A history of England from the first invasion by the Romans (to the Revolution in 1688).

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Dolman, 1848

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Page 334 - Warbeck, by many folks' malice, and more folks' folly, so long space abusing the world, was, as well with princes as the poorer people, reputed and taken for the younger of those two ; but for that also that all things were in late days so covertly demeaned, one thing pretended and another meant, that there was nothing so plain and openly proved, but that yet, for the common custom of close and covert dealing, men had it ever inwardly suspect; as many well counterfeited jewels make the true mistrusted.
Page 16 - I would not have a single man more. If God gives us the victory, it will be plain that we owe it to His goodness. If He do not, the fewer we are, the less will be the loss to our country. But fight with your usual courage, and God and the justice of our cause will protect us.
Page 232 - Hence every project of opposition to his government was suppressed almost as soon as it was formed ; and Edward might have promised himself a long and prosperous reign, had not continued indulgence enervated his constitution, and sown the seeds of that malady, which consigned him to the grave in the forty-first year of his age. He was buried with the usual pomp in the new chapel at Windsor $. * During the Scottish campaign posts were first established in England.
Page 288 - In the present it was enacted that the chancellor, treasurer, and keeper of the privy seal, or two of them with one bishop, one temporal peer, and the chief judges of the king's bench and common pleas, should have authority to call before them persons accused of having offended in any of these points, and to punish the guilty, as if they had been convicted by the ordinary course of justice.
Page 248 - And hereupon," continues the petition, "we humbly desire, pray, and require your noble grace, that according to this election of us, the three estates of your land, as by your true inheritance, you will accept and take upon you the said crown and royal dignity, with all things thereunto annexed and appertaining, as to you of right belonging, as well by inheritance as by lawful election."1 The protector was careful not to dispute the truth of these assertions.
Page 287 - ... vanguard, under the earl of Oxford, was attacked at Stoke by the insurgents, amounting to eight thousand men. The action was short but sanguinary. The Germans fought and perished with the resolution of veterans: the adventurers from Ireland displayed their characteristic bravery, but with their darts and skeans (for the English settlers had adopted the arms of the natives) they were no match for the heavy cavalry; and though a portion only of the royalists was engaged, the victory was won with...
Page 269 - Writers have indeed in modern times attempted to prove his innocence; but their arguments are rather ingenious than conclusive, and dwindle into groundless conjectures when confronted with the evidence which may be arrayed against them.
Page 332 - The king started a little, and said, " By my faith, my lord, I thank you for your good cheer, but I must not allow my laws to be broken in my sight. My attorney must speak with you.
Page 232 - But such pursuits often interfered with his duties, and at last incapacitated him for active exertion. Even in youth, while he was fighting for the throne, he was always the last to join his adherents : and in manhood, when he was firmly seated on it, he entirely abandoned the charge of military affairs to his brother, the Duke of Gloucester.
Page 159 - My father was King; his father also was King; I myself have worn the crown forty years from my cradle ; you have all sworn fealty to me as your sovereign, and your fathers have done the like to mine. How then can my right be disputed...

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