OF PENNSYLVANIA. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. PHILADELPHIA, JUNE 6, 1866. The undersigned begs leave to inform the Medical Profession that he has constantly on hand and for sale VASCULAR PREPARATIONS made to order, at a reasonable notice. Likewise will supply Public Institutions with EMBLEMS at a low price. Any of the above preparations can be sent by Adams Express, and the money paid on delivery. ROBERT H. NASH.. H. C. L. ASCHOFF, Druggist and Chemist, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Perfumeries, &c., MARKET STREET, GALVESTON PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY PREPARED, APOTHECARY AND CHEMIST, DEALER IN PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Etc., Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. Strand St., Opposite Armstrong's Iron Building, GALVESTON, TEXAS. HARRAL, RISLEY & CO.. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 141 Chambers and 1 Hudson st., M. STRICKLAND & CO:, STATIONERS, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, AND GENERAL BOOK BINDERS, TREMONT STREET, BETWEEN MECHANIC AND MARKET STS, GALVESTON, TEXAS. A Complete Assortment of Stationery always on hand. Blank Books of every description manufactured to order. ARM AND LEG. These Celebrated Artificial Limbs, which, before the war, enjoyed so large a Southern patronage, have been nearly TWENTY YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC, and have secured, both in this country and in Europe. the unqualified endorsement of the most distinguished surgeons of the world. Fifty Gold and Silver Medals (or "first prizes,") including the great Medals of the World's Exhibition in London and New York, awarded to Dr. Palmer for THE BEST PATENT LIMBS. DR. PALMER directs the manufacture of his Patent Leg and Arm, aided by men of the best qualifications and greatest experience. PALMER'S RULES FOR AMPUTATION now embody the results of years of added experience. Patients save the expense and loss of time, resulting from leaving home. Pamphlets containing full information concerning these limbs, and the "Rules for Amputation," will be sent to any address on request. To avoid fraudulent imitations, (many of which are now offered to the Public,) apply only to the inventor. Particular attention is called to the improved Artificial Legs and Arms; Apparatus for Resection, shortened legs, ununited fracture. Apparatus for the variations of club-foot, bow-legs, knock-knees, weak ankle; Spinal Supporter Apparatus, for disease and injuries of hip-joints, &c. The Manufacturer claims for himself, that he has had a practical experience of ten years in the most celebrated workshops of Paris, Belgium and Germany, and twenty years in the United States, in the manufacturing of Surgical and Orthopedical Instruments, Artificial Limbs, &c. For references, refer to our most eminent Surgeons of Philadelphia. augly WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Dye Stuffs, Fancy Goods, &c. STRAND AND 24th STRETS, (SOUTHWICK'S BUILDING.) GALVESTON, TEXAS. E. F SCHMIDT, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, GALVESTON, (OPPOSITE THE MARKET), Keeps constantly on hand a full Assortment of FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, Perfumeries, Sponges, Stationery, etc., etc. DR. W. H. B. GOODWIN. W. W. ECHOLS. GOODWIN & ECHOLS, DRUGGISTS, GALVESTON, Respectfully invite all wishing to purchase in their line, to call at their Store, On Southeast corner of Tremont Street, ONE SQUARE ABOVE THE OLD TREMONT HOUSE. THE Galveston Medical Journal. VOL. II. SEPTEMBER, 1867. No. 9. We insert the notes of Dr. Labadie on Yellow Fever, believing that the doctor's great success in curing black vomit is worthy a perpetuation, and deserves a monument to his name. No one is more missed than this kind and estimable man. The doctor prepared these notes at my request, and noted them down with great care. He has not given the formulae for his Chlorine mixture, which is to be found in Watson's practice in Scarlet Fever, and Flint's practice in yellow fever, which we insert in notes to this article: Cases of Yellow Fever Treated by N. D. Labadie. IN THE EPIDEMIC OF 1864. GALVESTON, 1864. Sept. 4th, 8 o'clock P. M., I was called to see a sick soldier of the 2d militia regiment. What he had vomited during the day was kept for my inspection. The contents would have measured about 8 or 10 oz. The strong acid smell it emitted, with the sediments appearing black, lead me at once to suppose it to be black vomit in its first stage. The mahogany appearance of the face, the heavy breathing, the pulse, with the peculiar warmth of the skin, convinced me at once that it was yellow fever with black vomit. Sept. 5th, I was called to take charge of the case. |