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that he wished them to embrace the religion as well as to learn the language of the Chaldeans, gave them names, the first of which certainly was derived from Bel, the chief idol of Babylon, and perhaps the rest from some other idols. For to Daniel he gave the name of Belteshazzar, and Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishäel, he called, severally, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego.

But let us here pause a moment, to remark upon the situation in which these young men were placed. Certainly it was a situation of very great peril and hazard to their souls. They had been taken from their country, from their parents and natural guardians, from their kindred, and from the ordinances of God:-and just at that time of life which is justly looked upon as the most critical-when the passions are becoming strong, and the judgment usually is weak, and the character is not fully formed, and the mind most easily receives impressions-just at this age of immaturity and inexperience, they are brought into the palace of an absolute and idolatrous prince-brought into a state of complete dependence upon him-placed where everything would be done to make them forget the God of their fathers-exposed to all the temptations which arise from a sumptuous and luxurious style of living, and subjected to be misled by the pride of

human learning, and by the hope of preferment, and of the favour of the great.

In such a condition, it is clear that they would need sound principles, much prudence, much watchfulness, and, above all, much grace from God. We are now to see how far they were possessed of these endowments.

It has been noted already that a portion of the king's meat, and of the wine which he drank, was appointed for them daily. But here, doubtless without any bad meaning on the part either of the king or his officers, there was a trial and a snare for them. You know, that by the ceremonial law of Moses, then in force, several sorts of meats in common use among other nations were prohibited to the Jews as unclean. It was very usual also for the heathen to make their banquets upon meats which had been offered or dedicated to their idols; and the Jews were strictly forbidden to be partakers of such feasts, lest they should thereby appear to countenance idol worship. But many of the king's dishes would hardly fail to consist, in part at least, of these unclean meats; and his wine, as well as his viands, might very probably have been presented in the idol's temple, and part of it poured out for a libation upon the altar. But, at all events, a luxurious, self-indulgent course of

living would very ill become these young persons-captives, as they were, in a foreign land; afflicted, as they had need to be, and humbled for the low estate of their native country lying under the wrath of God; and providentially called, as they appeared to be, to exhibit among idolaters such moderation and sobriety of demeanour as might befit the worshippers of Jehovah, and best manifest the excellency and purity of the one true religion. Daniel, therefore, saw very clearly what course it became him to take; that he must keep at the utmost distance, not only from evil, but even from the appearance of evil. He knew that he could have no right to dispense with any the least of God's ordinances, merely because it might be only ceremonial; and he knew that it was his duty, to the very utmost of his power, to do all things to God's glory. "He purposed in his heart, therefore, that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine that he drank." This was his resolution, to which, no doubt, some such considerations as I have stated brought him. And then, the next thing to be done was to carry it into execution. Now observe his manner of proceeding. He did not reject with rudeness what was proffered him in good will; nor disdain the king's meat, as if it were an abomination to his superior holiness. But "he re


quested the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself;" that is, he calmly and modestly declared his scruples, and solicited, as an indulgence, that his conscience might be respected, and that he might not be urged to do what he considered as being, to him at least, prohibited. This was certainly the wisest course to take, and such a course very commonly proves successful. If people have any conscience of their own-and few are devoid of this altogether they will usually respect the scruples of others when they are seriously and quietly stated, even though they do not fully see the grounds of them; and if young persons have principle and fortitude enough firmly to refuse when urged to undue compliances, they will almost always get more respect, and often more favour, than by yielding against their own convictions. In the case before us it is clear, that He who hath the hearts of all men in his hand stood by Daniel, as he is wont to do by all who fear giving him offence, more than they fear any other thing. This the sequel shows.

"Now God," it is said, "had brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs." Ashpenaz therefore was much disposed to indulge him; yet he stood himself in Nebuchadnezzar was no very easy situation. not a man to be trifled with; so that between his

desire to oblige Daniel, and his fear of "endangering his head to the king," as he expresses it, he hardly knew what course to take. He neither promises Daniel nor denies him.

But it was not meals to these

his office actually to bring their young persons, and perhaps he hinted that his deputy might do what Daniel wished, with less hazard than he himself could order it. At least, what has been stated having passed with the principal, Daniel did next betake himself to the subordinate. He besought Melzar, whom it seems the prince of the eunuchs had set over Daniel and his companions, to prove them for ten days, to take away the king's meat, and to give them pulse to eat and water to drink for that time, and then to let them take their own course, if it should appear that they throve as well upon. this spare diet as upon the other. Melzar consented; and "at the end of the ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat ;" and thenceforth Melzar did by them as they desired. Now though this temperate diet might be wholesome, it was not naturally suited, I suppose, to render them fatter in flesh than the others. Daniel, therefore, who nevertheless evidently looked for this, had clearly, when he asked Melzar to put the matter to this proof, left his case to God: and the Lord did



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