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Photometer, an improved portable, W. H. Preece and A. P. Trotter on, 801. Phyllopoda of the Paleozoic rocks, twelfth report on the, 416.

Physiography of South Essex, the ancient, T. V. Holmes on, 685.

Pitch glaciers or poissiers, Prof. W. J. Sollas on, 680.

PITT-RIVERS (Gen.), on an ethnographical survey of the United Kingdom, 509.

on the lake village at Glastonbury,

519. Placoderms of the Upper Devonian of Ohio, the great, Prof. E. W. Claypole on, 694.

Poison apparatus of certain snakes, G. S. West on, 737.

Pollen prepotency, J. C. Willis on cross

and self-fertilisation, with special reference to, 857.

Population in England and Wales, the

probability of a cessation of the growth of, before 1951, Edwin Cannan on, 780.

*PORTMAN (Maurice) on the Andamanese, 833.

POULTON (Prof. E. B.) on the work of the Corresponding Societies Committee,


POYNTING (Prof. J. H.) on earth tremors,


PREECE (W. H.) on practical electrical standards, 195.

and A. P. TROTTER on an improved portable photometer, 801. Pre-Glacial valleys in Northamptonshire, Beeby Thompson on, 683.

Presidential Address at Ipswich by Sir Douglas Galton, 3.

PRESTWICH (Prof. J.) on underground temperature, 75.

on earth tremors, 184.

on the high-level flint-drift of the Chalk, 349.

PRESTWICH (Prof. J.) on the rate of erosion of the sea-coasts of England and Wales, 352.

on the circulation of underground waters, 393.

on the erratic blocks of England, Wales, and Ireland, 426, 430.

on an ancient kitchen midden at Hastings, and a barrow at the Wildernesse, 500.

*PRETYMAN (Capt. E. G.) on agriculture in Suffolk, 779.

PRICE (L. L.), Address to the Section of Economic Science and Statistics, 764. Prices, the normal course of, William Smart on, 776.

Printing surfaces, the production of letterpress, without the use of types, John Southward on, 810.

Prothallus and embryo of Danæa, G. Brebner on the, 857.

Publication of zoological memoirs, the date of, H. Haviland Field on, 727. Publications, Scientific Societies', report on the uniformity of size of pages of, 77.

Quantitative analysis, the electrolytic methods of, report on, 235.

Railways, light, as an assistance to agriculture, Maj.-Gen. Webber on, 793. RAMSAY (Prof. W.) and Miss DOROTHY MARSHALL on a method of comparing the heats of evaporation of different liquids at their boiling points, 628. RAVENSTEIN (E. G.) on the climatology of Africa, 480.

on the exploration of Southern Arabia, 491.

on an ethnographical survey of the United Kingdom, 509.

RAWSON (Sir Rawson) on the work of the Corresponding Societies Committee, 39. RAYLEIGH (Lord) on practical electrical standards, 195.

on the refraction and viscosity of argon and helium, 609. *Receiver and condenser drop, Prof. A. E. Elliott on, 815.

REDMAN (J. B.) on the rate of erosion of the sea-coasts of England and Wales,

352. Refraction, the change of molecular, in salts or acids dissolved in water, Dr. J. H. Gladstone and Walter Hibbert on, 637.

specific, and the periodic law, with reference to argon and other elements, Dr. J. H. Gladstone on, 609.

and viscosity of argon and helium, Lord Rayleigh on the, 609. *Refrigerating


anhydride, E. Hesketh on, 799.


[blocks in formation]

and H. N. RIDLEY on the Arctic and Palæolithic deposits at Hoxne, 679. RENNIE (J.) on practical electrical standards, 195.

Respirability of air in which a candle flame has burnt until it is extinguished, Frank Clowes on the, 658. REYNOLDS (Prof. J. Emerson) on the electrolytic methods of quantitative analysis, 235.

Rhætic beds near East Leake, Nottinghamshire, Montagu Browne on, 688. RIDLEY (H. N.) and Clement REID on the Arctic and Palæolithic deposits at Hoxne, 679.

RILEY (Prof. C. V.) on the zoology of the Sandwich Islands, 467. RITTER (Prof. W. E.), some facts and reflections drawn from a study of budding in compound ascidians, 715. ROBERTS (Dr. I.) on earth tremors, 184.

on the circulation of underground waters, 393. ROBERTS-AUSTEN (Prof. W. C.) on the bibliography of spectroscopy, 263. *Rockall, Miller Christy on, 749. *RODGERS (Charles), J. W. BARR, and W. B. BURNIE on some new methods and apparatus for the delineation of alternate wave forms, 638. ROSCOE (Sir H. E.) on the best methods of recording the direct intensity of solar radiation, 81.

on wave-length tables of the spectra of the elements and compounds, 273.

on the teaching of science in elementary schools, 228.

and Arthur HARDEN on a new view of the genesis of Dalton's atomic theory, derived from original manuscripts, 656.

RÜCKER (Prof. A. W.) on the comparison of magnetic instruments, 79.

on the comparison and reduction of magnetic observations, 209.

on the objective existence of combination tones, 626.

on the existence of vertical (earthair) electric currents in the United Kingdom, 633.

RUDLER (F. W.) on the volcanic phenomena of Vesurius, 351.

RUNGE (C.) and F. PASCHEN on the constituents of cleveite gas, 610.

RUSSELL (Dr. W. J.) on the action of light upon dyed colours, 263.

Russian possessions in Central Asia, Dr. A. Markoff on, 762.

Ruwenzori, an expedition to, G. F. Scott Elliot on, 756.

SALVIN (O.) on the zoology of the Sandwich Islands, 467.

Samoyads of the Arctic Tundras, Arthur Montefiore on, 828.

Sandwich Islands, the zoology of the, fourth report on the, 467.

SAVILLE-KENT (W.) on the marine fauna of Houtman's Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia, 732.

Schools, anthropometric measurements in, report on, 503.

the physical and mental defects of children in, report on, 503. Appendix:

I. Defects enumerated individually and in groups as distributed amongst the nationalities, social classes, &c., 506. II. Groups of children and their percentage distribution on the numbers seen and numbers noted, 508.

the teaching of geometrical drawing in, Prof. O. Henrici on, 608. SCHUSTER (Prof. A.) on the comparison of magnetic instruments, 79.

on the best methods of recording the direct intensity of solar radiation, 81. on practical electrical standards, 195.

on the comparison and reduction of magnetic observations, 209.

on wave-length tables of the spectra of the elements and compounds, 273.

on some experiments made with Lord Kelvin's portable electrometer, 625.

Science, the teaching of, in elementary schools, report on, 228.

SCLATER (Dr. P. L.) on the present state of our knowledge of the zoology of the Sandwich Islands, 467.

on the zoology and botany of the West India Islands, 472.

on the compilation of an index generum et specierum animalium, 473. on the occupation of a table at the zoological station at Naples, 474.

(W. L.) on the compilation of an index generum et specierum animalium, 473.

SCOTT (Dr. D. H.) on the chief results of Williamson's work on the Carboniferous plants, 852.

(Prof. W. B.) on the Tertiary lacustrine formations of North America, 681.

on the creodonta, 719.

SCOTT-ELLIOT (G. F.) on an expedition to Ruwenzori, 756.

Screws, small, the British Association gauge for, R. E. Crompton on, 812. Sea-coasts of England and Wales, fourth report on the rate of erosion of the, 352. Seas, the probable extension of the, during Upper Tertiary times in Western Europe, G. F. Dollfus on, 690. SEDGWICK (A.) on the occupation of a table at the zoological station at Naples, 474. SEEBOHM (H.) on the exploration of Southern Arabia, 491.

SEELEY (Prof. H. G.) on the high-level flint-drift of the Chalk, 349.

on the search for the missing remains of the Cetiosaurus in the Oxford Museum, 403.


or Megalithic temples of Tarhuna, Tripoli, H. Swainson Cowper on, 827.

SETON-KARR (H. W.) on stone implements in Somaliland, 829.

Sewage, the deodorising of, by the Her

mite process, J. Napier on, 800. SEWARD (A. C.) on the Wealden flora of England, 856.

SHARP (D.) on the zoology of the Sandwich Islands, 467.

on the zoology and botany of the West India Islands, 472.

*SHAW (W. A.) on a proposal for a system of international money, 777.

(W. N.) on practical electrical standards, 195.

Shells, the derivative, of the Red Crag, F. W. Harmer on the, 676. SHENSTONE (W. A.) on the production of haloids from pure materials, 341. *Siberia, Western, and the Siberian Railway, Dr. A. Markoff on, 749. *Siderostats, a movement designed to attain astronomical accuracy in the motion of, G. Johnstone Stoney on, 810. Silver-using countries, the menace to English industry from the competition of, R. S. Gundry on, 777. *Skeletal elements, the presence of, between the mandibular and hyoid arches of Hexacanthus and Læmargus, Dr. Philip White on, 719. *Skeleton, Palæolithic, from the Thames valley, Dr. J. G. Garson on a, 833. *Skulls of Neolithic invaders of Egypt, Prof. W. M. Flinders Petrie on, 824.

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SMITH (C. Michie) on Indian thunder storms, 626.

(E. A.) on the present state of our knowledge of the zoology of the Sandwich Islands, 467.

(Dr. Wilberforce) on the physical and mental defects of children in schools, 503.

Snakes, the poison apparatus of certain, G. S. West on, 737.

Snowdon mountain tramroad, F. Oswell on the, 798.

tarns near, W.W.Watts on some, 683. Solar radiation, eleventh report on the best methods of recording the direct intensity of, 81.

Solenoid, magnetic field due to a current in a, W. H. Everett on the, 620. Solidification and crystallisation, the velocity of, Meyer Wildermann on, 663. SOLLAS (Prof. W. J.) on the structure of a coral reef, 392.

on pitch glaciers or poissiers, 680. SOLMS-LAUBACH (Graf) on a new form of fructification in Sphenophyllum, 852. Somaliland, stone implements in, H. W. Seton-Karr on, 824.

*SORBY (Dr. H. C.) on the oyster culture in the Colne district, 726.

on mounting marine animals as transparent lantern slides, 730.

on methods for collecting and estimating the number of small animals in sea water, 730.

SOUTHWARD (John) on the production of letterpress printing surfaces without the use of types, 810.

Southwold, a section at the north cliff, Horace B. Woodward on, 678.

and Covehithe, recent coast erosion at, John Spiller on, 678. Spectra of the elements and compounds, wave-length tables of the, report on, 273.

motions competent to produce groups of lines which have been observed in actual, G. Johnstone Stoney on, 610.

Spectroscopy, the bibliography of, seventh (interim) report on, 263.

*Spectrum, discussion on the evidence to be gathered as to the simple or compound character of a gas from the constitution of its spectrum, 610. Spermatogenesis in birds, J. E. S. Moore on, 735.

Sphenophyllum, a new form of fructification in, Graf Solms-Laubach on, 852. SPILLER (John) on recent coast erosion at Southwold and Covehithe, 678. STARLING (Sydney G.) and Edwin EDSER on the velocity of light in rarefied gases through which an electric discharge is passing, 635.

Statistics and Economic Science, Ad-
dress to the Section of, by L. L. Price,

of wasps, Prof. F. Y. Edgeworth on
the, 729.

STEBBING (T. R. R.) on economy of
labour in zoology, 728.

Stereornithes, a group of extinct birds
from South America, C. W. Andrews
on, 714.

*Sternum in Hexacanthus griseus, the
presence of a, Dr. Philip White on, 719.
STEWART (Prof. A.) on the structure of a
coral reef, 392.

Stilbene derivatives, J. J. Sudborough
on some, 662.

STOKES (Sir G. G.) on the best methods

of recording the direct intensity of
solar radiation, 81.

Stone implements in Somaliland, H. W.
Seton-Karr on, 824.

Stonesfield slate, second report on opening
further sections of the, 414.

the strata of the shaft sunk in
1895 at, Edwin A. Walford on, 692.
*STONEY (F. G. M.) and R. C. NAPIER
on weirs in rivers, 796.

(Dr. G. Johnstone) on the uni-
formity of size of pages of Scientific
Societies' publications, 77.

on the best methods of recording the
direct intensity of solar radiation, 81.
on practical electrical standards,


on motions competent to produce
groups of lines which have been ob-
served in actual spectra, 610.

on a movement designed to attain
astronomical accuracy in the motion
of siderostats, 810.

STOOKE (T. S.) on the circulation of
underground waters, 393.

STOPES (H.) on graving tools from the
terrace-gravels of the Thames valley,


— on Palæolithic projectiles, 826.
Storage batteries, H. A. Earle on, 802.
STRAHAN (A.) on underground tempera-
ture, 75.

STROUD (Prof. W.) on the action of light
upon dyed colours, 263.

Stutton, the trial boring at, W. Whitaker
on, 693.

SUDBOROUGH (J. J.) on some stilbene
derivatives, 662.

on the constitution of camphoric
acid, 663.
*Suffolk dialect, C. G. de Betham on the,

well-sections, W. Whitaker on some,


and Norfolk, agricultural experi-
mental stations in, T. B. Wood on,

SUMNER (J. C.) on the echinoderm fauna
of Plymouth, 471.

Surface, the influence of the, on the
transfer of heat through plates, W. G.
Walker on, 814.

SWINBURNE (J.) on the uniformity of size
of pages of Scientific Societies' publica-
tions, 77.

Symbiosis in Tetraplodon, a supposed
case of, Prof. F. E. Weiss on, 855.
SYMONS (G. J.) on the work of the Corre-
sponding Societies Committee, 39.

on underground temperature, 75.

on the application of photography
to the elucidation of meteorological
phenomena, 80.

on the best methods of recording the
direct intensity of solar radiation, 81.
on earth tremors, 184.

on the circulation of underground
waters, 393.

on the climatology of Africa, 480.
on autumn floods of 1894, 796.

Tables, mathematical, Lieut.-Col. Allan
Cunningham on a new canon arith-
meticus, 613.

Tarns near Snowdon, W. W. Watts on
some, 683.

TAYLOR (H.) on practical electrical
standards, 195.

on the volcanic phenomena of Vesu-
vius and its neighbourhood, 351.
TEALL (J. J. H.) on the collection of
-photographs of geological interest in
the United Kingdom, 404.

Teeth in certain insectivora, the develop-
ment of the, M. F. Woodward on, 736.
Telegraph in the Chitral campaign, the
field, P. V. Luke on, 809.

Telephone service in agricultural districts,
Maj.-Gen. Webber on the development
of the, 804.


Telephony, the development of, in
Europe, A. R. Bennett on, 806.
Temperatures, underground, report on, 75.
some recent improvements in
measurements of high, E. H. Griffiths
on, 638.
Tertiary lacustrine formations of North
America, Prof. W. B. Scott on the, 681.
strata of Belgium, the Upper,
E. van den Broek on the present state
of our knowledge of, 691.

times, probable extension of the
seas during Upper, in Western Europe,
G. F. Dollfus on, 690.

Tetrahedron, a species of, the volume of
any member of which can be de-
termined without employing the proof
of a proposition which depends on the
method of limits, Prof. M. J. M. Hill
on, 619.

Tetraplodon, a supposed case of symbiosis

in, Prof. F. E. Weiss on, 855.
Thames valley, graving tools from the
terrace gravels of the, H. Stopes on,826.
Thermal conductivities of mixtures of
liquids, Charles H. Lees on the, 628.
THISELTON-DYER (W. T.), Address to
the Section of Botany, 836.

on the destruction of a cedar tree
at Kew by lightning, 854.

on pre-Glacial
valleys in Northamptonshire, 683.
(I. C.) on the marine zoology, botany,
und geology of the Irish Sea, 455.

(Prof. Silvanus P.) on the uniformity
of size of pages of Scientific Societies'
publications, 77.

-on practical electrical standards, 195.
on the teaching of science in element-
ary schools, 228.

on the choice of magnetic units, 637.
THOMSON (Prof. J. J.) on practical
electrical standards, 195.
THORPE (Dr. T. E.) on the action of
light upon dyed colours, 263.
Thunderstorms, Indian, C. Michie Smith
on, 626.

TIDDEMAN (R. H.) on the collection of
photographs of geological interest in
the United Kingdom, 404.

on the erratic blocks of England,
Wales, and Ireland, 426, 430.
Tides, the effect of wind and atmospheric
pressure on the, W. H. Wheeler on,

TILDEN (Prof. W. A.) on the investiga-

tion of isomeric naphthalene deriva-
tives, 272.

Tones, combination, A. W. Rücker on

the objective existence of, 626.
Top, a dynamical, G. T. Walker on, 613.
TOPLEY (the late W.) on the rate of

erosion of the sea-coasts of England and
Wales, 352.

*Tow-net, the surface, a simple and
efficient collecting reservoir for, W.
Garstang on, 729.

Traction, the modern application of elec-
tricity to, Philip Dawson on, 800.
Trade, foreign, the port of the Upper

Nile in relation to the highways of,
J. T. P. Heatley on, 760.
Tramroad, the Snowdon mountain, F.
Oswell on, 798.

Trentepohliaceae, the occurrence in New
Zealand of two forms of peltoid, and
their relation to the lichen Strigula, A.
Vaughan Jennings on, 851.
TREUB (Dr. T. M.) on the localisation,

the transport, and rôle of hydrocyanic
acid in Pangium edule, Reinw., 853.
Tripoli, a journey in Tarhuna and
Gharian in, H. Swainson Cowper on,

Tripoli, the Megalithic temples of Ter-
huna in, H. Swainson Cowper on, 827.
TRISTRAM (Rev. Canon H. B.) on the work
of the Corresponding Societies Com-
mittee, 39.

TROTTER (A. P.) and W. H. PREECE on
an improved portable photometer, 801.
Tunicata, a new classification of, Walter
Garstang on outlines of, 718.

Tunicates and echinoderms, the matura-
tion and fecundation of the ora of
certain, M. D. Hill on, 475.

Tunnelling under rivers and shaft-sink-
ing, the Gobert freezing process for, A.
Gobert on, 794.

*TURNER (F. W.) on modern flour milling
machinery, 810.

(Prof. H. H.) on the comparison of
magnetic instruments, 79.

(T.) on the electrolytic methods of
quantitative analysis, 235.
TYLDEN-WRIGHT (C.) on the circulation
of underground waters, 393.
TYLOR (Dr. E. B.) on the North-Western
tribes of the Dominion of Canada, 522.
*Type specimens, geological, interim re-
port on the registration of, 697.
Typhoid and oysters, Prof. Rubert W.
Boyce and Prof. W. A. Herdman on,723.

[blocks in formation]

VALENTINE (J. S.) on the rate of erosion
of the sea-coasts of England and Wales,
Vancouver's Island, decapod Crustacea
from the Cretaceous formation of,
Henry Woodward on some, 696.
*Van't Hoff's constant, experimental
proofs of, for very dilute solutions,
Meyer Wildermann on, 663.
Variations, the law of error in the case
of correlated, S. H. Burbury on, 621.
Vesuvius and its neighbourhood, the vol-
canic phenomena of final report on, 351.
VINES (Prof. S. H.) on investigations
made at the Marine Biological Asso-
ciation laboratory at Plymouth, 469.

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