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Mary of

[blocks in formation]

Princess Ana-
bella, wife of
Geo. Gordon,

Lord Clifford.

glas, Earl of

Thos. Eow. Elizabeth Grey, V., Wingfield, 2nd Earl of John Ne- Mary Clif- Mar. King wife of Sir Huntley. ville, Mar- ford, wife of quis of William quis of Sir Philip of Eng Brandon. Montacute. Wentworth, Dor- land. of Nettlested set.


Alice Bran



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[blocks in formation]

don, wife of

Sir Nicolas

Sir William
Sydney, of



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3rd Earl


of Henry




Earl of



Elizabeth Jane Eliza Elizabeth Lucy SydBrown, wife Sey- beth, Willough- ney, wife of mour, Sey- by, wife of Sir James mour, John, Mar- Harington, wife quis of Win- of Exton. chester.

Worcester. Hen. of

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

merset, wife Eng- Crom

of John Ne- land. well.

ville, Lord



Edw. Hen.,

VI., 2nd



King Lord

Neville wife of



Harington, wife of Sir Edw. Mon

tague, of Boughton.

Elizabeth Stewart, wife of Patrick, 2nd Lord Elibank.

James Johnstone, of Wester

Laurence, 4th Margaret
Lord Oliphant. Hay.

Euphemia Oliphant, wife of
James Johnstone, of Wester

of Thomas Eng- well.
Cecil, Earl land.

of Exeter.

Frances Cecil, wife
of Nicolas Tufton,
Earl of Thanet.

Mary Tufton, wife of
Sir E. Bisshopp, Bart.



wife of Sir

Susan Montague, wife of Sir Rich. Sondes.

Lionel Tolle- Elizabeth mache, Bart. Sondes, wife of Helming of Henry

[merged small][ocr errors]


of Easton.

[ocr errors]

Patrick Murray, 3rd
Lord Elibank.

wife of Sir

Diana Bisshopp, wife


Tollemache, Montague


Charles Mor. of Easton.

Sir James Johnstone, of Wes- of Sir Geo. Warbur-
ter Hall.

daunt, Bart.


[ocr errors]

Alexander Murray,

4th Lord Elibank.

Sir William Johnstone, Bart.
of Wester Hall.

Penelope Warburton. Sir John

[merged small][ocr errors]

Penelope Mordaunt, wife

Barbara Murray. Sir James Johnstone, Bart. of of Joseph Herne.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors]

Penelope Herne. John Cholmeley, of Easton.


Montague Cholmeley, of Easton.

James Raymond Johnstone, of Alva. Mary Cholmeley.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Sir Montague Cholmeley,.
Bart. of Easton.

[blocks in formation]

John St. Clair Anstruther Thomson.

William Henry Marsham Style, Gsq.

Edward I., King of England. Margaret, dau. of Philip III., King of France,

d. in 1317.

Thomas de Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk and Alice, dau. of Sir Roger Halys, Knt., of HarMarshal of England, d. in 1338.

Margaret, dau. and eventually sole heir of
Thomas de Brotherton; created Duchess of
Norfolk in 1398.

Elizabeth, dau. and heir of John, Lord Segrave.

Thomas Mowbray, Earl of Nottingham, Duke of Norfolk, and Earl Marshal of England, K.G., d. in 1400.

Isabel, 2nd dau. of Thomas, and cousin of
John, Duke of Norfolk, widow of Henry,
son and heir of William, Lord Ferrers of
Groby, 2nd wife.


John, Lord Segrave, d. 27 Edward III., 1353.

John, Lord Mowbray, of Axholme, d. in 1360. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Fitzalan, and sister and coheir of Thomas Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel.

James Berkeley, 6th Lord Berkeley, d. in 1463.

Maurice Berkeley, 8th Lord Berkeley, s. his Isabel, dau. of Philip Meade, Esq., an Alderelder brother, d. 1506. man of Bristol.

Thomas Berkeley, 9th Lord Berkeley, fought Cecilie, widow of Richard Rowden, Esq., of at Flodden, d. Jan. 28, 1532-3. Gloucestershire.

Jane, dau. of Thomas, 9th Lord Berkeley. Anne, dau. of Sir Nicholas Poyntz, of Acton.

Sir Nicholas Poyntz, of Acton, co. Gloucester.

Sir Thos. Heneage, Knt., M.P. for Lincolnshire.

Elizabeth, only dau. of Sir Thos. Heneage, Sir Moyle Finch, Bart., of Eastwell, Kent. Knt., created Countess of Winchelsea.


Anne, eldest dau. of Sir Moyle Finch. Sir William Twysden, Bart., of East Peckham, Kent.

Sir Thomas Twisden, Bt., one of the Judges Jane Tomlinson.

of the King's Bench, created a Baronet.

Margaret Twisden, dau. of Sir Thos. Twisden, Sir Thomas Style, Bart., of Wateringbury, d. Bart.


Sir Thomas Style, Bart., of Wateringbury, d.Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Charles Hotham, Bart. in 1769.

Sir Charles Style, The Rev. Robert Style, Vicar of Wateringbury,
and Rector of Mereworth, Kent.

[blocks in formation]

Priscilla, dau. of the
Rev. John Davis.

1. William Henry Mar-Rosamund
sham Style, Esq., 17th
in a direct line from King

Rosamond-Louisa Style.

Louisa Charlotte, dau. of the Hon. Jacob Marsham.

Marian, dau.
of Sir Charles
Morgan, Bart.,
of Tredegar.

2. Charles
3. Albert Fre-
derick and two

Selina-Isabella Style.

Hugh Robert Hughes, Esq., of Kinmel and Dinorben.

[blocks in formation]

HENRY II. (Plantagenet), King of England, Eleanor, dau. and heir of William, Duc de

[blocks in formation]

Guienne and Aquitaine, d. 1162.

Isabel, dau. of Aymer, Comte d'Angouleme, d. 1246.

Eleanor, dau. and coheir of Raymond Berenger (le Troubadour), Comte de Provence, d. 1291.

Eleanor, dau. of Ferdinand, King of Castile.

Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex, High Constable of England.

James, Earl of Ormonde, d. 6 Jan. 1337-8.



James, 2nd Earl of Ormonde, d. in 1382.—Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Darcy, Lord Justice of Ireland.

James, 3rd Earl of Ormonde, d. in 1405. Anne, dau. of John, Lord Welles.

James, 4th Earl of Ormonde, d. in 1452.

Lady Elizabeth Butler, dau. of James, Earl of Ormonde.

Sir Gilbert Talbot, of Grafton, co. Worcester, Knight Banneret, 3rd son of John, 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury, d. in 1516.

Joan, dau. of Gerald, 5th Earl of Kildare. John Talbot, 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury, K.G. slain at the battle of Northampton, 1460. Audrey, dau. of Sir John Cotton, Knt. and relict of Sir Richard Gardiner.

Sir John Talbot, Knt. of Albrighton, co. Salop, Margaret, dau. and heir of Adam Troutbeck, only son, d. in 1549.


une, J

Sir John Talbot, Knt. of Grafton, d. in June, Frances, dau. of Sir John Giffard, Knt. of 1555. Chillington.

Sir John Talbot, Knt. of Grafton.

Anne, dau. of Sir John Talbot, of Grafton. Anne, dau. of Thomas Needham, Esq. of Shavington.

The Rev. Arthur Bulkeley, Vicar of Coedan, living 38 Elizabeth, A.D. 1596, 7th son of Sir Richard Bulkeley, of Beaumaris.

Catherine, dau. of Sir William Petre.

Thomas Needham, Esq. of Shavington.

Sir Richard Bulkeley, of Beaumaris and
Cheadle, M.P. for Anglesey in 1576.

Jane, dau. and sole heir of Rhys ap William,
of Coedan.

William Bulkeley, Esq. of Brynddû.—Anne, dau. of Rhys Wynn, of Llwydiarth. Anne Bulkeley, dau. of William Bulkeley, Esq., of Brynddû, and widow of the Rev. Richard Hughes, of Llanfairynghornwy.

[blocks in formation]

William Lewis, Esq., of Cemlyn, son of Robt. Lewis, of Cemlyn, and grandson of William Lewis, Esq., of Presadfedd, M.P. for the co. of Anglesey, lineally descended from Hwfa ap Cynddelw, Lord of Llys Livon, Founder of the 1st noble Tribe of North Wales.

Martha, dau. and coheir of the Rev. Hugh
Humphreys, Rector of Trefdraeth.

The Rev. Robert Lewis, Chancellor of Bangor, Margaret, dau. of Hugh Price, Esq. of Beaum. April 18, 1734.

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Mary Lewis, of Llysdulas, dau. and coheir. The Rev. Edward Hughes, A.M., of Kinmel

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