29 4-751 59 9.666 29 0.079 59 0-161 30 4-915 60 9-830 30 0.082 60 0.164 The quantities opposite the different numbers of hours, minutes, and seconds, are to be subtracted, to obtain the equivalent interval of mean solar time for any period. 25 4-107 51 8-378 21 0.057 51 0-140 22 0.060 52 0-142 53 0-145 54 0-148 27 0.074 57 0-156 28 0.076 58 0-159 59 9.692 30 4.928 60 9.856 29 0.079 30 0.082 59 0-161 60 0.164 The quantities opposite the different numbers of hours, minutes, and seconds, are to be added, to obtain the equivalent interval of sidereal time for any period. - Vide Table of Equivalents, page 489 of the Nautical Almanac. This table, and the preceding, are calculated from the ratio of a sidereal to a mean solar day-twenty-four hours of mean time being equivalent to 24h 3m 565-5554 sidereal time. |