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As it was published in the Year 1562.

YONSIDERING how neceffary it is, that the


Word of God, which is the only food of the foul, and that most excellent light that we must walk by, in this our most dangerous pilgrimage, should at all convenient times be preached unto the people, that thereby they may both learn their duty towards God, their Prince, and their neighbours, according to the mind of the Holy Ghoft, expreffed in the Scriptures, and alfo to avoid the manifold enormities which heretofore by falfe doctrine have crept into the Church of God; and how that all they which are appointed Minifters have not the gift of preaching fufficiently to inftruct the people, which is committed unto them, whereof great inconveniences might rife, and ignorance ftill be maintained, if fome honeft remedy be not speedily found and provided: the Queen's most excellent Majefty, tendering the fouls health of her loving fubjects, and the quieting of their confciences in the chief and principal points of Christian religion, and willing alfo by the true fetting forth and pure declaring of God's Word, which is the principal

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