(Matthew) ........ "Yeast... ................................... 299 "Yeddo (see Jeddo)........ Yellow Bird.. 281 66 66 245 Wulfilas (see Ulfilas). -, Naples (see Naples Yellow)... .................. Yellowstone................. Yellow Fever (see Appendix, end of this vol ume) Weed (see Wold).. .... 300 Wyat (sir Thomas)....... 285 247 Wycherley (William)...... "Yemen (see Arabia)....... "Wycliffe (see Wickliff).... 286 Yenite. "Wykeham (William of)... "Wyndham (sir William)... "Wyte, or Wite............ Wythe (George) Woodbine (see Honey- Wool.............................................. Woollens.. Woollett (William).......... Woolston (Thomas) 66 X. 252 Wootz (see Steel)......... 256 Xanten Worcester (city in England) Wörlitz Worm ............. ........ ............... Yonne ..... 288 York (city in England).... 289 แ แ "Xanthippe.... Xenocrates......................................... "Xenophanes "Xenophon.................................. de la Frontera........ 258 Xerxes I...... 259 291 (town in Canada). and Lancaster (see (Frederic, duke of ).. (a German general).. 303 "Yorke (Philip).. "Yorkinos (see Guerrero)... 304 292 Yorktown ..........**•••• 293 Young (Edward).... (Arthur) (Thomas) "Ypres, or Ypern.......... ...... 294 Ypsilanti "Yriarte 305 " 308 (marquis de)..... 295 Ysenburg (see Isenburg).. 309 (Leonardo) Yttria.. ............ "Xiphias (see Sword-Fish).. "Yttro-Cerite ................、、 -Tantalite... Yule...... "Y(letter) Yacht..... ........ 296 Yvernois (sir Francis d')... "Yakoutsk, or Jakutsk.. Yvetot.. Zoology Zoophyte " 343 " "Zoisite (see Epidote).... 325 Zollikofer (George Joachim) "Zonaras (John). Zerbst, or Anhalt-Zerbst... Zanetti (count)............ 315 Zanni, Zanneschi (see Har- Battista Zante... Francisco Antonio).. Zea-Bermudez (don Franeisco de)....... Zealand, or Zeeland.. ... pher Theophilus).. "Zethes, Zetes, or Zetus.... Zethus (see Amphion)..... "Zetoun, or Zeitoun (Gulf of) "Zeus (see Jupiter). "Zeuxis 316 Zeyd (see Seyd)...... Zeyst, or Zeist..... "Zia (see Zea)....... "Ziegenbalg (Bartholomew). "Zieten (see Ziethen). "Ziethen (Hans Joachim von) 317 Zigeth (see Szigeth)....... "Zimarra (see Masks).... "Zimmer (Patricius Benedict) Zimmermann (chevalier von) (Eberhard Au 318 gustus William von). or Seeland...... 319 Zinc. (New) ........... Zealots Zechariah, or Zachariah... Zootomy (see Anatomy).. "Zopyrus "Zorndorf (Battle of)....... Zoroaster, or Zerdusht.... Zrinyi, or Zrini (count of).. 345 327 Zschokke (John Henry Daniel)... Zug.. "Zuidersee, or Zuyder-Zee. "l Zuinglius (see Zwingli)..... "Zullichau 328 Zumbo (see Wax Figures). 347 "Zumsteeg (John Rodolphus) "Zürich (canton). " .... (city)... (lake). 329 Zurla (cardinal) ........ 331 Zurlo (count de) "Zingarelli (Nicolo).. 320 Zingis, Gengis, or Jenghis Khan (see Gengis Khan). "Zinzendorf (count von) "Zion (see Sion).... 321 Zircon. "Zirconia .... 333 346 "Zuydersee (see Zuidersee). 349 "Zweibrücken (see DeuxPonts) "Zwingli, or Zuinglius (Ulrich).. "Calabash (see Passion-Flower) Calculating Machine 394 " 66 362 [Birdlime (see Holly)...... 386 Cadet de Vaux.... Calico-Bush (see Kalmia).. 395 Bleeding (see Phlebotomy). Blomfield (Charles James).. "Blood-Letting (see Phlebotomy) "Blue Vitriol (see Copper).. ...... 366 Boigne (count).. ......... ........ 366 Bolting (see Mill) Boyle, Charles (see Orrery, 368 Brooke, Lord (see Greville) 392 "Brunswick. 369 Buckeye (see Horse-Chest- Buckhurst (see Sackville).. "Buckingham, Duke of (see Sheffield) "Budessin (see Bautzen).... 385 ....... "Burzenland (see Cronstadt) "Butter-Cups (see Ranuncu- Chapetones (see Creoles, Christians of St. John (see Chrysolite (see Olivine).... 394 " 433 " ...... Clarke, Duke of Feltre (see Grossular (see Gamet).... 465 (Ilmenite (see Titanium).... 475 Lee (Samuel). |