OXFORD. New College is an handsome spacious stone building; but its principal attraction is the Chapel, which may be indeed said to be the beauty of holiness. The painted glass by Jervaise, after designs by Sir Joshua Reynolds, and the architectural additions by Wyatt, have combined to produce a most solemn and striking effect on the mind. If devotion may be supposed to receive an added ardor from exterior circumstances, in this place of worship that effect cannot fail of being produced. The west window represents the Nativity, after the picture painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds for the late Duke of Rutland, and is now at Belvoir Castle. The other windows are decorated with figures of the Christian and Cardinal Virtues, from cartoons by the same great master. Over the altar-piece is a fine picture of the Shepherds visiting Christ after his Nativity by Augustino Caracci. Here is also shewn a curious relic in the crosier of William of Wykeham, the founder of the College. It is of silver gilt, seven feet high, and very much enriched with Gothic ornaments. We now proceed to the College of Christ Church, which may be considered as the chief glory of Oxford. The stately west front of the great Quadrangle is a magnificent Gothic building, three hundred and eighty-two feet in length, terminated at each end with two corresponding turrets. The central gate forms a noble entrance, and over it has a beautiful Gothic tower with a dome, which was added to the structure by Sir Christopher, is most happily adapted to the character of the building, and crowns the whole. It contains the bell which is so well known by the name of Great Tom of Oxford. The great Quadrangle, of which this superb range of building forms a part, is two hundred and sixty-four by two hundred and sixty-one in the clear. The Hall occupies a part of the south side, and the remainder of the surrounding structure contains the residences of the Deans and Canons. It was built by Cardinal Wolsey, and partakes of the magnificence of his taste. His statue, a fine animated piece of sculpture, occupies a niche in the south-east corner. The Hall is a noble room, and richly adorned with portraits: that of Doctor Robinson, the Lord Primate of Ireland, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, is among the first of his works in that branch of his art. - The Church of the College is the cathedral of the diocese, which contains nothing remarkable but the stone roof and some beautiful paintings on glass. The quadrangle called Peckwater, is an elegant enriched building of the Ionic order, after a design of Dr. Aldrich, then Dean of the College, who was equally distinguished for taste and learning. One angle of it is entirely possessed by the Library, which is one hundred and forty-one feet in length. The upper part is fitted up with book-cases, columns, &c. of oak, and for beauty of effect, as well as appropriate accommodation, can scarce be exceeded. The rooms below contain the collection of pictures bequeathed to the College by General Guise, among which are some very fine works of the first masters. In a recess on the north side of the upper apartment is a fine statue of Mr. Locke, who was a student of this college: the sculptor is Roubilliac. The other Colleges contain objects worthy of attention and description; but the limits of these volumes will not allow us to describe them. In a work like this, however, which it is presumed we may consider as connected with the arts, we feel ourselves called upon to add, that Worcester College contains the drawings of Inigo Jones, which are preserved with great care. The principal public buildings, from the circumstances connected with them, demand a more enlarged account than we can allow ourselves to give. A very général mention is all that we can venture to adopt. The University Library, usually called the Bodleian, from Sir Thomas Bodley, its principal founder, is a large and lofty structure in the form of a Roman H, and rivals the first libraries in Europe. -The Arundelian Marbles are placed to advantage in a large apartment on the north side of the building called Schools. The Theatre where the OXFORD. great public acts are held, is built in imitation of the theatres of Greece, and is a work that would have done honour to an architect of Athens. It is the work of Sir Christopher Wren. The Museum, which was also built under the direction of the same distinguished person, is generally admired for its symmetry and elegance. It contains the collections of Elias Ashmole, Esq. Windsor Herald in the reign of Charles the Second, and whose name it bears. It has received considerable additions since his time, and will reward the attention of the visitor. The Clarendon Printing-house, which was built in the year 1711 with the profits arising from the sale of Lord Clarendon's History, is a very grand edifice. The books printed here must have the privilege of the University. -The Radcliffe Library is a splendid ornament of Oxford. The celebrated Dr. Radcliffe left the sum of forty thousand pounds for the erection, and funds for a suitable establishment. It is a large circular stone building, crowned with a dome, and enriched to profusion within and without with all the decorations of the Corinthian order. It was twelve years in building, and Gibbs was the architect. The University, City, and County of Oxford are also very highly indebted to the trustees of Dr. Radcliffe's will for the building and completely fitting up an Infirmary, which is maintained by voluntary subscription; and while it relieves the poor, serves as a school for students in physic. The same trustees have also erected a magnificent Astronomical Observatory: it is an elegant structure, after an appropriate design by Wyatt, and is furnished with an incomparable apparatus. Such is the brief account, and it is all we are enabled to give, of the first University in the world. |