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The President delivered the following Address :



In order to estimate the progress of chemical science since the year 1851, when the British Association last met in this town, it will be of interest for us to endeavour to place ourselves in the position of those who took part in the proceedings of Section B on that occasion. Perhaps the best way of performing this retrograde feat will be to confront the fundamental doctrines of modern chemistry with the state of chemical theory at that period, because at any point in the history of a science the theoretical conceptions in vogue-whether these conceptions have survived to the present time or not-may be taken as the abstract summation of the facts, i.e., of the real and tangible knowledge existing at the period chosen as the standard of reference.

Without going too far back in time I may remind you that in 1811 the atomic theory of the chemists was grafted on to the kindred science of physics through the enunciation of the law associated with the name of Avogadro di Quaregna. The rationalising of this law had been accomplished in 1845, but the kinetic theory of gases, which had been foreshadowed by D. Bernoulli in 1738, and in later times by Herapath, Joule, and Krönig, lay buried in the archives of the Royal Society until recently unearthed by Lord Rayleigh and given to the world in 1892 under the authorship of Waterston, the legitimate discoverer. The later developments of this theory did not take place till after the last Ipswich meeting, viz., in 1857-1862, by Clausius, and by Clerk Maxwell in 1860-1867. Thus the kinetic theory of gases of the physicists had not in 1851 acquired the full significance for chemists which it now possesses: the hypothesis of Avogadro was available, analogous conceptions had been advanced by Davy in 1812, and by Ampère in 1814; but no substantial chemical reasons for its adoption were adduced until the year 1846, when Laurent published his work on the law of even numbers of atoms and the nature of the elements in the free state.1

The so-called 'New Chemistry' with which students of the present time are familiar was, in fact, being evolved about the period when the British Association last assembled at Ipswich; but it was not till some years later, and then chiefly through the writings of Laurent and Gerhardt, that the modern views became accepted. It is of interest to note in passing that the nomenclature of organic compounds formed the subject of a report by Dr. Daubeny at that meeting in which he says:-'It has struck me as a matter of surprise that none of the British treatises on Chemistry with which I am acquainted should contain any rules to guide us, either in affixing names to substances newly discovered or

1 Ann. Chim. Phys. [3], 18, 266.

in divining the nature and relations of bodies from the appellations attached to them. Nor do I find this deficiency supplied in a manner which to me appears satisfactory when I turn to the writings of Continental chemists.' În a subsequent portion of the report Dr. Daubeny adds:-'No name ought, for the sake of convenience, to exceed in length six or seven syllables.' I am afraid the requirements of modern organic chemistry have not enabled us to comply with this condition.

Among other physical discoveries which have exerted an important influence on chemical theory the law of Dulong and Petit, indicating the relationship between specific heat and atomic weight, had been announced in 1819, had been subsequently extended to compounds by Neumann, and still later had been placed upon a sure basis by the classical researches of Regnault in 1839. But here, again, it was not till after 1851 that Cannizzaro (1858) gave this law the importance which it now possesses in connection with the determination of atomic weights. Thermo-chemistry as a distinct branch of our science may also be considered to have arisen since 1851, although the foundations were laid before this period by the work of Favre and Silbermann, Andrews, Graham, and especially Hess, whose important generalisation was announced in 1840, and whose claim to just recognition in the history of physical chemistry has been ably advocated in recent times by Ostwald. But the elaboration of thermochemical facts and views in the light of the dynamical theory of heat was first commenced in 1853 by Julius Thomsen, and has since been carried on concurrently with the work of Berthelot in the same field which the latter investigator entered in 1865. Electro-chemistry in 1851 was in an equally rudimentary condition. Davy had published his electro-chemical theory in 1807, and in 1812 Berzelius had put forward those views on electric affinity which became the basis of his dualistic system of formulation. In 1833 Faraday announced his famous law of electro-chemical equivalence, which gave a fatal blow to the conception of Berzelius, and which later (1839-1840) was made use of by Daniell in order to show the untenability of the dualistic system. By 1851 the views of Berzelius had been abandoned, and, so far as chemical theory is concerned, the whole subject may be considered to have been in abeyance at that time. It is of interest to note, however, that in that year Williamson advanced on quite distinct grounds his now well-known theory of atomic interchange between molecules, which theory in a more extended form was developed independently from the physical side and applied to electrolytes by Clausius in 1857. The modern theory of electrolysis associated with the names of Arrhenius, van 't Hoff, and Ostwald is of comparatively recent growth. It appears that Hittorf in 1878 was the first to point out the relationship between electrolytic conductivity and chemical activity, this same author as far back as 1856 having combated the prevailing view that the electric current during electrolysis does the work of overcoming the affinities of the ions. Arrhenius formulated his theory of electrolytic dissociation in 1887, Planck having almost simultaneously arrived at similar views on other grounds.

Closely connected with electrolysis is the question of the constitution of solutions, and here again a convergence of work from several distinct fields has led to the creation of a new branch of physical chemistry which may be considered a modern growth. The relationship between the strength of a solution and its freezing point had been discovered by Blagden towards the end of the last century, but in 1851 chemists had no notion that this observation would have any influence on the future development of their science. Another decade elapsed before the law was rediscovered by Rüdorff (1861( and ten years later was further elaborated by de Coppet. Raoult published his first. work on the freezing point of solutions in 1882, and two years later the relationship between osmotic pressure and the lowering of freezing point was established by H. de Vries, who first approached the subject as a physiologist, through observations on the cell contents of living plants. As the work done in connection with osmotic pressure has had such an important influence on the 'dissociation' theory of solutions, it wil be of interest to note that at the last Ipswich meeting Thomas Graham made

a communication on liquid diffusion, in which he gave a view of some of the unpublished results, to ascertain whether solutions of saline bodies had a power of diffusion among liquids, especially water.' In 1877 Pfeffer, who, like de Vries, entered the field from the botanical physiological side, succeeded in effecting the measurement of osmotic pressure. Ten years later van 't Hoff formulated the modern dissociation theory of solution by applying to dissolved substances the laws of Boyle, Gay-Lussac, and Avogadro, the law of osmotic pressure, and Raoult's law connecting the depression of freezing point with molecular weight, thus laying the foundation of a doctrine which, whether destined to survive in its present form or not, has certainly exerted a great influence on contemporary chemical thought.

Consider, further, the state of knowledge in 1851 concerning such leading principles as dissociation or thermolysis, mass action, and chemical equilibrium. Abnormal vapour densities had been observed by Avogadro in 1811, and by Ampère in 1814. Grove had dissociated water vapour by heat in 1847, but the first great advance was made ten years later by Sainte-Claire Deville, from whose work has emanated our existing knowledge of this subject. I may add that the application of this principle to explain the cases of abnormal vapour density was made in 1858 by Kopp, Kekulé, and Cannizzaro almost simultaneously; but, strangely enough, this explanation was not accepted by Deville himself. The subsequent stages are subjects of modern history. The current views on mass action were foreshadowed, as is well known, by Berthollet in his Statique Chimique, published in 1803, but no great advance bad been made when the British Association last met here. The subject first began to assume a quantitative aspect through the researches of Bunsen and Debus in 1853, and was much advanced by Gladstone in 1865, and by Harcourt and Esson a year later. Guldberg and Waage published their classical work on this subject in 1867.

Equally striking will appear the advances made since 1851 if we consider that the whole subject of spectrum analysis, which brings our science into relationship with astronomy, has been called into existence since that date. The celebrated work of Bunsen and Kirchhoff was not published till 1859. Neither can I refrain from reminding you that the coal-tar colour industry, with which I have been to a small extent connected, was started into activity by Perkin's discovery of mauve in 1856; the reaction of this industry on the development of organic chemistry is now too well known to require further mention. In that direction also which brings chemistry into relationship with biology the progress has been so great that it is not going beyond the fact to state that a new science has been created. Pasteur began his studies on fermentation in 1857, and out of that work has arisen the science of bacteriology, with its multifarious and farreaching consequences. As this chapter of chemical history forms the subject of one of the evening discourses at the present meeting, it is unnecessary to dwell further upon it now. One other generalisation may be chronicled among the great developments achieved since 1851. I refer to the periodic law connecting the atomic weights of the chemical elements with their physical and chemical properties. Attempts to establish numerical relationships in the case of isolated groups of elements had been made by Döbereiner in 1817, by Gmelin in 1826, and again by Döbereiner in 1829. The triad system of grouping was further developed by Dumas in 1851. I am informed by Dr. Gladstone that at the last Ipswich meeting Dumas' speculations in this direction excited much interest. All the later steps of importance have, however, been made since that time, viz., by de Chancourtois in 1862, the law of octaves' by Newlands in 1864, the periodic law by Mendeléeff, and almost contemporaneously by Lothar Meyer in 1869.

I have been tempted into giving this necessarily fragmentary and possibly tedious historical sketch because it is approaching half a century since the British Association visited this town, and the opportunity seemed favourable for going through that process which in commercial affairs is called 'taking stock.' The result speaks for itself. Our students of the present time who are nourished intellectually by these doctrines should be made to realise how rapid has been 1895.


their development. The pioneers of our science on whose shoulders we standand many of whom are happily still among us-will derive satisfaction from the retrospect, and will admit that their labours have borne goodly fruit. It is not, however, simply for the purpose of recording this enormous progress that I have ventured to assume the office of stock-taker. The year 1851 may be regarded as occurring towards the close of one epoch and the dawn of a new era in chemical history. Consider broadly the state of organic chemistry at that time. There is no occasion for going into detail, even if time admitted, because our literature has recently been enriched by the concise and excellent historical works of Schorlemmer and of Ernst von Meyer. It will suffice to mention that the work and writings of Liebig, Berzelius, Wöhler, Dumas, Gay-Lussac, Bunsen, and others had given us the leading ideas of isomerism, substitution, compound radicles, and types. Wurtz and Hofmann had just discovered the organic ammonias; Williamson that same year made known his celebrated work on the ethers; and Gerhardt discovered the acid anhydrides a year later. The newer theory of types was undergoing development by Gerhardt and his followers; the mature results were published in the fourth volume of the 'Traité de Chimie' in 1856. In this country the theory was much advanced by the writings of Odling and Williamson.


The new era which was dawning upon us in 1851 was that of structural or constitutional chemistry, based on the doctrine of the valency of the atoms. It is well known that this conception was broached by Frankland in 1852, as the result of his investigations on the organo-metallic compounds. But it was not till 1858 that Kekulé, who had previously done much to develop the theory of types, and Couper, almost simultaneously, recognised the quadrivalent character of carbon. To attempt to give anything approaching an adequate notion of the subsequent influence of this idea on the progress of organic chemistry would be tantamount to reviewing the present condition of that subject. I imagine that no conception more prolific of results has ever been introduced into any department of science. If we glance back along the stream it will be seen that shortly after the last meeting here the course of discovery began to concentrate itself into two channels. In one we now find the results of the confluent labours of those who have regarded our science from its physical side. In the other channel is flowing the tide of discovery arising from the valency doctrine and its extension to the structure of chemical molecules. The two channels are at present fairly parallel and not far apart; an occasional explorer endeavours now and again to make a cross-cut so as to put the streams into communication. The currents in both are running very rapidly, and the worker who has embarked on one or the other finds himself hurried along at such a pace that there is hardly breathing time to step ashore and see what his neighbours are doing. It speaks well for the fertility of the conception of valency that the current in this channel is flowing with unabated vigour, although its catchment area-to pursue the metaphor-is by no means so extensive as that of the neighbouring stream.

The modern tendency to specialisation, which is a necessity arising from the large number of workers and the rapid multiplication of results, is apparently in the two directions indicated. We have one class of workers dealing with the physics of matter in relation to general chemical properties, and another class of investigators concerning themselves with the special properties of individual compounds and classes of compounds with atomic idiosyncrasies. The workers of one class are differentiating while their colleagues are integrating. It would be nothing less than unscientific to institute a comparison between the relative merits of the two methods; both are necessary for the development of our science. All methods of attacking the unknown are equally welcomed. In some cases physical methods are available, in other cases purely chemical methods have alone been found of use. There is no antagonism, but co-operation. If the results of the two methods are sometimes at variance it is simply because we have not known how to interpret them. The physical chemist has adopted the results of the application of chemical

methods of determining constitution,' and is endeavouring to furnish us with new weapons for attacking this same problem. The chemist who is seeking to unravel the architecture of molecules is dependent at the outset upon physical methods of determining the relative weights of his molecules. The worker who is bringing about new atomic groupings is furnishing material for the further development of generalisations from which new methods applicable to the problem of chemical structure may again be evolved. The physical chemist sometimes from the broadness of his view is apt to overlook or to minimise the importance of chemical individuality. On the other hand the chemist who is studying the numberless potentialities of combination resident in the atoms, and who has grasped to the full extent their marvellous individualities, is equally liable to forget that there are connecting relationships as well as specific differences in the properties of elements and compounds. These are but the mental traits-the unconscious bias engendered by the necessary specialisation of work to which I have referred, and which is observable in every department of scientific labour.

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The success attending the application of the doctrine of valency to the compounds of carbon has helped its extension to all compounds formed by other elements, and the student of the present day is taught to use structural formulæ as the A B C of his science. It is, I think, generally recognised among chemists that this doctrine in its present state is empirical, but it does not appear to me that this point is sufficiently insisted upon in chemical teaching. I do not mean to assert that for the last thirty years chemists have been pursuing a phantom; neither do I think that we should be justified in applying to this doctrine the words applied to its forerunner, the 'types' of Gerhardt, by Lothar Meyer, who says that these have rendered great service in the development of the science, but they can only be regarded as a part of the scaffolding which was removed when the erection of the system of organic chemistry had made sufficient progress to be able to dispense with it.' It appears to me, on the contrary, that there is a physical reality underlying the conception of valency, if for no other reason because of the conformability of this property of the atoms to the periodic law. But the doctrine as it stands is empirical in so far that it is only representative and not explanatory. Frankland and Kekulé have given us a great truth, but its very success is now making it more and more obvious that it is a truth which is pressing for further development from the physical side. If we are asked why CO exists, and why CH, and CCI, do not, together with innumerable similar questions which the inquisitive mind will raise, we get no light from this doctrine. If any over-sanguine disciple goes so far as to assert that all the possible compounds of the elements indicated by their valency are capable of existence, and will sooner or later be prepared, he will, I imagine, find himself rapidly travelling away from the region of fact.

There is something to be reckoned with besides valency. The one great desideratum of modern chemistry is unquestionably a physical or mechanical interpretation of the combining capacities of the atoms. Attempts at the construction of such theories have been made, but thus far only in a tentative way, and these views cannot be said to have yet come within the domain of practical chemical politics. I have in mind, among other suggestions, the dynamical theory of van 't Hoff published in 1881,2 the theory of electric charges on the atoms broached by Johnstone Stoney in 1874, and so ably advocated by the late Professor v. Helmholtz in his Faraday lecture in 1881, and the electric polar theory of Victor Meyer and Riecke, published in 1888.3

Pending the rationalisation of the doctrine of valency its promulgation must continue in its present form. Its services in the construction of rational formulæ,

1 Modern Theories of Chemistry, p. 194.

2 Ansichten über die organische Chemie.

''Einige Bemerkungen über den Kohlenstoffatom und die Valenz, Ber., 21, pp. 946, 1620

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