HENLEY. HENLEY is a market and a corporate town, beautifully situated in the county of Oxford. The Thames flows before it, and a fine amphitheatre of woody hills rises behind it. Doctor Plot, the historian of Oxfordshire, represents it as the most ancient town in that county. That learned antiquary forms the derivation of its name from Hen old, and Ley place. He also supposes it to have been the capital of the Ancalites, who revolted to Cæsar, as mentioned in the Commentaries, Bell. Gall. 1. 5. It was also called Hanleganz and Hanneburg, in the ancient records of the corporation. Doctor Gale considers it to be the Calleva or Galleva Attrebatum of Antoninus, and Celeba of Ravennas, on account of a Roman road, running directly from Spinæ or Spene hither, and the Roman coins found about it. He supposes also, that the Attrebates of Ptolemy and Antoninus were the same with the Ancalites of the Romans. Camden, who flourished in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, relates that, in his time, the inhabitants of this place were principally supported by carrying wood to London in boats, and bringing back corn. It then had a wooden bridge, which was supposed to have succeeded a very antient one of stone, whose foundations Leland mentions as visible in shallow seasons. The latter has been supposed by some antiquaries to be the bridge over which, according to Dion Cassius, the Romans passed in pursuit of the Britons, who swam across a lower part of the river; though this fact is contested; and some have insisted that Essex was the scene of this flight of the British forces from the legions of Rome. The corporation of this town consists of a Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses. The church is large, with a lofty tower of beautiful proportions, which is a distinguished and predominating object to the surrounding country. Here is a Free-school, founded by James the First; another, by Lady Periam; and an Alms-house, by Longland, Bishop of Lincoln. The principal trade of the place is in meal, malt, and corn. The principal ornament of this place is its bridge. It is built of stone, consisting of five arches, and is an object of uncommon simplicity and elegance. This beautiful structure is enriched with sculpture from the chisel of Mrs. Damer. The masks of the Tame and the Isis, which decorate the consoles of the central arch, are the works of that accomplished lady. This bridge was finished in the year 1787; but the architect, Mr. Hayward of Shropshire, died before the work was begun; and his remains are interred in Henley church, where a monument is erected to his memory. : |