Royal Descents of John Newton Lane, Gsq.; and of Rev. Charles FERDINAND III. King of Henry III. King of England, d. in 1272. PHILIP III. King of France, d. in 1285. Edmund, Earl of Thos., Earl of Kent, Margaret, sister and heir of Thomas, Lord Wake. Joan, sister and heir of John, Earl of Kent, d. in 1385. Thos., Earl of Kent, Alice Fitzalan, dau. of d. in 1397. John, Earl of Somer James the First, King James the Second, Richard, Earl of Arundel. Margaret, sister and | coheir of Edmund, Earl of Kent, afterwards Duchess of Cla rence. Joan Beaufort, dau. of John, Earl of Somerset. Mary, dau. of Arnold, Duke of Gueldres, d. in 1463 James II. James, Lord Hamil-Mary, dau. of King Edmund, Duke of York, d. in 1415. King of Scots, d. in tree, d. in 1548. John Newton Lane, Esq. and Rev. C. Lane, PEDIGREE III. The Right Hon. Helena, Countess of Mornington. Lady Johanna Hamilton, dau. of James, 1st— Alexander Cunninghame, Earl of Glencairn. Earl of Arran. Lady Catherine Boyd, m. in 1694 Alexander Porterfield, of that Ilk, son of Wil- Alexander Porterfield, 2nd son. Boyd Porterfield, of that Ilk, heir to his uncle. Anne Porterfield, dau. and eventually one of the coheirs. Christian, dau. of Alexander Cunninghame, ר 1st. Thos. Helena: 14th in direct descent from=2nd. Wm. Pole Tylney Col.John Anna Bligh, nephew to the 4th Earl of Darnley. JAMES II., King of Scotland, and Long Wellesley, Earl Floyd Black. Thomas- Mary-CaGeorge Cowper, samajor. Esq. Sir John William Ramsden, Bart. Edward III. King of England. Philippa, dau. of William, Count of Hainault. Lady Elizabeth de Burgh, dau. and heir of Edmund Mortimer, 3rd Earl of March. Henry Percy, the renowned Hotspur, slain at Lady Elizabeth Percy, dau. of Henry Percy, John, Lord Clifford, K.G., slain at Meaux, surnamed Hotspur. 9 Henry V. Thomas, Lord Clifford, slain at the battle of Joan, dau. of Thos. Lord Dacre, of Gillesland. St. Alban's, in 1454. John, Lord Clifford. Margaret, dau. and heir of Henry, Lord Henry, Lord Clifford, the Shepherd Lord, d. Florence Pudsey, dau. of Henry Pudsey, Esq. in 1523. of Bolton. Sir Hugh Lowther, K.B., of Cumberland. Frances, dau, of John Middleton, Esq. of Eleanor, dau. of William Musgrave, Esq. of Sir John Lowther, Knt. of Lowther, M.P. for Eleanor, dau. of William Fleming, Esq. of Westmoreland, d. 15 Sept. 1637. Rydal. Sir John Lowther, of Lowther, Bart., M.P. Mary, dau. of Sir Richard Fletcher, of Hutfor Westmoreland, d. in 1675. Γ ton, co. Cumberland. John Lowther, Esq. of Lowther, d.v.p. Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Sir Henry Bellingham. Sir John Lowther, 2nd Bart., created Viscount Catharine, sister of Thomas Thynne, Viscount The Hon. Elizabeth Lowther, 2nd dau. and Sir William Ramsden, Bart. of Byrom, d. in eventually coheir to her brothers. 1736. Sir John Ramsden, 3rd Bart. of Byrom, M.P., Margaret, dau. of William Norton, Esq. of Sir John Ramsden, 4th Bart. of Byrom, d. in Hon. Louisa Susan Ingram Shepherd, dau. 1839. and coheir of Charles, Viscount Irvine. John Charles Ramsden, Esq. M.P. for Malton, eldest son and heir apparent, d.v.p. 1836. Isabella, youngest dau. of Thomas, 1st Lord Sir John William Ramsden, 5th BART., of Byrom, M.P.; 19th in a direct line from King EDWARD III. Mrs. Augusta Craven. William E., King of England. Maud, dau. of Baldwin, 5th Count Matilda, dau. of Malcolm, King of Scotland, by Margaret, sister of Edward Atheling, 1st wife. HENRY I., King of Eng-Adeliza, dau. of Godfrey, Duke The Emperor Henry V. 1st hus-Maud,dau. of Henry I., Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of band. b. 1104, d. 1167. Anjou, m. 1127, d. 1150, 2nd husband. Eleanor, dau. of William, Duke of Aqui--HENRY II., King of England, m. 1151. taine, d. 1202. Isabel, dau. of William, Earl of JOHN, King of Eng--Isabel, dau. of Aymer, Count of Eleanor, dau. of Raymond, Earl of Provence, HENRY III., King of England, m. 1236. d. 1201. Eleanor, of Castile, d. 1290, 1st EDWARD I., King of Margaret, dau. of Philip III., wife. Isabel, dau. of England. Philippa, dau. of William, Eleanor, dau. and co-heir Edmund Stafford, K.G.,: Earl of Stafford, slain at the battle of Shrewsbury, 1403. King of France, m. 1299, d. 1317, 2nd wife. Thomas of Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, 3rd son of King Edward I. EDWARD III., King of Margaret, dau. of 7 Thomas of Woodstock, 7 Anne Plantagenet, dau. of ד' Thomas of Brotherton, d. 1399. Mary, dau. of Lord Roos. John, Lord John, Lord Mow- Elizabeth, sister and one of the heirs of Thomas Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel. Sir Robert Katherine, dau. of William, Lord Molins. a |