3 DE Ros..... Brandon, Grey, Seymour, Boyle, &. DEVONSHIRE (2 Descents) Through Brandon, Grey, Seymour, Boyle, &. ROYAL DESCENTS. PEDIGREE I. Garl of Lanesborough. Henry III. King of England, d. 1272. Eleanor, dau. and co-heir of Raymond, The Hon. Augustus Richard Butler-Danvers, 2nd son of Brinsley, Earl of Lanesborough. Γ Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Sir John Danvers George John Danbers Butler-Danbers, 5th EARL OF LANESBOROUGH, 19th in a direct descent from King EDWARD I., and 17th from Edmund Plantagenet, Earl of Lancaster, 2nd son of King HENRY III. The Rev. Thomas Thurlow, Rector of Ash-Elizabeth, dau. and at length heir of Robert Thomas Thurlow, Bishop of Ann, dau. of William Beere, Edward, eldest son, 1st Lord Esq. Edward, Lord Mary Catha- The Rev. Thomas Thurlow, Thurlow, d. rine Bolton. 1817. of Baynards Park, Guildford, Maria Frances, 6th dau. of the late Hon. Thomas Lyon. EDWARD THOMAS HOVELL-THURLOW LORD THUR- Thomas Lyon, b. Nov. 19, 1814. |