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Geological Section, Address by L.Fletcher

to the, 631.

Geology of the neighbourhood of Oxford,
some points of special interest in the,
Prof. A. H. Green on, 644.

of the plateau implements in Kent,
Prof. T. Rupert Jones on the, 651.
Géométrie non-euclidienne de Riemann,
les principes fondamentaux de la, Prof.
P. Mansion sur, 579.

GIBBS (Prof. Wolcott) on wave-length
tables of the spectra of the elements and
compounds, 248.

GILSON (Prof. G.) on the nephridial
duct of Owenia, 693.

Girl life in an industrial centre, Miss
Kenward on, 731.

Glacial epoch, the inadequacy of the
astronomical theory of the, E. P. Cul-
verwell on, 660.

epoch, the probable temperature of
the, Prof. T. G. Bonney on, 660.

period in Middlesex, lacustrine de-
posits of the, Dr. H. Hicks on some,

Glaciation, sporadic, in the Harlech

Mountains, Rev. J. F. Blake on, 659.
GLADSTONE (G.) on the teaching of
science in elementary schools, 359.

(Dr. J. H.) on the teaching of science
in elementary schools, 359.

-, some experiments on the rate of
progress of chemical change, 616.
GLAISHER (J.) on underground tempera-
ture, 107.

on earth tremors, 145.

on the circulation of underground
waters, 283.

Glamorganshire, the prehistoric and an-

cient remains of, second report on, 418.
*Glass, the electrolysis of, Prof. W. C.
Roberts-Austen on, 615.

Glastonbury, the lake village at, report
on, 431.

GLAZEBROOK (R. T.) on practical elec-
trical standards, 117.

comparison of the electrical stan
dard coils used by Prof. V. Jones with
the standards of the Association, 128.

on the preparation of the Clark cell,
GOBLET D'ALVIELLA (Count) on the
present state of prehistoric studies in
Belgium, 783.

GODMAN (F. Du C.) on the present state

of our knowledge of the zoology and
botany of the West India Islands, 344.
*GODWIN-AUSTEN (Col. H.) on Bhutan
and the Himalayas east of Darjiling,

Golgi's methods, Oliver S. Strong on a
modification of, 815.
Goniometer, a new, for measuring crys-
tals, H. A. Miers on, 654.

GONNER (Prof. E. C. K.) on the methods
of economic training in this and other
countries, 365.

on the methods of economic training
adopted in foreign countries, 366.

on the condition of economic studies
in the United Kingdom, 387.
GOODCHILD (J. G.) on the collection,
preservation, and systematic registra-
tion of photographs of geological in-
terest in the United Kingdom, 274.
*GOODRICH (E. S.) on museum prepara-
tions, 697.

*GOTCH (Prof. F.) and Prof. Oliver J.
LODGE on some physiological effects
of the passage of rapidly alternating
currents of great intensity through
nerve, 818.

Graphical transformer for replotting
curves, A. P. Trotter on a, 558.
GRAY (J.), the distribution of the Picts
in Britain, as indicated by place-
names, 787.

(T.) on earth tremors, 145.

(W.) on the collection, preservation,
and systematic registration of photo-
graphs of geological interest in the
United Kingdom, 274.

Greek earthquake pulsations of April
1894, the, 146.

GREEN (Prof. A. H.) on the Stonesfield
slate, 304.

some points of special interest in
the geology of the neighbourhood of
Oxford, 644.

·(Prof. J. R.) on the influence of
light upon diastase, 698.

GRIFFITHS (E. H.), the influence of tem-
perature upon the specific heat of
aniline, 568.

Guns, pressures in the bores uf, methods

that have been adopted for measuring,
Sir Andrew Noble on, 523.
GÜNTHER (Dr. A. C. L. G.) on the present
state of our knowledge of the zoology
and botany of the West India Islands,

HADDON (Prof. A. C.) on the marine
zoology of the Irish Sea, 318.

on an ethnographical survey of the
United Kingdom, 419; on the ethno-
graphical survey of Ireland, 429.

on the work of the anthropometric
laboratory at the Nottingham meeting,


on the people of Western Ireland
and their mode of life, 785.
Hadramout, in Southern Arabia, report
on the exploration of, 354.

the natives of the, J. T. Bent on,

*Hair, skin, and pigment, notes on, by
Prof. A. Thomson, 778.

HALDANE (Dr. J. S.) on the cause and
prevention of suffocation in mines,

HALE (H.) on the North-Western tribes
of the Dominion of Canada, 453.
HALIBURTON (R. G.) on the North-
Western tribes of the Dominion of
Canada, 453.

*Haloids, the formation of, from pure
materials, interim report on, 614.
HARCOURT (A. Vernon) on a ten-candle
lamp for use in photometry, 582.
HARRIS (D. Fraser) on some experiments
to determine the time-relations of the
voluntary tetanus in man, 792.
HARRISON (J. Park) on lunar curves of
mean temperature at Greenwich, and
the heat of the moon, 593.
HARTLAND (E. Sidney) on an ethno-
graphical survey of the United Kingdom,


HARTLEY (Prof. W. N.) on wave-length
tables of the spectra of the elements and
compounds, 248.

on new methods of spectrum ana-
lysis, and on Bessemer flame spectra,


HARTOG (P. J.) on the distinction be-
tween mixtures and compounds, 618.
HARVIE-BROWN (J. A.) on making a
digest of the observations on the migra-
tion of birds, 348.
HAUGHTON (Dr. S.) on the ethnographical
survey of Ireland, 429.
HAYCRAFT (Prof. J. Berry) on the rôle of
sex in evolution, 691.

on the development of kidney, 795.
on the structure of striped muscle,
HEAD (Jeremiah) on methods of deter-
mining the dryness of steam, 392.
Hearing, sight, and touch, the measure-
ment of simple reaction time for, Prof.
W. Rutherford on, 805.

* a new theory of, C. H. Hurst on,

Heart, the mammalian, the structure and
function of the, report on, 464.
Heat in hibernating animals, the pro-
duction of, Prof. Raphael Dubois on,

the specific, of aniline, influence of
temperature upon, E. H. Griffiths on
the, 568.

Heats, specific, of certain gases, a new
determination of the ratio of the, O.
Lummer and E. Pringsheim on, 565.
Hebrides, two rivers in the Inner, belong-
ing to Tertiary time, Sir A. Geikie on
the traces of, 652.

*HEGER (Prof. P.) on the absorption of
poisons, 804.

HENDERSON (Dr. G. G.) and Dr. A. R.

EWING on the tartrarsenites, 624.

HENNESSY (Prof. H.) on Ronayne's
cubes, 578.

on a property of the catenary, 578.
on the shape of the banks of small
channels in tidal estuaries, 664.
HENRICI (Prof. O.), report on planimeters,


HERDMAN (Prof. W. A.) on the marine
zoology of the Irish Sea, 318.

*Heredity of acquired characters, Prof.
A. Macalister on the, 778.
*HERMANN (Prof. D. L.) on vowel and
consonant sounds, 806.

HERSCHEL (Prof. A. S.) on underground
temperature, 107.

HEYWOOD (James) on the teaching of
science in elementary schools, 359.
Hibernating animals, the production of
heat in, Prof. Raphael Dubois on, 812.
HICKS (Dr. Henry) on the homes and
migrations of the earliest forms of
animal life, as indicated by recent re-
searches, 657.

on some lacustrine deposits of the
glacial period in Middlesex, 659.
HICKSON (Dr. S. J.) on the present state
of our knowledge of the zoology of the
Sandwich Islands, 343.

on the development of Alcyonium,


on the influence of prerious fertili-
sation of the female on her subsequent
offspring, and the effect of maternal
impressions during pregnancy on the
offspring, 346.

Hieroglyphics, a new system of, and a

præ-Phoenician script from Crete and
the Peloponnese, Arthur J. Evans on,

HIGGS (Henry) on the methods of economic
training in this and other countries, 365.
on economic studies in France, 384.
on factors of production, 729.
*HILL (Dr. L.) on the effect of gravity on
the circulation, 809.

HOBSON (J. A.) on the relation between
wages, hours, and productivity of
labour, 738.

HODGKINSON (Prof. W. R.) and A. H.
COOTE on fluorene diacetate, 629.
HOGARTH (D. G.) on a recent journey in
the Valley of the Euphrates, 711.
Holes, the significance of objects with,
Miss A. W. Buckland on, 790.
HOLMES (T. V.) on the work of the Corre-
sponding Societies Committee, 19.
HOOKER (R. H.) on the relation between
wages and the numbers employed in
the coal-mining industry, 737.
HOPKINSON (Dr. J.) on practical electri-
cal standards, 117.

(J.) on the work of the Corresponding
Societies Committee, 19.

on the application of photography

to the elucidation of meteorological
phenomena, 143.
HORNE (J.) on the character of the high-
level shell-bearing deposits at Clara,
Chapelhall, and other localities, 307.
HOWARTH (0. H.), explorations in the
Sierra Madre of Mexico, 715.
HOWES (Prof. G. B.) on the marine zoo-
logy of the Irish Sea, 318.
HOWORTH (Sir Henry) on an ethno-
graphical survey of the United Kingdom,


on the current method of geological
classification and nomenclature, with
proposals for its revision, 663.

HOYLE (W. E.) on the marine zoology of
the Irish Sea, 318.

HUBRECHT (Prof. A. A. W.) on the
didermic blastocyst of the Mammalia,

HUDSON (W. H.) on the legislative pro-
tection of wild birds' eggs, 347.
HULL (Prof. E.) on underground tempera-
ture, 107.

on earth tremors, 145.

on the proximate chemical consti-
tuents of coal, 246.

on the circulation of underground
waters, 283.

HUMMEL (Prof. J. J.) on the action of
light upon dyed colours, 238.

HUNT (Rev. W. H.), the Church Army
and the unemployed, 729.
'Hunting' of governed engines, James
Swinburne on the, 758.
*HURST (C. H.) on a new theory of
hearing, 804.

Hydrodynamics, the equations of, Max-
well's method of deriving, from the
kinetic theory of gases, Prof. L. Boltz-
mann on, 579.

Hydrogen ion, the velocity of the, through
solutions of acetates, W. C. D. Whet-
ham on, 569.

Hydrographical and climatological condi-
tions of Tropical Africa, third report
on the, 348.

Hydroxylamine, free, some experiments
with, Dr. C. A. Lobry de Bruyn on, 606.
Hysteresis in iron and steel in a rotating
magnetic field, F. G. Baily on, 576.

Iceland, the north of, certain volcanic
subsidences in, Dr. Tempest Anderson
on, 650.

Ice-sheet, the mechanics of an, Rev. J. F.
Blake on, 661.

Immunity, a form of, experimentally
produced, Dr. J. L. Smith and E.
Trevithick on, 808.

local, L. Cobbett and Dr. W. S.
Melsome on, 807.

Indazol derivates, the formation of, from

aromatic diazo-compounds, Prof. E.
Noelting on, 622.

Index generum et specierum animalium,
report on the compilation by C. Davies
Sherborn of an, 347.

Indian tribes of the Lower Fraser River,
Dr. F. Boas on the, 45

Indonesians, the shells used in the do-
mestic economy of the, Dr. J. D. C.
Schmeltz on, 786.

Infra-red spectrum, recent researches in
the, Dr. S. P. Langley on, 465.
Inheritance, the question of use-, and the
epidermis of the plantar surface, Dr.
F. A. Dixey on, 698.

Insects, social, and evolution, Prof. C. V.
Riley on, 689.

'Interest' and 'rent,' proposal for an
agreement on the terms, by C. S.
Devas, 733.

*Iodine and chlorine, the diffusion of
very dilute solutions of, A. P. Laurie
on, 620.

Ireland, complexional differences be-
tween natives of, with indigenous and
exotic surnames respectively, Dr. J.
Beddoe on, 775.

Western, the people of, and their
mode of life, Prof. A. C. Haddon on,

Irish Sea, the marine zoology of the, second
report on, 318.

Iron and steel, the best method of estab
lishing an international standard for
the analysis of, sixth report on, 237.

and steel, the strength and plastic
extensibility of, Prof. T. C. Fidler on,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

JEFFS (O. W.) on some forms of saurian
footprints from the Cheshire Trias, 658.
JOHNSON (Prof. T.), two Irish brown
algæ, 683.

some chalk-forming and chalk-de-
stroying algæ, 683.

JOHNSTON-LAVIS (Prof. H. J.) on the
volcanic phenomena of Vesuvius and its
neighbourhood, 315.

JONES (Rev. E.) on the cave at Elbolton,

on the Calf Hole Care, 272.

(Rev. G. Hartwell), the relations
between body and mind, as expressed
in early languages, customs, and myths,


(Prof. J. Viriamu) on practical elec-
trical standards, 117.

on a determination of the inter-
national ohm in absolute measure, 123.

on standards of low electrical re-
sistance, 592.

the electrical standard coils used by,
compared with those of the Association,
by R. T. Glazebrook, 128.

(Prof. T. Rupert) on the fossil Phyl-
lopoda of the Paleozoic rocks, 271.

on the eurypterid bearing deposits of
the Pentland Hills, 302.

on the geology of the plateau im-
plements in Kent, 651.
JUDD (Prof. J. W.) on earth tremors, 145.

*Kandyans, the ceremonies observed by
the, in paddy cultivation, B. P. Kehl-
pannala on, 787.

*KEHLPANNALA(B. P.) on the ceremonies
observed by the Kandyans in paddy
cultivation, 787.

KELVIN (Lord) on underground tem-
perature, 107.


on practical electrical standards,

on the resistance experienced by
solids moving through fluids, 557.

M. MACLEAN, and A. GALT, pre-
liminary experiments to find if sub-
traction of water from air electrifies
it, 554.

and A. GALT, preliminary experi-
ments for comparing the discharge of
a leyden jar through different branches
of a divided channel, 555.
KENDALL (P. F.) on the Calf Hole Cave,

on the circulation of underground
waters, 283.

on the character of the high-level
shell-bearing deposits at Clava, Chapel-
hall, and other localities, 307.
KENNEDY (Prof. A. B. W.) on methods of
determining the dryness of steam, 392.


Address to the Mechanical Section,

KENT (A. F. S.) on the structure and
function of the mammalian heart, 464.
Kent, North, three Neolithic settlements
in, Mrs. Stopes on, 785.

KENWARD (J.) on lighthouse apparatus
and lighthouse administration in 1891,

(Miss) on girl life in an industrial
centre, 731.

KERR (J. Graham) on the Tobas of Gran
Chaco, South America, 789.

Keuper sandstone cemented by barium
sulphate, from the Peakstones Rock,
Alton, Staffordshire, W. W. Watts on
a, 665.

Kidney, the development of, Prof. J. B.
Haycraft on, 795.

KIDSTON (R.) on the collection, preserva-
tion, and systematic registration of
photographs of geological interest in
the United Kingdom, 274.

Kinetic theory of polyatomic gases, the
application of the determinantal rela-
tion to the, Professor L. Boltzmann on,

KIRKALDY (J. W.) on the species of
Amphioxus, 685.

KNOTT (Prof. C. G.) on earth tremors, 145.

the volume changes which accom-
pany magnetisation in metal tubes,
KNUBLEY (Rev. E. P.) on making a digest
of the observations on the migration of
birds, 348.

*KNY (Prof. L.) on the correlation be-
tween root and shoot, 688.

exhibition of diagrams, 689.
KOHN (Dr. C. A.) on the electrolytic
methods of quantitative analysis, 160
KOLLMANN (Prof. J.), pygmies in Europe,


KORTAZZI (Prof. S.), account of observa-
tions made with the horizontal pen
dulum at Nicolaiew, 145.

KOVALEVSKY (Maxime) on the economic
results of the black death in Italy,

on the Lex Barbarorum of the
Daghestan, 785.
*Kymograph, a new spring, and poly-
rheotome, Prof. T. W. W. Engelmann
on, 818.

*Labiates, hygroscopic dispersal of fruits
in certain, Miss D. Pertz on the, 687.
Labour Commission, L. L. Price on the
report of the, 730.

the productivity of, the relation
between wages, hours, and, J. A. Hob-
son on, 733.

Lake village at Glastonbury, report on
the, 431.

Lakes, a bathymetrical survey of English,
Dr. II. R. Mill on, 713.

Lakes, the bathymetrical survey of
French, E. Delebecque on, 712.
Lamp, a ten-candle, for use in pho-
tometry, A. Vernon Harcourt on, 582.
LANGLEY (Dr. J. N.) on the influence of
previous fertilisation of the female on
her subsequent offspring, and the effect
of maternal impressions during preg-
nancy on the offspring, 346.

(Prof. J. W.) on the best method of
establishing an international standard
for the analysis of iron and steel, 237.

(Dr. S. P.) on recent researches in
the infra-red spectrum, 465.
Language, a common, between man and
other animals, Miss A. G. Weld on the
possibility of, 780.

LANKESTER (Prof. E. Ray) on the occupa-
tion of a table at the zoological station
at Naples, 335.

on investigations made at the Marine
Biological Laboratory at Plymouth, 345.

on chlorophyll in animals, 684.
Larynx, an attempt to supply motor
power from a new source to the
muscles of the, Vet.-Capt. F. Smith
on, 815.

LATHAM (Baldwin) on the climatological
and hydrographical conditions of Tropi-
cal Africa, 348.

*LAURIE (A. P.) on the diffusion of very
dilute solutions of chlorine and iodine,

· (Malcolm) on the eurypterid-bearing
deposits of the Pentland Hills, 302.
*LAYARD (Miss N. F.) on a method of
taking casts of the interiors of flowers,

LAZARUS-BARLOW (Dr. W. S.) on lymph
formation, 810.

LEA (Henry) and Robert BRAGGE on a
special chronograph, 757.

LEBOUR (Prof. G. A.) on underground
temperature, 107.

— on earth tremors, 145.

on the circulation of underground
waters, 283.

LEWES (Prof. Vivian B.) on the proximate
chemical constituents of coal, 246.
on a method for accurately determining
the freezing-point of aqueous solutions
which freeze at temperatures just below
0° C., 567.

Lex Barbarorum of the Daghestan, Prof.
Maxime Kovalevsky on the, 785.
Leyden-jar, the discharge of a, through
different branches of a divided current,
preliminary experiments for comparing,
by Lord Kelvin and A. Galt, 555.
† Libyan desert, a journey in the, H. W.
Blundell on, 716.

Light, the action of, upon dyed colours,
report on, 238.


*Light, Clerk Maxwell's theory of, Prof.
O. J. Lodge on experiments illustrating,
582, 814.

Lighthouse apparatus and lighthouse
administration in 1894, J. Kenward
on, 760.

Linear substitution, formulæ for, by Prof.
E. B. Elliott, 581.

Linkage for the automatic description of
regular polygons, Prof. J. D. Everett
on a, 559.

Liquids, the viscosity of, and their
chemical nature, Dr. T. E. Thorpe and
J. W. Rodger on the relations between,
LIVEING (Prof. G. D.) on wave-length
tables of the spectra of the elements and
compounds, 248.

Liver, the fats of the, D. Noel Paton on,

LOBLEY (Prof. J. Logan) on the cause of
earthquakes, 649

LOBRY DE BRUYN (Dr. C. A.) on some
experiments with free hydroxylamine,


LOCH (C. S.), statistics of comparative

general and old-age pauperism in
England and Wales, 1831 to 1891,
LOCKYER (J. N.) on ware-length tables
of the spectra of the elements and com-
pounds, 248.
LODGE (Dr. Oliver J.) on practical elec-
trical standards, 117.

on photo-electric leakage, 556.
on experiments illustrating Clerk
Maxwell's theory of light, 582, 814.
on an electrical theory of vision,
582, 815.

and Prof. F. GOTCH on some
physiological effects of the passage of
rapidly alternating currents of great
intensity through nerve, 818.

*LOHEST (Prof. Max) on the antiquity
of man in Belgium, 784.

London County Council, the 'economic
heresies' of the, Sidney Webb on, 735.
Loochooan language, Prof. Basil Hall
Chamberlain on the, 789.

LUBBOCK (Sir J.) on the legislative pro-
tection of wild birds' eggs, 347.

on the teaching of science in ele-
mentary schools, 359.

Luminosity observed when a vacuum

bulb is broken, J. Burke on the, 585.
new determination of the ratio of the
specific heats of certain gases, 565.
Lymph formation, Dr. W. S. Lazarus-
Barlow on, 810.

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