The numerous subscribers who have been waiting the completion of this volume can now perfect their sets, and all who want A REGISTER OF THE EVENTS OF THE LAST FIFTEEN YEARS, FOR THE WHOLE WORLD, can obtain this volume separately: price Two Dollars uncut in cloth, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents in leather, to match the styles in which the publishers have been selling sets. Subscribers in the large cities can be supplied on application at any of the principal bookstores; and persons residing in the country can have their sets matched by sending a volume in charge of friends visiting the city. Complete sets furnished at very low prices in various bindings. "The publishers of the Encyclopædia Americana conferred an obligation on the public when, fourteen years ago, they issued the thirteen volumes from their press. They contained a wonderful amount of information, upon almost every subject which would be likely to occupy public attention, or be the theme of conversation in the private circle. Whatever one would wish to inquire about, it seemed only necessary to dip into the Encyclopædia Americana, and there the outline, at least, would be found, and reference made to those works which treat at large upon the subject. It was not strange, therefore, that the work was popular. But in fourteen years, great events occur. The last fourteen years have been full of them, and great discoveries have been made in sciences and the arts; and great men have, by death, commended their names and deeds to the fidelity of the biographer, so that the Encyclopædia that approached perfection in 1832, might fall considerably behind in 1846. To bring up the work, and keep it at the present point, has been a task assumed by Professor Vethake, of the Pennsylvania University, a gentleman entirely competent to such an undertaking; and with a disposition to do a good work, he has supplied a supplementary volume to the main work, corresponding in size and arrangements therewith, and becoming, indeed, a fourteenth volume. The author has been exceedingly industrious, and very fortunate in discovering and selecting materials, using all that Germany has presented, and resorting to every species of information of events connected with the plan of the work, since the publication of the thirteen volumes. He has continued articles that were commenced in that work, and added new articles upon science, biography, history, and geography, so as to make the present volume a necessary appendage in completing facts to the other. The publishers deserve the thanks of the readers of the volume, for the handsome type, and clear white paper they have used in the publication."-United States Gazette. "This volume is worth owning by itself, as a most convenient and reliable compend of recent History, Biography, Statistics, &c., &c. The entire work forms the cheapest and probably now the most desirable Encyclopædia published for popular use."-New York Tribune. "The Conversations Lexicon (Encyclopædia Americana) has become a household book in all the intelligent families in America, and is undoubtedly the best depository of biographical, historical, geographical and political information of that kind which discriminating readers require."—Silliman's Journal. "This volume of the Encyclopædia is a Westminster Abbey of American reputation. What names are on the roll since 1833!"-N. Y. Literary World. "The work to which this volume forms a supplement, is one of the most important contributions that has ever been made to the literature of our country. Besides condensing into a comparatively narrow compass, the substance of larger works of the same kind which had preceded it, it contains a vast amount of information that is not elsewhere to be found, and is distinguished, not less for its admirable arrangement, than for the variety of subjects of which it treats. The present volume, which is edited by one of the most distinguished scholars of our country, is worthy to follow in the train of those which have preceded it. It is a remarkably felicitous condensation of the more recent improvements in science and the arts, besides forming a very important addition to the department of Biography, the general progress of society, &c., &c.”—Albany Argus. LEA AND BLANCHARD'S PUBLICATIONS. CAMPBELL'S LORD CHANCELLORS. NOW COMPLETE. LIVES OF THE LORD CHANCELLORS AND KEEPERS OF THE FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE REIGN OF KING GEORGE IV., Bringing the work to the death of Lord Eldon, in 1838. "It is sufficient for us to thank Lord Campbell for the honest industry with which he has thus far prosecuted his large task, the general candor and liberality with which he has analyzed the lives and characters of a long succession of influential magistrates and ministers, and the manly style of his narrative. We need hardly say that we shall expect with great interest the continuation of this performance. But the present series of itself is more than sufficient to give Lord Campbell a high station among the English authors of his age."-Quarterly Review. "The volumes teem with exciting incidents, abound in portraits, sketches and anecdotes, and are at once interesting and instructive. The work is not only historical and biographical, but it is anecdotal and philosophical. Many of the chapters embody thrilling incidents, while as a whole, the publication may be regarded as of a high intellectual order."-Inquirer. "A work in three handsome octavo volumes, which we shall regard as both an ornament and an honor to our library. A History of the Lord Chancellors of England from the institution of the office, is necessarily a History of the Constitution, the Court, and the Jurisprudence of the Kingdom, and these volumes teem with a world of collateral matter of the liveliest character for the general reader, as well as with much of the deepest interest for the professional or philosophical mind."-Saturday Courier. "The brilliant success of this work in England is by no means greater than its merits. It is certainly the most brilliant contribution to English history made within our recollection; it has the charm and freedom of Biography combined with the elaborate and careful comprehensiveness of History."-N. Y. Tribune. MURRAY'S ENCYCLOPÆDIA OF GEOGRAPHY. THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GEOGRAPHY, COMPRISING A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF THE EARTH, PHYSICAL, STATISTICAL, CIVIL AND POLITICAL. EXHIBITING ITS RELATION TO THE HEAVENLY BODIES, ITS PHYSICAL STRUCTURE, THE BY HUGH MURRAY, F. R. S. E., &c. Assisted in Botany, by Professor HOOKER-Zoology, &c., by W. W. SWAINSON-Astronomy, &c., by Professor WALLACE-Geology, &c., by Professor JAMESON. REVISED, WITH ADDITIONS, BY THOMAS G. BRADFORD. THE WHOLE BROUGHT UP, BY A SUPPLEMENT, TO 1843. VARIOUS STYLES OF BINDING. This great work, furnished at a remarkably cheap rate, contains about NINETEEN HUNDRED LARGE IMPERIAL PAGES, and is illustrated by EIGHTYTwo SMALL MAPS, and a colored MAP OF THE UNITED STATES, after Tanner's, together with about ELeven Hundred WOOD CUTS executed in the best style. LEA AND BLANCHARD'S PUBLICATIONS. STRICKLAND'S QUEENS OF ENGLAND. A NEW AND ELEGANT EDITION OF LIVES OF THE QUEENS OF ENGLAND, FROM THE NORMAN CONQUEST; WITH ANECDOTES OF THEIR COURTS, NOW FIRST PUBLISHED FROM OFFICIAL Forming a handsome series in crown octavo, beautifully printed with large type on fine paper, done A few copies still on hand of the Duodecimo Edition. Ten volumes are now ready. Vol. I.-Contains Matilda of Flanders, Matilda of Scotland, Adelicia of Louvaine, Matilda of Boulogne, and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Price 50 cents, in fancy paper. Vol. II. Berengaria of Navarre, Isabella of Angouleme, Eleanor of Provence, Eleanor of Castile, Marguerite of France, Isabella of France, Philippa of Hainault, and Anne of Bohemia. Price 50 cents. Vol. III.-Isabella of Valois, Joanna of Navarre, Katharine of Valois, Margaret of Anjou, Elizabeth Woodville, and Ann of Warwick. Price 50 cents. Vol. IV. Elizabeth of York, Katharine of Arragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, and Katharine Howard. Price 65 cents. Vol. V. Katharine Parr and Queen Mary. Price 65 cents. Vol. VI.-Queen Elizabeth. Price 65 cents. Vol. VII.-Queen Elizabeth (continued), and Anne of Denmark. Price 65 cents. Vol. VIII.-Henrietta Maria and Catharine of Braganza. Price 65 cents. Vol. IX.-Mary of Modena. Price 75 cents. Vol. X.-Mary of Modena (continued), and Mary II. Price 75 cents. Any volume sold separately, or the whole to match in neat green cloth. JUST PUBLISHED VOLUME TEN: CONTAINING MARY OF MODENA, AND MARY II. Price 75 cents in fancy paper.-Also, in extra green cloth. "These volumes have the fascination of a romance united to the integrity of history."-Times. "A most valuable and entertaining work."-Chronicle. "This interesting and well-written work, in which the severe truth of history takes almost the wildness of romance, will constitute a valuable addition to our biographical literature."-Morning Herald. "A valuable contribution to historical knowledge, to young persons especially. 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It is a work with which, shedding such a light as we are justified in saying it will do upon English history, every library ought to be provided."-Sunday Times. MEMOIRS OF THE LOVES OF THE POETS. Biographical Sketches of Women celebrated in Ancient and Modern Poetry. BY MRS. JAMIESON. In one royal duodecimo volume, price 75 cents. FREDERICK THE GREAT, HIS COURT AND TIMES, EDITED, WITH AN INTRODUCTION, BY THOMAS CAMP. BELL, ESQ., AUTHOR OF THE "PLEASURES OF HOPE." Second Series, in two duodecimo volumes, extra cloth. HISTORY OF CONGRESS, EXHIBITING A CLASSIFICATION OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SENATE AND THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, FROM 1789 TO 1793, EMBRACING THE FIRST TERM OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF GENERAL WASHINGTON. In one large octavo volume of over 700 pages, price only $1.50. MOORE'S IRELAND-NOW COMPLETE. THE HISTORY OF IRELAND, FROM THE EARLIEST KINGS OF THAT REALM DOWN TO ITS LATEST CHIEFS. In two octavo volumes, extra cloth. Mr. Moore has at length completed his History of Ireland containing the most troubled and interesting periods through which it has passed. Those who have possessed themselves of the work as far as the Great Expedition against Scotland in 1545, can procure the second volume separate. HISTORY OF THE WAR IN FRANCE AND BELGIUM IN 1815, CONTAINING MINUTE DETAILS OF THE BATTLES OF QUATRE-BRAS, LIGNY, WAVRE AND WATERLOO. BY CAPTAIN W. SIBORNE. In one octavo volume, with Maps and Plans of Battles, &c., viz.: 1. Part of Belgium, indicating the distribution of the armies on commencing hostilities. 2. Field of Quatre-Bras, at 3 o'clock, P. M. 3. Field of Quatre-Bras, at 7 o'clock, P. M. 4. Field of Ligny, at a quarter past 2 o'clock, P. M. 5. Field of Ligny, at half past 8 o'clock, P. M. 6. Field of Waterloo. at a quarter past 11 o'clock, A. M. 7. Field of Waterloo, at a quarter before 8 o'clock, P. M. 8. Field of Waterloo, at 5 minutes past 8 o'clock, P. M. 9. Field of Wavre, at 4 o'clock, P. M., 18th June. 10. Field of Wavre, at 4 o'clock, A. M., 19th June. 11. Part of France, on which is shown the advance of the Allied Armies into the Kingdom. TEXT BOOK OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. BY J. C. I. GIESELER, PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY IN GOTTINGEN. TRANSLATED FROM THE THIRD GERMAN EDITION, BY F. CUNNINGHAM. In three octavo volumes, containing over 1200 large pages. ELEMENTS OF UNIVERSAL HISTORY, ON A NEW AND SYSTEMATIC PLAN, FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE TREATY OF VIENNA, TO WHICH IS ADDED A SUMMARY OF THE LEADING EVENTS SINCE THAT PERIOD. BY H. WHITE, B. A. SIXTH AMERICAN EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS BY JOHN S. HART, A. M. In one large royal 12mo. volume, neat extra cloth. LEA AND BLANCHARD'S PUBLICATIONS. GRAHAME'S COLONIAL HISTORY. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. FROM THE PLANTATION OF THE BRITISH COLONIES TILL THEIR ASSUMPTION OF INDEPENDENCE. SECOND AMERICAN EDITION, ENLARGED AND AMENDED, WITH A MEMOIR BY PRESIDENT QUINCY. IN TWO LARGE OCTAVO VOLUMES, EXTRA CLOTH, WITH A PORTRAIT. This work having assumed the position of a standard history of this country, the publishers have been induced to issue an edition in smaller size and at a less cost, that its circulation may be commensurate with its merits. It is now considered as the most impartial and trustworthy history that has yet appeared. A few copies of the edition in four volumes, on extra fine thick paper, price eight dollars, may still be had by gentlemen desirous of procuring a beautiful work for their libraries. "It is universally known to literary men as, in its original form, one of the earliest histories of this country, and certainly one of the best ever written by a foreigner. It has been constantly and copiously used by every one who has, since its appearance, undertaken the history of this country. In the course of the memoir prefixed to it, it is vindicated from the aspersions cast on it by Mr. Bancroft, who, nevertheless, has derived from it a vast amount of the information and documentary material of his own ambitious, able and extended work. It is issued in two volumes, and cannot fail to find its way to every library of any pretensions.-New York Courier and Enquirer. HISTORY OF THE NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, BY J. FENIMORE COOPER. THIRD EDITION, WITH CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. Complete, two volumes in one, neat extra cloth, 1 With a Portrait of the Author, Two Maps, and Portraits of Paul Jones, BainBRIDGE, Dale, Preble, DECATUR, PORTER, PERRY, AND MCDONOUGH. WRAXALL'S HISTORICAL MEMOIRS. HISTORICAL MEMOIRS OF MY OWN TIMES, ONE NEAT VOLUME, EXTRA CLOTH. This is the work for which, in consequence of too truthful a portraiture of Catherine II., the author was imprisoned and fined. Taught by this experience, his succeeding memoirs he suppressed until after his death. WRAXALL'S POSTHUMOUS MEMOIRS. POSTHUMOUS MEMOIRS OF HIS OWN TIMES, BY SIR N. W. WRAXALL. IN ONE VOLUME, EXTRA CLOTH. This work contains much secret and amusing anecdote of the prominent personages of the day, which rendered its posthumous publication necessary. |