3 Howson, Rev. J. S., Coll. Inst., Liverpool. | Plumptre, Rev. Dr., Master of Univ. College, Priory, Berks. Hudson, W., esq., Ch. Ch. Jenks, Rev. Dr., Brighton. Jenkyns, Rev. Dr., through Mr. Andrews, Bookseller, Durham. Jerram, Rev. S. J., Witney. Johnston, C. E., esq., Oriel Coll., Oxford. Jones, C., esq., 2, Harcourt Buildings. Kay, D., esq., Fenchurch Street. Law, H., esq., Duke Street, London. L'Estrange, A. G. L., Exeter Coll., Oxford. Lewes, S. J., Admiralty Office, Somerset House. Liancourt, Count Godes de, London. London Library, St. James' Square. Lowndes, J. J., esq., 12, King's Bench Walk. Riddell, J., esq., Ball. Coll., Oxford. Lupton, J. Eagle, St. Mary Hall. Lysley, W. B. W., esq., Ch. Ch. Mc. Dermot, W. H., esq., Kensington. Major, Rev. J. R., King's College. Malkin, Captn., 1 Charlcot Road, Regent's Park, 2 copies. Marriot, Rev. Č., Oriel Coll., Oxford. Marshall, W., esq., Ely. Mayer, Jos., esq., Liverpool. Maynard, W. F., esq., Exeter. Mertons, F. Mounteney D., Queen's College. Mills, Rev. Dr., Professor of Hebrew, Cam bridge. Milner, Rev. J., Cath. Hall, Cambridge. Morgan, A. M., esq., Exeter. M Morse, T., esq., Queen's. Mountain, P., esq., Snow Hill. Mozley, Rev. J. B., Magd. College, Oxford. Nedd, P. G., University College, Oxford. Nind, Rev. P. H., Woodcot House, Henley. Noel, E., esq., Moorgate Street, London. Norman, J. P., esq., Temple, 2 copies. Norton, D. E., esq., Oriel. Okes, Rev. Richard, Provost, for the Library of King's College, Cambridge. Oliver, Dr., Kensington. Oxford. Potter, Frederick F., esq., Queen's College, Powles, R. C., Ex. College, Oxford. [2 copies.] Prideux, esq., 44, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Pusey, P., esq., M.P., Pusey House, Berkshire. Rattle, J. M., Ch. Ch. Reed, Dr., Bampton, Oxfordshire. Repton, Rev. E., Little Cloister, West minster. Ricardo, M., esq., Brighton. Richards, Rev. Dr., Rector of Exeter College, Oxford, Rigaud, Rev. J., Magd. College, Oxford. Robinson, Herbert H., Exeter College, Oxford. Robinson, esq., Exeter. Rowbottom, Mr. W., Derby. Rowley, R., esq., Christ Church, Oxford. Russell Institution, London. Sargood, esq., Barrister. Sharwood, L., esq., Aldersgate St. Smith, J., esq., St. Mary Hall, Oxford. Smith, Mr. J. R., 4, Old Compton Street, [2 copies.] Smith, Mrs. Thomas, 10, Bloomsbury Place, Brighton. Spicer, Trevethan, M.A., LL.B., of Gray's Stackhouse, esq., 40, Mincing Lane. Thom, Dr., Secretary of the Camden Society, Thom, J. T., esq., Ch. Ch. Westminster. Tollemache, J., esq., M.P., Helmingham Hall, Norfolk. Tomkins, Dr., Abingdon. Trevelyan, Sir W. C., Bart., Nettlecomb Court, Somersetshire. Trinder, D., esq., Ex. College, Oxford, 2 copies. Tupper, M. F., esq., Albury, Guildford. Venables, H., esq., Exeter. Walford, Charles H., esq., Brasenose College, Wickham, W. A., esq., North Hill, Frome. Oxford. DIRECTORY OF PROFESSIONAL AND TRADE SUBSCRIBERS. Grantham and Bury, Engineers and Naval Architects, 137, Leadenhall Street. Williams and Noel, Engineers and Mineral Surveyors, 61, Moorgate Street. Fletcher and Son, Chronometer Makers, Lombard Street. Goddard, J. A., Foreign and Custom House Agent, 67, Lower Thames Street. Thurston and Co., Billiard Table Makers by Appointment to Her Majesty, Whewell, Rev. Dr., Master of Trin. Coll., Cambridge. Whitaker, F., esq., J. P., Bampton, Oxford. Whittingham, Rev. Dr., Childrey, Berks. Wilkinson, T. H., Brasenose College, Oxford. Williams, H., esq., Moorgate Street, London. Wilson, Rev. J., President of Trinity College, Oxford. Wood, J., esq., Ovington Square. Wordsworth, Rev. Christopher, D.D., Canon of Westminster, and Vicar of Stamford in the Vale, Berks. Worsley, Rev. Thomas, Principal of Downing College, Cambridge. Wright, T., esq., 24, Sydney Street, Brompton. Wyatt, T. E., esq., Ex. College, Oxford. 14, Catherine Street, Strand. Brazier, F. G., Patent Office, 123, Chancery Lane. Burwash, D., Public Notary, 4, Castle Court, Heighington, J., Wine Merchant, 23, Mark by the Rev. Dr Giles II. Sketch of the Anglo-Saxon Mint; by J. Y. Akerman esq. plates, containing fac-similes of all those coins: by the Rev. D. Haigh. 137 IV. A Metrical English Version of King Alfred's Poems; to illustrate Anglo- Saxon Poetry in general: by Martin Farquhar Tupper esq. D. C. L. 157 V. History and Political State of Europe in the ninth centuary, The Age of VI. Description of King Alfred's Jewel, with some observations on the art of working in gold and silver among the Anglo-Saxons: by the Rev. Dr Giles. 327 VII. The Danes. 1. Their origin. 2. Their warlike deeds and character- 4. Their religion-4. Their polity.-5. Their love and mode of war.-6. Their manners customs and occupations-7. Their arts and language: by C. Hook |