The Lives and Portraits of Remarkable Characters, Drawn from the Most Authentic Sources

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W. Lewis, 1819

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Page 14 - ... some attention; because, my lord, that any person, after a temperate use of life, a series of thinking and acting regularly, and without one single deviation from sobriety, should plunge into the very depth of profligacy precipitately and at once, is altogether improbable and unprecedented, and absolutely inconsistent with the course of things.
Page 46 - Some only for not being drown'd, And some for sitting above ground Whole days and nights, upon their breeches, And feeling pain, were hang'd for witches ; And some for putting knavish tricks Upon green geese and turkey-chicks, Or pigs that suddenly deceast Of griefs unnatural, as he guest ; Who after proved himself a witch, And made a rod for his own breech...
Page 14 - I find myself charged with the highest crime, with an enormity I am altogether incapable of; a fact, to the commission of which there goes far more insensibility of heart, more profligacy of morals, than ever fell to my lot ; and nothing possibly could have admitted a presumption of this nature but a depravity not inferior to that imputed to me. However, as I stand indicted at your lordship's bar, and have heard what is called evidence adduced in...
Page 15 - ... before, I had been confined to my bed, and suffered under a very long and severe disorder, and was not able, for half a year together, so much as to walk. The distemper left me indeed, yet slowly and in part ; but so macerated, so enfeebled, that I was reduced to crutches...
Page 20 - ... chance exposed ? And might not a place where bones lay be mentioned by a person by chance as well as found by a labourer by chance ? Or is it more criminal accidentally to name where bones lie, than accidentally to...
Page 19 - About the same time, and in another field, almost close to this borough, was discovered also, in searching for gravel, another human skeleton ; but the piety of the same worthy gentleman ordered both...
Page 17 - The place of their depositum, too, claims much more attention than is commonly bestowed upon it ; for of all places in the world, none could have mentioned any one wherein there was greater certainty of finding human bones than a hermitage, except he should point out a churchyard ; hermitages, in time past, being not only places of religious retirement, but of burial too...
Page 109 - but Mr. -, I have one thing to say to you — in my opinion my legs are not much hurt ; now you think they are— so I will make this agreement: I will take one leg, and you shall take the other; you shall do what you please with yours, and', I will do nothing to mine ; and I will wager your bill that my leg gets well the first.
Page 17 - ... being not only places of religious retirement, but of burial too. And it has scarce or never been heard of, but that every cell now known contains or contained these relics of humanity — some mutilated, and some entire.
Page 16 - Permit me next, my lord, to observe a little upon the bones which have been discovered. It is said (which, perhaps, is saying very far), that these are the skeleton of a man. It is possible, indeed, it may ; but is there any certain known criterion which incontestably distinguishes the sex in human bones.

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