BY THE SAME AUTHOR. GEOFFREY DE MANDEVILLE: A Study of the Anarchy. pp. xii., 461. "Mr. Round treats his subject with great learning and acumen.' "-Times. "For many reasons this is the most remarkable historical work which has recently appeared."-Spectator. "It is not easy, within the limits of a review, to do justice to the learning and ability which characterise Mr. Round's study. Indeed few books so learned and suggestive have recently been published.”—Literary World. "All the vivacity, keenness, freshness, and accuracy that have marked Mr. Round's previous writings."-Manchester Guardian. "The work is most skilfully and ably done, and a whole series of important discoveries is derived from Mr. Round's efforts. . The result is a very large addition to our knowledge, the clearing-up of many doubtful points, and the opening-up of further possibilities of investigation. Mr. Round has carried through an undertaking which raises him to a foremost position among historical scholars."-Athenæum. he has "Fresh life from dry records is what Mr. Round aims at permanently associated his name with the scientific study of Anglo-Norman history."-DR. LIEBERMANN (English Historical Review). "M. J. H. Round vient de nous donner une étude des plus pénétrantes et fécondes c'est un véritable modèle, et l'on doit souhaiter pour nos voisins qu'il fasse école."-Revue Historique. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. |