logy. As far as it goes it is very clear and accurate; and it mentions nearly every subject of importance. It scarcely contains an irrelevant or unnecessary sentence; and it is an example of the kind of condensation that can only be accomplished by writers who are perfectly conversant with the subject of which they treat.-The British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, July, 1866. There is very much valuable matter compressed into the book, and its careful perusal will abundantly repay not only one who wishes to get a quick survey of the present state of opthalmology, but also the practitioner to whom it is important to compare others' opinions with his own. We recommend the book to all interested in the subject, not doubting it will contribute to the diffusion of knowledge on an important branch of the art of healing--Boston Medical and Surgicat Journal, August 2, 1866. This is a reprint from an English edition of the highest merit, and the latest on this important branch of medical science. The illustrations are good-the work is cheap for the matter it contains, and the above quotations from the English and American press expresses fully our opinion of this work. A Practical Hand-book of Medical Chemistry.-By John E. Bowman, M. D. Edited by C. L. Bloxam, Professor of Practical Chemistry in King's College, London. Fourth American, from the fourth and revised English edition. With numerous illustrations. In one neat royal 12mo. volume of 351 pages, extra cloth, $2.25. From H. C. Lea, publisher, Philadelphia. This is a plain practical work. The beauty of it is that it teaches you practical chemistry without an apparatus. Using simple tubes, tumblers and common salts and acid for manipulations, and may be performed in a sitting room or parlor. It is well adapted to primary schools and for private study. The Physician's Pocket Record.-From W. S. Butler, M. D., editor and publisher of Medical and Surgical Journal, Philadelphia. Price, $2.50. This is the best work of the kind, and we publish a table of contents. We wish every physician in the State had one. We have abandoned all others for this one. The editor and publisher had our name placed in gold-leaf on the back of the one we have, and will do the same for any one who orders directly from the publisher, which he sends by sending $1.50 in currency. The fee-bills are given as guides, and can be changed to suit your county society's bill, or you can change the bill given in this number to suit your own charges. A Perpetual Calendar, CONTENTS: A List of New Remedies, their application, doses, etc., Treatment of Persons Asphyxiated, Medicinal Weights and Measures, Table for calculating the period of Utero-gestation, Table for calculating the Probable Duration of Life, Classified List the Chief Articles of the Materia Medica, their doses and mar ket value, A Visiting List, Day-book of Accounts and Daily Memoranda, combined. An Appendix, containing : An Index of Patients, Obstetric, Vaccine, and other Engagements, etc., Fee-tables, City and Country, List of Medical Periodical, with their Subscription Price. It will be seen that this Pocket Record comprises some new features that cannot fail to make it the most useful and popular work of the kind in use. It will be neatly, compactly, and substantially got up, of a size more suitable to the side pocket than any now before the profession. It will be so arranged as to be available as a visiting list, the enteries commencing at any season of the year; that is, it will serve for a year from the date of purchase. Paine's Practice of Medicine..-A new work just issued by W. Paine, M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Pathology in the Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgery; author of Paine's Practice of Surgery; a work on Obstetrics and Materia Medica; author of New School Remedies; an Epitome of Eberlie's Practice of Medicine; a Review of Homœopathy; a work on the History of Medicine; editor of Universit Medical and Surgical Journal, &c., &c. It is a royal octavo of 960 pages, and contains a full description of all diseases known in medicine or surgery, including those of women and children, together with their pathology and treatment by all the new and improved methods. From author, 933 Ash street, Philadelphia. Price, $5, free of postage. This is a work of what I term a reformed Eclectic. The editor of the University Journal of Medicine, of which we gave an extended review some time since, by which the reader was taught to believe he had returned to "legitimate medicine.". It is the best work of the kind we know, and we recommend it to our eclectic friends, and alopaths may learn from it the use the late alkaloids introduced into "legitimate practice," principally by this system of medicine. This has done us good, and we thank them for it, as the old crude powders and extracts were mere nautiants, while we may receive much benefit from these medicines, and this work WORKS with them principally. BOOKS RECEIVED. The Medical Record, New York; October, November, December, and January. Richmond Medical Journal; November, December and January. Medical and Surgical Reporter; October, November, December and January. Medical and Surgical Monthly, Memphis; July. Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal; October, November, December and January. Southern Journal of the Medical Sciences; September, October, November, December, January and February. New York Medical Journal; November, December and January. The Savannah Journal of Medicine; Octobe and November. Medical News and Library; October November, December, and January. The Medical Reporter, (St. Louis); November, December and January. Methode Conffaint-Langenfcheidt. Zeitschrift fur practische. Heilkunde. Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal; May. Illustrated Catalogue of Medical, Surgical and Scientific Publications. By Lea, Blanchard & Co., Philadelphia. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal; October, November, December, and January. The Dental Cosmos; October, November and December. Prospectus of the Course of Instruction in the Humboldt Medical College, Commencing September 17, 1877. Seventeenth Annual Commencement and Catalogue, of Cleveland Homœopathic College. Medical Reporter; November and December. The American Journal, new series; October. Prospectus of the St. Louis Medical College; Session 1866-67. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal; December and January. University Journal of Medicine and Surgery; December and January. Circular and Catalogue of the Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, N.Y. Accidental and Congenital Atresia of the Vagina; with a mode of operation for successfulty establishing the Canal; by Thomas A. Emmet, New York. From author. Esophagotomy for the Removal of Foreign Bodies. By David W. Cheever, M.D. Boston: David Chopp & Son, publisher, 1867. Old Eyes made New; or, How to speedily Restore the Sight and throw aside Spectacles. By E. B. Foote, M. D., author of Medical Common Sense. From author. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina, held at Raleigh, N.C., 5th of June, 1865. Consumption Curable-Receipt for the Cure of Consumption, Asthma, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Cough, Colds, &c. By Rev. Edward A. Wilson, 165 South Second st., Williamsburg, New York. COMMUTATION. We will send the GALVESTON MEDICAL JOURNAL and any one of the following periodicals at the prices specified in the following list, or any of the following journals separately, upon the reception of the CASH. Subscriptions must be from January to January, or from volume to volume : Arthur's Home Magazine--Philadelphia, (Monthly). 2.50 6.50 Archives Generale de Medicine and Chirurgie (Monthly) 12.00 16.00 4.00 8.00 Braithwaite's Retrospect-Republication, (Semi-Annual) 2.50 7.00 3.00 7.00 Canada Medical Journal (Monthly).. Chicago Medical Examiner (Monthly). 64 Medical and Surgical Journal (Monthly) Cincinnati Lancet and Observer (Monthly). 66 Journal of Medicine (Monthiy) Canstatt's Jahresbericht der Medicine (an able Review, Bi-monthly).... Druggist's Circular (Monthly). Detroit Review of Medicine and Pharmacy (Monthly).. 3.00 7.00 New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal (Bi-monthly) 8.00 11.00 (Quarterly)... 8.00 11.00 |