acquitted himself with so much ability, judgment and integrity, that only three of his decisions were ever called in question; and even all of these were, on appeal, confirmed by the upper house. In 1754, a patent was issued from the crown, advancing him to the rank of an earl; two years after which he resigned the seals, and retired from public life. Lord Hardwicke died in 1764. He was the author of a paper in the Spectator. His early professional work is an equity treatise, entitled the Legal Judicature in Chancery stated. YORKINOS. (See Guerrero.) YORKTOWN; a post-town, port of entry, and capital of York county, Virginia, on the south side of York river, twenty-nine miles north-west of Norfolk. York river affords, at this town, the best harbor in Virginia; but it has not become a place of large population or extensive trade. Yorktown is famous for the capture of lord Cornwallis and his army by the Americans under general Washington, Oct. 19, 1781. The whole number of the prisoners amounted to 7107. This was the last considerable battle in the revolutionary war, and was the immediate cause of the conclusion of the American contest for independence. YOUNG, Edward, a distinguished English poet of the last century, was born at his father's living of Upham, in Hampshire, in 1681, or, according to some, two years earlier. He was educated at Winchester school, and obtained a New college fellowship, which he resigned in 1708, for another at All-Souls, in the same university. Although originally designed for the law, which induced him to graduate in that faculty, the predominant bias of his mind towards a religious life at length induced him to take orders. His poems on the Last Day, and the Force of Religion, printed in 1713, strongly manifest this prevailing feeling. At one time he aspired to the representation of the borough of Cirencester in parliament; but, failing in this undertaking, he soon after entered the church, and obtained the living of Welwyn, Hertfordshire, with a king's chaplaincy. In 1741, the death of his wife, to whom he was much attached, appears to have much increased the melancholy of a mind originally of a sombre complexion; and to this event may be ascribed the production of his principal poem, the Complaint, or Night Thoughts, by which latter title it Is more generally designated. Besides this poem, doctor Young was the author of three_tragedies, Busiris, the Brothers, and the Revenge. Some satires, under the title of Love of Fame, the Universal Passion, with a poem entitled Resignation, written in 1759, conclude his poetical labors. As a prose writer, he is chiefly known by his Centaur not Fabulous, levelled against the prevailing manners of the time; and a treatise entitled Conjectures on original Composition, written at the age of eighty. Doctor Young, in his retirement at Welwyn, maintained the situation of a man of easy fortune. His latter years were, however, subject to much discontent: he had taken deep offence at the youthful irregularities of his son, and he fell under the sway of a housekeeper, by whom he was entirely governed. On his death-bed, he declined an interview with the former, but sent him his forgiveness, and made him his heir. His death took place in April, 1765, in his eightyfourth year. The fame of doctor Young rests altogether on his poetry, comprising his satires, tragedies and Night Thoughts. The first are built on the supposition of fame being the universal passion of mankind. They abound more in flashes of wit and in caricature than in grave exposures of vice and folly; but they are lively and epigrammatic. writer, with much poetic conception and strong feeling, he is exaggerated and bombastic. The Revenge, however, keeps the stage; and its hero, Zanga, stands preeminent for theatric interest among the personages of modern tragedy. The Night Thoughts, on which the fame of Young for originality is exclusively founded, although occasionally tumid and extravagant, exhibit great force of language, and occasional sublimity of imagination. They are even more popular in France and Germany than at home, and have passed through a great number of editions. An edition of his entire works, in four volumes, octavo, was published by himself. (See his Life, by Herbert Croft, in Johnson's Lives of the Poets.) As a dramatic YOUNG, Arthur, a distinguished agricultural writer, born in 1741, died in 1820, was first placed in the countingroom of a wine merchant at Lynn; but his passion for agricultural pursuits induced him to forsake the mercantile life, and occupy himself with farming. After several unsuccessful attempts to conduct a farm, he determined to examine the mode of cultivation pursued in different parts of England. In 1770, he published the Farmer's Calendar, containing the Business necessary to be performed on the various Kinds of Farms during every Month in the Year (8th ed., 4 vols., 8vo., 1812), and, in 1784, began the publication of his Annals of Agriculture (40th vol., in 1804) a work which had the most important influence upon the art of agriculture in England, and of which a considerable portion was translated into French, under the auspices of the government. In 1789, he was appointed secretary of the newly-erected board of agriculture. Young not only visited and examined, with great attention, the different counties of England and Ireland, but also made several tours on the continent, for the purpose of becoming acquainted with the agricultural processes in different countries. Among his numerous correspondents were his sovereign, George III, who wrote to him under the name of Ralph Robinson of Windsor, and Washington. Of his numerous works, we can mention only the principal:Farmer's Letters to the People of England (1767), second volume under the title of Letters to the Landlords of Great Britain (1771); a Six Weeks' Tour through the southern Counties (1768, 2d ed., enlarged, 1769); a Six Months' Tour hrough the North of England (1770, 4 vols.); the Farmer's Tour through the East of England (4 vols., 1770); Tour in Ireland (2 vols., 1780): Travels in France, Spain and Italy, 1787-9 (1791, 2 vols., 4to.); Travels during the Years 1787 1790 (1792); Rural Economy (1772); and Farmer's Guide (1770, 2 vols., 8vo.). YOUNG, Thomas, M. D., a distinguished scholar, born in June, 1773, was educated partly at Göttingen and partly at Edinburgh. Having taken his degrees at the latter place, he went to London, and was some time lecturer at the royal institution. He was subsequently appointed physician to St. George's hospital, and, in 1794, was elected a fellow of the royal society. Doctor Young was equally eminent in science and in letters. He was particularly distinguished for his great knowledge of the practical application of science to the useful arts and the business of life; and his opinion was often called for by government, when these and kindred subjects were made matters of legislation. In this department, besides a great number of papers in the Transactions of the Royal Society, and Nicholson's Journal, and a variety of articles in the Quarterly Review, and the supplement to the Encyclopædia Britannica, some of which were, however, on literary subjects, doctor Young left behind him a Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy (8vo., 1802), which contains the first publication of the general law of the interference of light; a Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts (2 vols., 4to., 1807); Elementary Illustration of the Celestial Mechanics of Laplace (8vo., 1821), &c. He likewise edited the Nautical Almanac from the year 1819 to 1829. His productions in the department of archæology and criticism were also numerous, and are principally to be found in the Imperial Review, the London Quarterly Review, and the Archæologia. In the eighteenth volume of the latter work appeared his remarks on Egyptian papyri, and the Rosetta inscription, containing an attempt to interpret the Egyptian part of the inscription. In the article Egypt, for the supplement to the Encyclopædia, he treated the whole subject of Egyptian mythology, early history and hieroglyphics with great learning; but we have already given our reasons, in the article Hieroglyphics, for denying him the honor, claimed for him by his countrymen, of having discovered and explained the phonetic system, which the late ingenious and learned Champollion so ably developed. The discoveries of Champollion were followed by two additional works of doctor Young on the subject, under the titles, an Account of some recent Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature and Egyptian Antiquities (8vo., 1823), and Hieroglyphics collected by the Egyptian Society (folio, 1823). Doctor Young died in 1829. YPRES, OF YPERN; a city of Belgium, in West Flanders, capital of a district, on the river Y-perlee, from whence it takes its name; twenty miles south of Ostend, sixteen north-west of Lisle; lou. 2° 53′ E.; lat. 50° 51′ N.; population, 15,291. It is connected by a canal with Bruges, Ostend and Nieuport, is fortified, and tolerably well built. The principal public buildings are a very large Gothic town-house, an elegant cathedral, an exchange, a chamber of commerce, and a college. The chief manufactures at present are linen, lace, cotton, thread and silk. It is said to have contained, in the thirteenth century, 200,000 inhabitants, who carried on a great trade in woollen cloth; but, by the severity of the duke of Alva, the principal manufacturers were driven to England, from which time that branch of trade declined. Ypres has sus tained several remarkable sieges. YPSILANTI; an old Greek Fanariot fun ly at Constantinople, descended from the Comneni, members of which have several times held the dignity of hospodar in Moldavia and Walachia. The grandfather of the princes Alexander and Demetrius, celebrated for their share in the Greek revolution, was executed at the command of the Porte, with the most horrible tortures. Their great-grandfather and uncle were victims of the bow-string. The father, Constantine Ypsilanti, hospodar of Walachia, was deposed by the Porte in 1805, but was reinstated at the request of Russia. When Russia threatened the Porte with war in 1806, he learned that his head was in danger, and fled to Jassy. The Russian government assigned him and his family Kiev as a residence. When the Russians advanced into Walachia, he hoped to recover this principality by their aid. With this view, he repaired thither, and armed the Walachians against the Turks; but, instead of the 40,000 men whom the Russian general required of him, he could collect only 5000. The body of Russian auxiliaries was therefore too weak; and Ypsilanti had to escape, by way of Transylvania, to Russia, where he died at Kiev, in 1816. He wrote several works. His sons entered the Russian service. The eldest, Alexander, imperial Russian major-general, and aid-de-camp of the emperor, born at Constantinople, Dec. 12, 1792, went with his father, in 1805, to Petersburg, and entered the Russian service. He fought with distinction at Polotzk, in 1812, and was a captain of hussars, when a ball, at the battle of Dresden, Aug. 27, 1813, carried away his right hand. In 1814, he spent some time in Weimar. About this time, the emperor made him a colonel and his aid-de-camp. In 1817, he received the command of a brigade of hussars, and was appointed major-general. In 1820, he became acquainted with the Hetaireia. (q. v.) He joined this association, and eventually became its head. When he saw that the breaking out of the insurrection could no longer be delayed, one of his couriers having been arrested in Servia, so that he had reason to fear the discovery of the whole plan, he resolved to plant in Moldavia the standard of revolt. He crossed the Pruth with a few attendants, and on Feb. 23, old style (March 7), 1821, Jassy, the capital of Moldavia, under the very eyes of the hospodar Michael Suzzo (q. v.), issued a proclamation, in which he announced that on this day Greece had kindled the torch of freedom and thrown off the yoke of tyran ny. (See Greece, Insurrection of.) This step of Ypsilanti's was connected with the plan of a general insurrection, which was to break out simultaneously in the Morea, on the islands, and in Constantinople. Ypsilanti hoped to promote the main project by his entrance into Moldavia. The insurrection was also hastened by the enterprise of Theodore Wladimiresko. This rude but daring Walachian, after the death of the hospodar of Walachia, Alex. Suzzo, Jan. 30, 1821, had, with a band of Arnaouts, called the Walachian peasants and pandoors to arms, in order to obtain from the Porte, by means of the assistance of Russia, which he promised them, the restoration of the ancient rights of the country. Ypsilanti, who, however, was in no way connected with Wladimiresko, gave his companions and all the Hetairists, who has tened to him from Russia and Germany, the assurance that Russia would assist the cause of Greece. But the military insurrections in Italy, on account of which the congress of Laybach was convened, induced the emperor Alexander to express publicly his disapprobation of the undertaking of the Hetairists, and to summon their leader, the prince Alex. Ypsilanti, to make his defence. As he did not obey, the emperor caused his name to be struck from the rolls of the Russian army. The Russian consul at Jassy had already, April 9, issued two proclamations, in the name of his sovereign, commanding prince Ypsilanti and his adherents to return immediately to Russia, and exhorting the Moldavians to tranquillity and obedience to the Porte. Mich. Suzzo was, in consequence, obliged to leave Moldavia, April 11; and the boyards sent deputies to the Porte, praying that another hospodar might be given them, adding the assurance, that they would themselves suppress the rebellion. Ypsilanti, when he learned this, was on his march to Bucharest. He and his band, of about 5000 men, persisted firmly in their enterprise. April 10, he entered Bucharest, which city Wladimiresko, who would not join Ypsilanti, had left, with his pandoors, shortly before. April 12, Ypsilanti marched to Tergowist, where he wasted his time while Wladimiresko was negotiating with the Porte. The boyards themselves had refused all participation in Ypsilanti's attempt; and many of them had fled, with their wives, children and property, to Transylvania. Wladimiresko's insurrection was directed more against the boyards than against the Porte. At the same time, the three pachas of Widdin, Silistria and Brailow, with 10,000 Turkish troops, entered Walachia and Moldavia. At Jassy, where the Hetairists had wrested the administration from the boyards, complete anarchy prevailed. Jussuf, seraskier of Brailow, defeated the Greeks at Galacz, May 13, took the city by storm, destroyed the French flotilla on the Danube, and compelled the Hetairists, May 18, to evacuate Jassy. George Cantacuzeno retired, with about 3000 men, without opposition, behind the Pruth. Meanwhile Wladimiresko had regained possession of Bucharest, where he continued to negotiate with the Turks. May 28, he relinquished the city to Kiaya Mehmed, pacha of Silistria, and, after some inconsiderable skirmishes with the Turks, retreated to Pitescht, to make advances to prince Ypsilanti. But Ypsilanti caused him to be seized by captain Jordaki (called also Gorgakis, or George of Olympus), conveyed to Tergowist, and, after a trial by a court-martial, to be beheaded as guilty of high treason, June 7. This transaction excited much dissatisfaction and defection, because Theodore Wladimiresko had never formally acknowledged Ypsilanti's supremacy. A portion, indeed, of his Arnaouts, Walachians and pandoors joined the Hetairists; but the pacha of Brailow was soon able to enter into secret communications with these Arnaouts. When Ypsilanti left his fortified position at Rimnik, and marched towards Dragaschan, his van, of 1000 men, led by the brave Jordaki, being attacked by the Turks, on June 19, the Walachians and pandoors took to flight, and Jordaki, with a few hundred men, was obliged to fall back to the sacred band of the Hetairists. A part of the Arnaouts now fled, and abandoned the artillery, consisting of five pieces of cannon. At this moment, a nephew of the murdered patriarch Gregory (q. v.) stepped forward, and exhorted his companions to show the sacredness of their cause by a heroic death. The youths advanced in close order, and fell by files in the conflict. A few only succeeded in saving themselves, with Ypsilanti, in the fortified monastery of Costia. Thus was the flower of Greece destroyed. Alexander Ypsilanti now gave up the cause of Greece. Having crossed the frontiers, he was arrested in Transylvania, and, with his brother Nicolas, conveyed as a prisoner of state to the fortress of Mungatsch, in Hungary. From this place they were both removed, in August, 1823, to the fortress of The resienstadt, in Bohemia, where they were treated with great mildness. The abovementioned division of Greek troops, under prince George Cantacuzeno, was attacked by the Turks, June 25, at Stinka, on the Pruth, and defeated, after an engagement of six hours. Moldavia and Walachia remained occupied by the Turkish troops, who committed the greatest outrages, and were not entirely withdrawn froin both principalities till 1826.-See Nouvelles Observations sur la Valachie, etc., suivies d'un Précis historique des Événemens qui se sont passés dans cette Province en 1821, par un Témoin oculaire, avec le Plan de la Bat. de Dragaschan. Par F. G. L. (Paris, 1822).-After prince Alexander had remained two years in Mungatsch, and four years and a half in Theresienstadt, Russia demanded his release, in August, 1827. This, however, was not granted until the end of November, and then under the condition, imposed by Austria, that the prince should not leave the Austrian dominions. Alex. Ypsilanti died at Vienna, in January, 1828, hardly thirty-six years of age.-During this time, Demetrius Ypsilanti, with full powers from his brother Alexander, had repaired to the insurgents in Greece. Demetrius (born Dec. 25, 1793) entered the Russian hussar regiment of guards, as a cornet, in 1815, and was soon after appointed adjutant of general Rajewsky. As second captain (equal in rank to lieutenant-colonel in the troops of the line), he distinguished himself in the campaign of 1814. He now appeared as commander in the Morea, where, as long as the Russian party had the preponderance, he was held in respect. He took the lead in the Greek government at Argos, was then proclaimed prince of Peloponnesus, and appointed general-inchief in that peninsula. At the end of 1822, he became president of the legislative council. But the English party having begun to prevail, he was removed from his situation in 1823, and retired from public affairs, but on important exi gencies took an active part. He saved the Peloponnesus on the invasion of Dram Ali, by throwing himself, with a band of Hellenists, into the fortress of Argos, and giv ing the other companies time to assemble. Against the resolution of the third nation al assembly of the Greeks at Epidaurus, requesting the British ambassador in Con.. stantinople to negotiate a pruce between the Porte and the Greeks, which should provide for an independent Greek government, on condition or a yearly tribute, Demetrius Ypsilanti entered a protest When Capo d'Istrias was appointed president of the Hellenic republic, in 1828, prince Demetrius received a command in Acarnania.-A third brother, George, born at Constantinople, March 21, 1794, accompanied Alexander Ypsilanti on the expedition to Moldavia and Walachia, and shared his misfortunes and his long imprisonment. The fourth brother, Nicolas, born at Constantinople, August 16, 1796, was commander of the Sacred Band. He had the same fortune as Alexander and George. Of the two sisters, Catharine and Maria, the latter, born in 1798, devoted to the cause of her country her whole dowry, amounting to 350,000 francs. The youngest brother, Gregory Theodatius, born at Bucharest, in 1805, received his education in Paris. The annual incomes of the family amount to one and a half million roubles. YRIARTE. 1. Juan de Yriarte, royal librarian and member of the Spanish academy, a bibliographer of note, was born in 1702, on the island of Teneriffe. He studied classical literature at Paris. After eight years, he went to London, and soon after home, where he chiefly occupied himself with English literature. In 1724, he went to Madrid to study law; but his inclination to philology and bibliography predominated, and, being constantly in the royal library, then under the direction of the historian Juan de Ferreras, the latter soon made him secretary of the library. The fruit of his biographical studies was the catalogue of Greek manuscripts in that collection, the first volume of which appeared in 1764, folio, under the title Regia Bibliotheca Matritensis Codices MSS. Joannes Yriarte excussit, recensuit, Notis, Indicibus, Anecdotis pluribus evulgatis illustravit, &c. This volume contains accounts of nearly sixty manuscripts, which Constantine Lascaris had copied with his own hand. This work was completed by a second volume. Yriarte also prepared catalogues of the geographical, chronological and mathematical works contained in the royal library, which appeared in 1729 and 1730, made many corrections and additions to Antonio's treatise on Spanish authors, &c. As a member of the Spanish academy, into which he was admitted in 1742, he was very active, and contributed many observations to the treatise on Spanish orthography, to the Castilian Grammar and the Dictionary of the academy. Among his Latin poems, his numerous epigrams deserve mention. He was an industrious contributor to the Diario de los Literatos. His favorite literary occupation was the collecting of Spanish proverbs, of which he brought together about 15,000, from books as well as from the mouths of the people. His Latin Grammar, on which he labored forty years, contains rules in Spanish rhymes, with explanations in prose: it was not published until after his death, by his nephew in 1771, at Madrid, who also published, in 1774, the miscellaneous works of his uncle. He died in 1771, at Madrid.-2. Tomas de Yriarte, of whom a few words were said under the head Iriarte, nephew of the preceding, one of the best Spanish poets of modern times, was born in 1752. He first appeared as a poet in 1770, with a comedy (Hacer que Hacemos). This was followed by several translations of French plays for the royal theatre, and a few original dramatic compositions. But they are forgotten; and his literary fame is founded on his Fables. Before the publication of these, he produced a didactic poem, in five cantos, On Music (La Musica), the first edition of which (Madrid, 1779) is distinguished by typographical beauty. This poem is written in elegant language, but is deficient in poetical conception. Grainville translated it, in 1800, into French. In his Literary Fables (Fabulas Literarias), which first appeared in 1782, Yriarte attacked what he considered the faults and errors of literary men. They are the productions of an unpoetical period, in which the French manner was predominant in Spain. They are, therefore, cold, and without humor; but the language is easy, and there is much variety and elegance in the metres. They have been translated into French and German. In 1787, he collected his works in prose and verse, at Madrid, in six volumes, of which the first contains the Fables and La Mu sica. In the second are eleven Epistles, mostly satirical, also chiefly directed against the errors of scholars. The other volumes contain, besides, a number of imitations and original poems, also a metrical translation of the Epistles of Horace to the Pisos, with explanatory notes. One of his enemies, Juan Pablo Forner, irritated by his satires, wrote a bitter attack on him under the title of El Asno erudito (The Learned Ass). Yriarte replied with his Para Casos tales suelen tener los Maestros oficiales. In 1788, he published a comedy,La Señorita mal Criada, in which, as in a former, El Señorito mimado, the Spanish critics praise the strict observance of the three unities. Yriarte |