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The earliest Reports of the Association which bear on the biological sciences were those relating to botany.

In 1831 the controversy was yet unsettled between the advantages of the Linnean, or Artificial system, as contrasted with the Natural system of classification. Histology, morphology, and physiological botany, even if born, were in their early infancy.

Our records show that von Mohl noted cell division in 1835, the presence of chlorophyll corpuscles in 1837; and he first described protoplasm in 1846.

Vast as have been the advances of physiological botany since that time, much of its fundamental principles remain to be worked out, and I trust that the establishment, for the first time, of a permanent Section for botany at the present meeting will lead the Association to take a more prominent part than it has hitherto done in the further development of this branch of biological science.

Animal Physiology.

In 1831 Cuvier, who during the previous generation had, by the collation of facts followed by careful inductive reasoning, established the plan on which each animal is constructed, was approaching the termination of his long and useful life. He died in 1832; but in 1831 Richard Owen was just commencing his anatomical investigations and his brilliant contributions to palæontology.

The impulse which their labours gave to biological science was reflected in numerous reports and communications, by Owen and others, throughout the early decades of the British Association, until Darwin propounded a theory of evolution which commanded the general assent of the scientific world. For this theory was not absolutely new. But just as Cuvier had shown that each bone in the fabric of an animal affords a clue to the shape and structure of the animal, so Darwin brought harmony into scattered facts, and led us to perceive that the moulding hand of the Creator may have evolved the complicated structures of the organic world from one or more primeval cells.

Richard Owen did not accept Darwin's theory of evolution, and a large section of the public contested it. I well remember the storm it produced-a storm of praise by my geological colleagues, who accepted the result of investigated facts; a storm of indignation such as that which would have burned Galileo at the stake from those who were not yet prepared to question the old authorities; but they diminish daily.

We are, however, as yet only on the threshold of the doctrine of evolution. Does not each fresh investigation, even into the embryonic stage of the simpler forms of life, suggest fresh problems?


The impulse given by Darwin has been fruitful in leading others to consider whether the same principle of evolution may not have governed the moral as well as the material progress of the human race. Mr. Kidd tells us that nature as interpreted by the struggle for life contains no sanction for the moral progress of the individual, and points out that if each of us were allowed by the conditions of life to follow his own inclination, the average of each generation would distinctly deteriorate from that of the preceding one; but because the law of life is ceaseless and inevitable struggle and competition, ceaseless and inevitable selection and rejection, the result is necessarily ceaseless and inevitable progress. Evolution, as Sir William Flower said, is the message which biology has sent to help us on with some of the problems of human life, and Francis Galton urges that man, the foremost outcome of the awful mystery of evolution, should realise that he has the power of shaping the course of future humanity by using his intelligence to discover and expedite the changes which are necessary to adapt circumstances to man, and man to circumstances.

In considering the evolution of the human race, the science of preventive medicine may afford us some indication of the direction in which to seek for social improvement. One of the early steps towards establishing that science upon a secure basis was taken in 1835 by the British Association, who urged upon the Government the necessity of establishing registers of mortality showing the causes of death on one uniform plan in all parts of the King's dominions, as the only means by which general laws touching the influence of causes of disease and death could be satisfactorily deduced.' The general registration of births and deaths was commenced in 1838. But a mere record of death and its proximate cause is insufficient. Preventive medicine requires a knowledge of the details of the previous conditions of life and of occupation. Moreover, death is not our only or most dangerous enemy, and the main object of preventive medicine is to ward off disease. Disease of body lowers our useful energy. Disease of body or of mind may stamp its curse on succeeding generations.

The anthropometric laboratory affords to the student of anthropology a means of analysing the causes of weakness, not only in bodily, but also in mental life.


Mental actions are indicated by movements and their results. signs are capable of record, and modern physiology has shown that bodily movements correspond to action in nerve-centres, as surely as the motions of the telegraph-indicator express the movements of the operator's hands in the distant office.

Thus there is a relation between a defective status in brain power and defects in the proportioning of the body. Defects in physiognomical details, too finely graded to be measured with instruments, may be appreciated with accuracy by the senses of the observer; and the records

show that these defects are, in a large degree, associated with a brain status lower than the average in mental power.

A report presented by one of your committees gives the results of observations made on 100,000 school-children examined individually in order to determine their mental and physical condition for the purpose of classification. This shows that about 16 per 1,000 of the elementary school population appear to be so far defective in their bodily or brain condition as to need special training to enable them to undertake the duties of life, and to keep them from pauperism or crime.

Many of our feeble-minded children, and much disease and vice, are the outcome of inherited proclivities. Francis Galton has shown us that types of criminals which have been bred true to their kind are one of the saddest disfigurements of modern civilisation; and he says that few deserve better of their country than those who determine to lead celibate lives through a reasonable conviction that their issue would probably be less fitted than the generality to play their part as citizens.

These considerations point to the importance of preventing those suffering from transmissible disease, or the criminal, or the lunatic, from adding fresh sufferers to the teeming misery in our large towns. And in any case, knowing as we do the influence of environment on the development of individuals, they point to the necessity of removing those who are born with feeble minds, or under conditions of moral danger, from surrounding deteriorating influences.

These are problems which materially affect the progress of the human race, and we may feel sure that, as we gradually approach their solution, we shall more certainly realise that the theory of evolution, which the genius of Darwin impressed on this century, is but the first step on a biological ladder which may possibly eventually lead us to understand how in the drama of creation man has been evolved as the highest work of the Creator.


The sciences of medicine and surgery were largely represented in the earlier meetings of the Association, before the creation of the British Medical Association afforded a field for their more intimate discussion. The close connection between the different branches of science is causing a revival in our proceedings of discussions on some of the highest medical problems, especially those relating to the spread of infectious and epidemic disease.

It is interesting to contrast the opinion prevalent at the foundation of the Association with the present position of the question.

A report to the Association in 1834, by Professor Henry, on contagion,


'The notion that contagious emanations are at all connected with the diffusion of animalculæ through the atmosphere is at variance with all that is known of the diffusion of volatile contagion.'

Whilst it had long been known that filthy conditions in air, earth

and water fostered fever, cholera, and many other forms of disease, and that the disease ceased to spread on the removal of these conditions, yet the reason for their propagation or diminution remained under a veil.

Leeuwenhoek in 1680 described the yeast-cells, but Schwann in 1837 first showed clearly that fermentation was due to the activity of the yeastcells; and, although vague ideas of fermentation had been current during the past century, he laid the foundation of our exact knowledge of the nature of the action of ferments, both organised and unorganised. It was not until 1860, after the prize of the Academy of Sciences had been awarded to Pasteur for his essay against the theory of spontaneous generation, that his investigations into the action of ferments' enabled him to show that the effects of the yeast-cell are indissolubly bound up with the activities of the cell as a living organism, and that certain diseases, at least, are due to the action of ferments in the living being. In 1865 he showed that the disease of silkworms, which was then undermining the silk industry in France, could be successfully combated. His further researches into anthrax, fowl cholera, swine fever, rabies, and other diseases proved the theory that those diseases are connected in some way with the introduction of a microbe into the body of an animal; that the virulence of the poison can be diminished by cultivating the microbes in an appropriate manner; and that when the virulence has been thus diminished their inoculation will afford a protection against the disease.

Meanwhile it had often been observed in hospital practice that a patient with a simple-fractured limb was easily cured, whilst a patient with a compound fracture often died from the wound. Lister was thence led, in 1865, to adopt his antiseptic treatment, by which the wound is protected from hostile microbes.

These investigations, followed by the discovery of the existence of a multitude of micro-organisms and the recognition of some of themsuch as the bacillus of tubercle and the comma bacillus of cholera-as essential factors of disease; and by the elaboration by Koch and others of methods by which the several organisms might be isolated, cultivated, and their histories studied, have gradually built up the science of bacteriology. Amongst later developments are the discovery of various so-called antitoxins, such as those of diphtheria and tetanus, and the utilisation of these for the cure of disease. Lister's treatinent formed a landmark in the science of surgery, and enabled our surgeons to perform operations never before dreamed of; whilst later discoveries are tending to place the practice of medicine on a firm scientific basis. And the science of bacteriology is leading us to recur to stringent rules for the

In speaking of ferments one must bear in mind that there are two classes of ferments: one, living beings, such as yeast-organised' ferments, as they are sometimes called-the other the products of living beings themselves, such as pepsin, &c. unorganised' ferments. Pasteur worked with the former, very little with the latter

isolation of infectious disease, and to the disinfection (by superheated steam) of materials which have been in contact with the sufferer.

These microbes, whether friendly or hostile, are all capable of multiplying at an enormous rate under favourable conditions. They are found in the air, in water, in the soil; but, fortunately, the presence of one species appears to be detrimental to other species, and sunshine, or even light from the sky, is prejudicial to most of them. Our bodies, when in health, appear to be furnished with special means of resisting attacks, and, so far as regards their influence in causing disease, the success of the attack of a pathogenic organism upon an individual depends, as a rule, in part at least, upon the power of resistance of the individual.

But notwithstanding our knowledge of the danger arising from a state of low health in individuals, and of the universal prevalence of these micro-organisms, how careless we are in guarding the health conditions of everyday life! We have ascertained that pathogenic organisms pervade the air. Why, therefore, do we allow our meat, our fish, our vegetables, our easily contaminated milk, to be exposed to their inroads, often in the foulest localities? We have ascertained that they pervade the water we drink, yet we allow foul water from our dwellings, our pigsties, our farmyards, to pass into ditches without previous clarification, whence it flows into our streams and pollutes our rivers. We know the conditions of occupation which foster ill-health. Why, whilst we remove outside sources of impure air, do we permit the occupation of foul and unhealthy dwellings?

The study of bacteriology has shown us that although some of these organisms may be the accompaniments of disease, yet we owe it to the operation of others that the refuse caused by the cessation of animal and vegetable life is reconverted into food for fresh generations of plants and animals.

These considerations have formed a point of meeting where the biologist, the chemist, the physicist, and the statistician unite with the sanitary engineer in the application of the science of preventive medicine.


Sewage Purification.

The early reports to the Association show that the laws of hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, and hydraulics necessary to the supply and removal of water through pipes and conduits had long been investigated by the mathematician. But the modern sanitary engineer has been driven by the needs of an increasing population to call in the chemist and the biologist to help him to provide pure water and pure air.

The purification and the utilisation of sewage occupied the attention of the British Association as early as 1864, and between 1869 and 1876 a committee of the Association made a series of valuable reports on the subject. The direct application of sewage to land, though effective as a

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