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inscription is much defaced; broken through the "d" in "Idnert". After" filius" the letter "I" follows a mark which may represent AC

or AG.

Successive restorations of the church have ruined this stone. It now consists of two fragments. Both are built into the west end of the church, on the north side; the largest forming one of the corner stones, about 10 ft. from the ground. It is built in upside down. It contains the words, in two lines,

"Idnert filius I[AP]

Fuit propter p[n]"?.

A second fragment, a little higher up from the ground, contains the word "occisus".

3. The next stone is another of those at Llanddewibrefi. It is described in the Lapidarium Wallic, at p. 139, and figured Pl. LXVI, fig. 4. The Plate is taken from a drawing by the Rev. H. L. Jones, made before the 1874 restoration of the church. The drawing does not really accurately represent the stone, but it does not seem that the stone has been affected by the two restorations. The stone stands in the churchyard, south of the remains of the south transept. The stone has been split down the middle of the cross inscribed on it. The height of the stone is 3 ft. 8 in.; width, 7 in.; thickness, 8 in. The arms of the cross are 5 in. long, and are terminated by a base 5 in. high. The stem of the cross terminates in a triangle at the upper end. At the stem of the cross, where the cross-bars meet, is a circle. From this to the upper end of the stem is 7 in. At 3 in. from that is another cross-bar 3 in. long. None of this appears in Mr. Jones' drawing, and the cross is split through the circle, not on one side of it, as there shown.

With the exception of the Daluc Stone, figured by Meyrick, Pl. v, fig. 2, and described in the Lapidarium Walliæ, p. 139, figured Plate LXVI, fig. 6, but there stated to be missing, it is satisfactory to find that all the Llanddewibrefi stones are still in existence in whole or in part.

The stones I have described show the necessity for a revised list of the Cardiganshire stones, and although I am afraid, in many cases, photographs will be hardly satisfactory, yet they will probably be more so than anything else, and I hope to be able to get

them carried out.


ANTIQUITIES FOUND NEAR LAMPETER.-The dagger here illustrated was found in 1886 by a man digging peat in a bog near a farm called "Roman Camp", also near the road called "Sarn Helen", and in the valley of the stream Nant Clywedog Ganol, about three miles above Llanfair Clydogan, Cardiganshire. It is of brass, 8 in. long, 1 in. broad at hilt-end, in. thick, and weighs 1 oz. The edges are very much worn, and appear to have been sharpened very

much. The handle was probably fastened to the blade by means of three rivets and two thongs.

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The spear-head was dug up about two miles lower down the valley, by the same man, within a week of the discovery of the dagger-blade, in planting potatoes. It is of light-coloured brass, 3 in. long, and weighs 13 oz. It was probably fastened to the shaft by means of a thong passed through the two eyes at the sides, as there is no trace of rivet-holes.

St. David's College, Lampeter.


CONFERENCE OF ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETIES.-The second Congress of Archæological Societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries was held at Burlington House on July 15, 1890, Dr. Evans, President of the Society of Antiquaries, in the chair.

The following Report of the Parish Registers and Records Committee was discussed, and referred back for some additions and verbal amendments. The Committee is a very strong one, consisting of Dr. Freshfield, V.P.S.A., Chairman; Rev. Canon Benham, F.S.A.; Mr. R. S. Faber, M.A., Hon. Sec. Huguenot Society; Mr. W. J. Hardy, F.S.A.; Dr. Howard, F.S.A.; Dr. Marshall, F.S.A.; Mr. Overend, F.S.A.; Rev. Dr. Simpson, F.S.A.; Mr. Mill Stephenson, F.S.A.; and Mr. Ralph Nevill, F.S.A., Hon. Sec.



The Congress of Associated Archæological Societies, desires to call the attention of the public, and especially of those interested in antiquarian research, to the extreme importance of duly preserving and rendering accessible the Registers and other parish records of the United Kingdom. These contain matter of the greatest value not only to the genealogist, but also to the student of local history, and through these to the general historian. It is to be regretted that sufficient care has not been taken in the past of these documents, which have too often been thoughtlessly destroyed.


The Congress has drawn up the following suggestions in the hope that they may prove useful to those anxious to assist in the preservation, transcription, and, where possible, publication of the documents referred to. As the older writings are in a different character from that used at the present time, they are not easily deciphered, and require careful examination even from experts. It is extremely desirable that they should be transcribed, not only to guard against possible loss or injury, but in order to render them more easily and generally accessible to the student. Many Registers have already been copied and published, and every year adds to the list; and the Congress is in hope that these suggestions may lead to a still greater number being undertaken.


Limits of Date.-It is evident that there is most reason for transcribing the oldest Registers; but those of later date are also of great value, and it is suggested that A.D. 1812, the date of the Act of 52 George III, cap. 146, is a suitable point to which copies may be taken.

Care as to Custody.-Great judgment should be used in entrusting Registers and other parish records to be copied, and a formal receipt for them should in all cases be required.

Character of Writing.-In transcribing great care must be used to avoid mistakes from the confusion of certain letters with other modern letters of similar form. A Committee has in preparation an alphabet, and specimens of letters, and the principal contractions; but Registers vary, and especially in the manner in which capital letters are formed. Copies of the alphabet, etc., may be obtained, when published, on application to the Committee on Parish Registers, care of the Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House. Further information may also be obtained from Wright's Court-Hand Restored (enlarged by C. T. Martin).

Great help in deciphering names may be gained from a study of existing local names. It must, however, be borne in mind that the same name may be constantly spelt in different ways, and may undergo considerable changes in the course of time, or from the hands of different scribes.

In copying dates it must be remembered that down to A.D. 1752 the year began on March 25, and not on January 1.

Method of Transcription.-There can be no doubt but that a verbatim et literatim transcription is of far more value than any other form. It is, otherwise, impossible to be sure that some point of interest and importance has not been overlooked. The extra trouble of making a complete transcript is small, and the result much more satisfactory. In any case the names should be given literatim, and all remarks carefully copied. Other records, such as churchwardens' accounts, should certainly not be transcribed and printed otherwise than in full. It is far better, in both cases, to do a portion thoroughly than the whole imperfectly.

Revision and Collation of Copies.-The decipherment of old Registers is, as already pointed out, a work of considerable difficulty, and it is therefore strongly recommended that in cases where the transcribers have no great previous experience, they should obtain the help of some competent reader to collate the transcript with the original.

Publication. With regard to the publication of Registers, the Committee have carefully considered the question of printing in abbreviated or index form, and have come to the conclusion to strongly recommend that the publication should be in full, not only for the reasons given above for transcription, but because the extra trouble and expense (if any) are so small, and the value so very much greater. There seems, however, no objection, in either case, to the use of contractions of formal words of constant recurrence. A list of some of these is subjoined,-Bap., baptized; Mar., married; Bur., buried; Bac., bachelor; Spin., spinster; Wid., widow or widower; Dau., daughter.

With regard to entries of marriage after Lord Hardwicke's Act of 1752, it is suggested that the form of entry may be simplified by the omission of formal phrases; but care should be taken not to omit any record or fact however apparently unimportant; such, for instance, as the names of witnesses, ministers, occupation, etc.

It is believed that many Registers remain unprinted owing to an exaggerated idea of the cost of printing and binding. Reasonable estimates for these might probably often be obtained from local presses which would be interested in the publication. No absolute rule as to size and type can be laid down; but on this and other questions the Standing Committee will always be glad to give advice.

General Committee.-A Standing Committee has been appointed by the Congress for the purpose of giving advice, and preparing and distributing to the various Societies in union such information and lists as may be of common value to all. This Committee is engaged on the preparation of a list of all the Registers that have been printed, and when completed this list will be communicated to all subscribing Societies for inclusion in their publications.

Local Societies are strongly urged to form their own committees to take steps to secure the printing of the many transcripts that already exist unpublished, and to promote further transcription. It is believed that the publication of a series of Registers, supplemental and extra to their Transactions, would add to the attractiveness and usefulness of the Societies without being a serious burden to their funds. By combination and organisation a considerable body of outside subscribers may probably be secured for such a series; and the cost of distribution of circulars, etc., may be materially reduced by such a plan as the issue, by the Central Committee, of an annual circular containing lists of Registers in course of publication. Such a circular might be distributed by the local Societies, and published in their transactions and elsewhere.

The subject of an Archæological Survey of England, by counties

or districts, was further discussed. It was announced that maps of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Surrey were in preparation, and it was hoped that one of Berkshire would shortly be undertaken. It was resolved that a copy of the circular issued by the Surrey Archæological Society be forwarded with the Report.


General Scheme of the Work.-A set of maps of the 6-inch Ordnance Survey is kept at the headquarters of the Society. On this it is proposed to mark all objects of archæological interest in the county. When the map is complete, a reduced copy and a complete topographical index will be published in the Collections of the Society. Following the lines laid down by Mr. George Payne, F.S.A., Honorary Secretary of the Kent Archaeological Society, in his Archaeological Survey of the County of Kent (published by the Society of Antiquaries), it is proposed to divide the work into three sections, viz.:

1. Pre-Roman.—(a), earthworks and tumuli. Where no date can be assigned to this class of antiquities, it is proposed to simply mark them as earthworks (E). (b), megalithic remains, cists, paleolithic and neolithic implements, bronze objects, as celts, palstaves, spearheads, etc., sepulchral relics, etc.

2. Roman, including cemeteries, interments, tombs, and sepulchral relics, foundations, camps, roads, hoards of coins, pottery, glass, personal ornaments, etc.

3. Anglo-Saxon, including barrows, cemeteries, interments, and sepulchral relics, coins, glass objects, etc., personal ornaments, arms, etc.

Finds of single coins, except in the case of early British or AngloSaxon, may be noticed and recorded, but need not be entered on the maps. The exact locality of all discoveries of British and AngloSaxon coins should always be given, together with the date of the discovery, and a reference to any published account of the same.

Printed forms can be obtained from the Honorary Secretaries; and any members willing to assist either by personal investigation or by reading and noting the various books relating to the county, are requested to communicate with the Honorary Secretaries. To prevent confusion and double labour, members are requested to notify to the Honorary Secretaries the work they are willing to undertake.

Members can render much assistance by purchasing the single sheets of the Ordnance Survey for their own district, and filling up the same at home; but in all cases the annexed form should be filled in as well. Single sheets of the 6-inch Ordnance Survey can be purchased from E. Stanford, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, S.W., at a cost of 2s. 6d. each, and a skeleton map, showing the divisions of the county, can be obtained for 3d.

Field-names are most important, and especially those occurring in old charters, court-rolls, or other documents, parish-maps, rate

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