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Henry Clifford, 2nd Earl of Anne, dau. of William, Lord John, Lord
Cumberland, K.B., d. in 1569. Dacre, of Gillesland.

George Clifford, 3rd Earl of
Cumberland, K.G., d. in 1605.
Lady Anne Clifford, only dau.
and heir.

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1st Earl of Exeter.

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Lady Margaret Sackville, eldest dau. and co-John, 2nd Earl of Thanet, d. in 1664. heir of Richard, Earl of Dorset.

Hon. Col. Sackville Tufton, of the Guards. Elizabeth, dau. and sole heir of Ralph Wil

braham, Esq.

Sackville Tufton, 7th Earl of Thanet, d. 4 Lady Mary Savile, dau. and coheir of WilDec. 1753. liam, Marquess of Halifax.

Sackville Tufton, 8th Earl of Tha

net, d. 10 April, 1786.

Mary, dau. of Lord John Sackville, by Frances his wife, dau. of John,
Earl Gower, whose mother, Lady Catherine Manners, was daughter of
John, 1st Duke of Rutland, and 6th in descent from the marriage of Sir
George Manners, Baron de Ros, with Anne St. Leger, dau. of ANNE PLAN-
TAGENET, sister of King EDWARD IV.

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William Compton Domvile, Esq.

Edmund EE. King of England, surnamed Ironside, lineal descendant from ALFRED, had a son, Edward.Agatha, dau. of Henry II. Emperor of Germany.

Edgar Atheling, rightful heir to the crown instead of Edward the Confessor, d. without is


Malcolm Margaret Atheling, heiress
Canmore, to the crown of England.
King of

Christiana, became a Nun, at Romsey, co. Hants.

Matilda of Scotland.

HENRY I. King of England, 3rd son of William the Conqueror.

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HENRY II. King of England. Eleanor, of Aquitaine.

RICHARD I. Berengaria, Princess of Navarre. JOHN. Isabella of Angoulême.

Eleanor of Castile,
1st wife.
EDWARD II. Isabel of
d. 1327.

HENRY III. Eleanor of Provence.

EDWARD I. Margaret of France, dau. of Philip IV. King of France,
d. 1307. and grand-dau. of St. Louis, 2nd wife.
Thomas, of Brotherton, Earl
of Norfolk, 2nd son, from
whom, in the female line, the
Howards descend.


EDWARD III.Philippa Sir Thomas Holland, Earl
d. 1377. of Hain- of Kent, K.G., d. 1360.

Edmund of Wood-Margaret, sis-
stock, Earl of Kent, ter and heir of
3rd son; beheaded Thomas, Lord

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Isabel, young- Lionel Plantage-Elizabeth de Thomas

EDWARD Edmund, of the Langley, BLACK Duke of PRINCE. York, K.G., 4th son, d. 1402.


est dau. and
heir of Peter,
King of Cas-
tile and Leon.

net, of Antwerp,
Duke of Cla-
rence, Earl of
Ulster, &c. K.G.,
2nd d. 1368.

Burgh, dau. Holland, | dau. of
and heir of Earl of
William, Earl Kent, d.
of Ulster.




Earl of

RICHARD II. d.s.p.


Edmund Mortimer, 3rd Earl Philippa, dau. and heir.
of March, d. 1382.

Roger, Earl of March and
Ulster, Lord Lieutenant of
Ireland, d. 1399.

Richard, Earl of Cambridge, surnamed of
Coningsburgh, 2nd son and heir; beheaded


Eleanor, eldest dau., sister of Thomas Holland, Duke of Surrey, and sister and coheir of Edmund Holland, Earl of Kent.

Anne, dau. and coheir, after the death of her brother, Edmund Mortimer, heir to the


Richard, Duke of York, Protector of Eng-Cicely, dau. of Ralph Nevil, Earl of Westland, K.G., killed at the battle of Wake

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PEDIGREE LXXIII. William Compton Domvile, Esq.


Sir Richard Pole, K.G., d. 1504. Margaret, dau. and heir, Countess of Salisbury; beheaded 1541.

Henry Pole, Lord Montacute, son and heir Jane, dau. of George Nevil, Lord Abergabeheaded, 1538.

Francis, Earl of Huntingdon, K.G., d. 20
June, 1560; buried at Ashby de la Zouche.

Frances, dau. of Francis,
Lord Hastings, Earl of
Huntingdon, 1st wife.


Catherine, eldest dau. and coheir, d. 22 Sept. 1576.

Sir Henry Compton, Knighted 8th
Elizabeth, summoned to parliament
8 May, 14 Elizabeth, as Baron Comp-
ton of Compton, d. 1589.

Sir William Compton, Lord Compton, K.B., and K.G., created Earl of Northampton, 2 August, 16 James I., d. 24 June, 1630.

Anne, dau. of Sir John
Spencer, of Althorpe, and
relict of William Stanley,
Lord Monteagle.

Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Sir John Spencer,
Alderman and Mayor of London.

Spencer Compton, 2nd Earl of Northampton, Mary, dau. of Sir Francis Beaumont, Bart. slain at the battle of Hopton Heath, 19 March, 1642.

Sir Charles Compton, Knt., 2nd son, d. Nov. Mary, dau. of Sir Hatton Fermor, Knt. of 1661. Easton Neston, co. Northampton.

Anne, 2nd dau. of Sir Charles Compton. Sir Thomas Domvile, of Templeogue, co. Dublin, created a Bart. 21 Dec. 1686, d. 15 April, 1721.

Elizabeth Domvile, dau. of Sir Thos. Dom-Christopher Pocklington, Esq., Adm. R.N. vile, Bart.

Charles Pocklington, Esq., M.P. co. Dublin, Margaret, dau. of Thomas Sheppard, Esq. took the name of Domvile, m. 1774.

Sir Compton Pocklington Domvile, Bart., of Helena - Sarah, dau. of Frederick Trench, Templeogue and Santry, d. 1857.

Sir Charles Compton William Domvile, Bart., 17th in a direct descent from King HENRY III.

Esq. of Heywood, m. 7 Dec. 1815.

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John Entwisle Peel, Gsq.

Edward E. King of England. Margaret, dau. of Philip III. King of France,

d. in 1317.

Thomas de Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, and Alice, dau. of Sir Roger Halys, Knt., of HarMarshal of England, d. in 1338.



Margaret, dau. and eventually sole heir of John, Lord Segrave, d. 27 Edward III. 1353. Thomas de Brotherton, created Duchess of

Norfolk in 1398.



Elizabeth, dau. and heir of John, Lord Segrave.

Thomas Mowbray, Earl of Nottingham, Duke of Norfolk, and Earl Marshal of England, K.G., d. in 1400.

John, Lord Mowbray, of Axholme, d. in 1360. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Fitzalan, and sister and coheir of Thomas Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel.

Isabel, 2nd dau. and eventual coheir of Thos. James Berkeley, Lord Berkeley, d. in 1463. Duke of Norfolk, and widow of Henry, son and heir of William, Lord Ferrers, of Groby.

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Anne, dau. of Sir John Perrott, Lord De-Sir John Philipps, Bart. of Picton Castle, co. puty.


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Anna-Maria-Cordelia; 18th in a direct-John Entwisle Peel, Esq. now of Stone Hall, descent from King EDWARD I.

co. Pembroke, cousin of Sir Robt. Peel, Bart.

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Henry, 3rd Earl of Northumberland; slain Anna, dau. of Richard, Lord Poynings. at Towton, 1st EDWARD IV.

Henry, 4th Earl of Northumberland; killed Matilda, dau. of William, Earl of Pembroke. at Topcliffe, in Yorkshire, 4 HENRY VII.

Henry Algernon, 5th Earl of Northumber--Catharine, daughter and coheir of Sir Robert land, K.G.

Henry Algernon, 6th Earl of Northumberland.



Spencer, of Spencer Combe, Devon, by Eleanor, his wife, daughter and at length coheir of Edmond Somerset, Duke of Beaufort.

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