Sir Michael Hicks Hicks-Beach, Bart. Edward E., King of England. Margaret, dau. of PHILIP III. King of France, 2nd wife. Thomas de Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, elder Alice, dau. of Sir Roger Halys. son of EDWARD I. by his second queen. Lady Margaret Plantagenet, Duchess of Nor-John, Lord Segrave. foik, dau. and heiress. Elizabeth, dau. and heiress. John, Lord Mowbray. Thomas de Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk.—Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan, sister and coheir of Thomas, Earl of Arundel. Sir Robert Howard. Katherine, dau. of William Cary, Esq.-Sir Francis Knollys, K. G. Sir Henry Knollys, M.P. for Reading, temp. William Cary, Esq. Margaret, dau. and heiress of Sir Ambrose Cave. William, Lord Paget, d. 1629. Sir William Hicks, Bart. of Beverston, co. Susan, dau. of Sir Richard Howe. Martha, dau. of the Rev. John Browne. Michael Hicks, Esq. of Beverston Castle: took the name of Beach, d. 1830. Jane Henrietta, dau. of John Browne, Esq. of Salperton. ward Whit combe, Esq. 8. p. 1st wife. Michael Beach-Caroline Jane, 19th in a direct descent from King EDWARD I. + of John Stratton, Esq. F Sir Michael Hicks Hicks-Beach, Bart. Harriet Vittoria, dau. Henrietta Maria, only dau. of William Beach, Esq. William Beach, William Wither |