. Harnicia. Dominus Adam de John de Eglesfield, Nicholas Lamplugh, John de Lamplugh, 20 John de Eglesfield, of from whom the Do venby branch, temp. Richard II. (Burn, ii. p. 104.) Hugh de Lamplugh. Sir John de Lamplugh. Aldburgh, or Aldbo- Beatrix. John de Robert de Eglesfield, chaplain and confessor to Queen Philippa, Queen of Edward III. & Founder of QUEEN'S COLLEGE, OXFORD. Margaret de Eaglesfield, Hen.V. Other issue, and extinct Hen. VIII. Thomas de Lamplugh. Eleanor, coheir of Henry Fenwick, Edw. IV. John de Lamplugh. Thomas Lamplugh, of Little Riston, in York-Jane, dau. of Robert Fairfax, of Rockthorpe. shire. Anne Roper, of Oc-1. Christopher Lamplugh, of Octon, Yorkshire. ton. 2. Thos. Lamplugh, t-Frances Barcourse, a Peter Brougham Lamplugh, of Dovenby Mary Brougham, heir to Frescheville Dykes, of J. Dykes Ballantine, of Crookdake and Ireby. Mary Dykes, of Wardhall and Dovenby Hall, In the Harleian Miscellany, British Museum, this is written " Lamborough," simply by mistake, arising orally from similarity of sound-the correct name "Alnborough or Alnburgh," is now "Ellenborough." + His seal, in accordance with his position as 2nd son, in the "Visitation of Yorkshire,” has, for distinction, the "Crescent." FREDERICK JOHN HOWARD, ESQ., AND LADY FANNY, HIS WIFE. a Bartholomew Bolney, of Bolney, d. 1476. Eleanor, dau. of Robert Pokeswell, of Ne Itherbury. William Gage, of Burstow, co. Surrey, d. in Agnes, 2nd dau. of Bartholomew Bolney, 1496. Sir John Gage, K.G., d. in 1557. Sir Anthony Browne, K.G., d. in 1548. d. in 1500. Philippa, dau. of Sir R. Guldeford, K.G. Alice, dau. of Sir John Gage, K.G. Sir Anthony Browne, K.G., Viscount Mon-Jane, dau. of Robert Ratcliffe, Earl of Sussex. tague, so created 1554; d. 19 Oct. 1592. Henry Wriothesley, 2nd Earl of Southampton, Hon. Mary Browne, dau. of Anthony, 1st Viscount Montague. d. 1581. Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton, Elizabeth, dau. of John Vernon, of Hodnet, K.G., d. 1624. ୮ Esq. Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl of Southamp-Rachel, dau. of Daniel de Massey, Baron de ton, K.G., d. 16 May, 1667. Rouvigny. William Cavendish,Hon. Louisa O'CalEsq., eldest son and laghan, dau. of Corheir of Lord George nelius, 1st Lord LisAugustus Henry Cavendish, afterwards Earl of Burlington, d. 14 Jan. 1812. more. Lady Fanny Howard, only dau. of William Cavendish, Esq., and sister of William, present Duke of Devonshire. Of kin to William of Wykeham. JOSEPH KNIGHT, ESQ. [Guy's Hospital.] JOHN VOUGHTON, of Wiggington Lodge, co Stafford, Gentleman. John Voughton, of Wiggington Lodge, co. Stafford. Dinah Voughton (only child) m. 1758. Elizabeth Meacham, (only child), m. 1789, d.s.p. Nov. 1843, bu ried at Tamworth. ך Thos. Vough-Isabel. THOMAS GUY (only son), Founder of Guy's Hospital, M.P. for the borough of Tamworth, b. 1644, d. unm. 1724. ton. Joseph Knight, 1st son, b. 1750, m. 1775. Mary, only child of John Rogers, of Mon mouth, a descendant of John Rogers, the proto-martyr, temp. Queen Mary. Ann Knight (only child), b. Nov. 1, 1775, m.Samuel Knight, of Edmonton, co. Middle1800. sex, b. 1770, d. 1823. * Samuel and Judith Knight had a ninth and youngest son, William, b. 1732, m. 1750, Mary Thorpe, of Leicester, and had a son, Samuel Knight, of Edmonton, m. in 1800, to his kinswoman, Ann, only child and heir of John Rogers. See BURKE's Landed Gentry, part iii. + Thomas Guy was the last descendant of his paternal family. |