twn; Annes gwraig Roland Pilston; Gwenhwyfar gwraig William ap Moris o Dreborth yn Mangor; Grace gwraig Thomas ap William ap Gruffydd ap Gwilym o Faenol Bangor ac wedin gwraig Thomas Gruffydd ap Sir Rys Gruffydd; Alis gwraig Roland ap Meredydd o Llanelian yn Rhôs. Plant Robert ap Gruffydd' o Angharad verch Elissau ap Moris oedd Moris Gruffydd yr Aer; Rolant; Elis; Richard; ac Edward: ac o ferched Elizabeth gwraig Owen ap Hugh o Fodeon; Elin gwraig William ap Morgan ap William ap Rys ap Howel o Rug. Plant Angharad o William o Glynllifon oedd Moris Glyn; Owen Glyn, Master of Arts; a Chattrin. Plant Owen ap Hugh o Sibil verch Sir William Gruffydd oedd Hugh; William Doctor; Sion; Iaspart; Rondl; Roland; Moris; Edward; Robert; o ferched Sian; Gwen; Elin; a Chattrin. Plant Dafydd ap Rys ap Dafydd ap Gwilym o Llwydiarth o Annes verch Dafydd ap William ap Gruffydd ap Robyn oedd Rys Wynn; Dafydd Lloyd; Owen; a William: o ferched Margred ac Elin. Plant Meredydd Lloyd ap Sion Owen o Kattrin Conwy oedd Lewis; Sion Wynn; Owen; Dafydd Lloyd Batsler o'r Gyfraith; William Lloyd; ac William Wynn; ac o ferched, Sian gwraig gyntaf William Holand ap Dafydd Holand ap Gruffydd Holand o'r Hendre fawr yn Abergele; a hono oedd fam Sion Holand; ac wedi marw Sian priododd William Holand ..." unig verch ac etifeddes yr Esgob Thomas Davies a hono oedd 1 See Lewys Dunn, vol. ii, p. 132, where mention is made of two more sons, John and Humphrey. 2 Ob. 1588. 3 Rector of Llangadwaladr, 7 April 1601 to 28 March 1615. 4 Sheriff of Anglesey, 1608. Died in 1613. (Lewys Dwnn, ii, p. 206, n. 10.) 5 Margaret. (Hist. Powys Fadog, vol. iii, p. 50.) 2 fam Pyrs Holand bach; a Pyrs a briododd ..." verch y Pyrs Holand o Geinmel, ac y bu iddynt Dafydd Holand Ianga, a Sion Person Llan St. Sior; a Chattrin: a Dafydd Holand Ianga a briododd... verch ...3 Kyffin o Faenan, ac y bu iddynt Roger Holand a merch a briododd yn Sir Gaer lleon: a Roger a briododd ... ferch ... Parry Esgob Llanelwy, a dwy ferch fu iddo yn etifeddese. Ac wedi marw merch yr Esgob Parry priododd Roger HolandR ... verch Edward Wynn o Ystrad a hono oedd widw. Plant Humffrey ap Meredydd o ... 5 verch Ieuan ap tiniog. Plant Cadwaladr ap Meredydd o Sioned verch Thomas ap Moris ap Gruffydd ap Evan oedd Thomas Wynn; Sion; Gruffydd; Robert; Owen; Humphre; Roland: ac o ferched Margred; Marsli; Annes; a Sioned. Plant Lowri verch Moris ap Sion ap Meredydd o Sion Owen ap Sion ap Robyn, oedd Meredydd Lloyd; Owen Wynn; Harri y Doctor; William; Sion Wynn; o ferched Gwen gwraig Dafydd Anwyl ap Ieuan ap Rys o Arth Garmon; Elin gwraig Sion ap Rys ap Llewelyn ap Gruffydd o Eglwysfach; Margred gwraig Owen ap Sion o'r Bettws yn Rhos; Ales gwraig Gruffydd ap Ieuan ap Llewelyn fychan o Llanelwy; Annes gwraig Lewis Gruffydd ap Ieuan o Aber; Cattrin gwraig Rys Wynn o'r Bettws yn Rhos; Sian gwraig Sieffre Holand o Eglwysfach gwraig Sion Owen ap Dafydd ap Rys o Ddroserth; Cattrin gwraig Hugh ap Gruffydd Lloyd o Llysfaen (14 o blant). ... 1 Sioned. (Hist. Powys Fadog, iii, p. 50). 2 Elizabeth. (Ibid.) 3 Maurice. (Ibid.) 5 Richard. Jane, buried 22 April 1641. 6 Sheriff of Denbighshire, 1634. Ob. 1642. ap YFIONYDD. William Wynn' ap Sir William ap Moris ap Elissau Moris ap Sion ap Meredydd ap Ieuan ap Meredydd ap Howel ap Dafydd ap Gruffydd ap Kariadog. Mal Ach Rhiwedog. Mam William Wynn oedd verch3 Sion Wynn Lack ap Thomas Lack o Llanddyn.* Mam Sir William ap Moris oedd ElinR verch Sir John Pilston. Mam Moris ap Elisse oedd Kattrin verch Pyrs Stanley chwaer un fam un dad ag Edward Stanle Constabl Harlech. Mam Elisse ap Moris oedd Angharad verch Elisse ap Gruffydd ap Einion ap Gruffydd ap Llewelyn ap Cynwric ap Osber. Mam Moris ap Sion ap Meredydd oedd Gwenhwy far verch Gronow ap Ieuan ap Einion ap Gruffydd ap Howel ap Meredydd ap Egnion ap Gwgan ap Merwydd ap Collwyn un o'r 15 Llwyth Gwynedd. Mam Sion ap Meredydd oedd Margred1o verch ac 1 Of Clenenney. 2 Living in July 1586, but died before 7 Oct. 1596. 3 Margaret, sole heiress of John Lacon of Porkington in Shropshire, was buried at Selattyn, 28 Feb. 1571-2. 4 In the parish of Llangollen. 5 Born about 1540; Sheriff of Caernarvonshire, 1582 and 1596; of Merionethshire, 1591 and 1606; M.P. for Caernarvonshire, 159297 and 1604-9; for Beaumaris, 1601; knighted July 23, 1603. Died Aug. 1622. His tombstone is in Penmorva churchyard. (Calendars of Gwynedd.) Her will, dated 23 Jan., was proved May 21, 1577. 7 By deed dated 18 Aug. 1511, he conveyed his messuage called "Plas y Clynenney", and other property, to certain feoffees to hold for himself for life, with remainder to his son Ellis and his heirs male. (Lewys Dunn, ii, p. 70.) 8 Party to a deed dated 12 Jan., 2 Richard III. (Ibid. See also Hist. of Gwydir.) 9 Living 7 Henry V. 10 Angharad (?). (Lewys Dunn, ii, p. 70.) etifeddes Einion ap Ithel ap Gwrgeneu fychan, ac i Ririd Flaidd. Mam Meredydd ap Ieuan oedd Lleuku verch Howel ap Meiric Lloyd ap Meiric ap Ynyr fychan. Cais Ach Nane. EFIONYDD. Plant Sion ap Meredydd ap Ieuan ap Meredydd ap Howel ap Dafydd ap Gruffydd ap Kariadog ap Thomas ap Rodri ap Owen Gwynedd oedd Moris; Owen; Gruffydd; ac Ieuan; o ferched Kattrin gwraig Llewelyn ap Hwlkin ар Howel o Gwmmwd Llifon yn Môn, ac wedi hwnw farw gwraig fu hi i Rronwy ap Dafydd fychan o Dindaethwy yn Môn; Elen gwraig Howel fychan ap Howel ap Gruffydd ap Siankin o Llwydiarth yn Mhowys; Margred gwraig Robert Irland o Swydd Groesoswallt; Lowri gwraig Howel ap Madoc ap Howel o Yfionydd; Annes gwraig Dafydd fychan o Lynn. Mam y Plant hyn oedd Gwenhwyfar verch Ronw ap Ieuan ap Einion ap Gruffydd ap Howel ap Meredydd ap Einion ap Gwgan ap Merwydd ap Collwyn ap Kellan. Mam Sion ap Meredydd oedd Margred verch ac etifeddes Sienkin neu Einion ap Ithel ap Gruffydd neu Gurgenau fychan ap Madoc ap Ririd Flaidd. (To be continued.) 224 Reviews and Notices of Books. STUDIES IN THE ARTHURIAN LEGEND. By JOHN RHYS, M.A., Fellow of Jesus College, Professor of Celtic in the University of Oxford. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1891. Pp. vi, 411. Price, 12s. 6d. THIS important work by our distinguished President forms the continuation of his Lectures on Celtic Heathendom, and is an amplification of two of the course delivered by him as Hibbert Lecturer for the year 1886, which could not be included in the volume published by the Hibbert Trustees. A critical notice of that work appeared in our Journal for 1888, p. 359. The method of interpreting the mythic and heroic tales of the Goidelic and Brythonic Celts adopted in the author's earlier volume has been followed in that which is the subject of the present notice. That is to say, the incidents which make up the great bulk of the romantic literature of the Celtic peoples are explained according to the anthropological method, the presence of the grotesque or the supernatural in them being regarded as the echoes of savage beliefs, and the heroes of the stories as the representatives of forces the action of which was figuratively expressed. As in his earlier work, so now, Professor Rhys, being before aught else a philologist, does not disdain the explanatory system of philology, and by calling the science of language to the aid of anthropology he attains the happiest results without violating the principles of either. By both of these processes the principal personages of Aryan mythology have been transformed into sun-gods, moongoddesses, stellar divinities of greater or less importance, cultureheroes and the like impersonal entities, until the whole tribe of Celtic heroes, about whom our historians have written so much veracious history, are in some danger of disappearing altogether, like "the baseless fabric of a vision", leaving not a single chivalrous knight or beauteous maiden behind. The Lectures on Celtic Heathendom came upon Welsh scholars with something of a shock, though Professor Rhys was by no means the first to examine and explain Celtic myths according to the methods of Dr. Tylor or Max Müller. Most of the Celtic scholars of France who circle round the Revue Celtique are supporters of the anthropological system of myth interpretation, and several German scholars of eminence adopt the same reasoning with certain important modifications. Though not so generally accepted in this country, |