river at the Rock Ferry is narrow, probably not more than two-thirds the width it has at Springfield village: the approach to the crossing place being from the south, it might necessitate at this point rather an abrupt curve; but that, of course, would constitute one of the considerations which would govern in selecting the route from the high ground to the river. From the west bank of the river, the route would pass over favorable ground around the north end of Mount Tom, and in a distance of less than 2 miles, would fall into the valley of Manhan Creek, between 3 and 4 miles south of Northampton village. Four miles from the Rock Ferry, the route would pass the village of Easthampton, pursuing the general direction of the Hampshire and Hampden canal, which is located through the valley of the Manhan. From Easthampton to Southampton, 4 miles, the line would still pursue this valley, and continue in it to the Westfield boundary line, about 2 or 3 miles, thence leaving the Manhan, it would wind around the point of high ground which is connected with Tekoa, following the direction of the canal feeder from the Westfield River, and finally unite with the present route, as has been stated, at the junction of the Cabotville and Springfield lines at Tekoa Mountain. The distances given in the above Table, by Mount Tom, were not measured, but are, as far as Southampton, (22 miles from Twelve Mile Brook,) believed to be nearly correct, as they were corroborated by different individuals along the line. The distance from Southampton to Tekoa is not stated with the same degree of confidence; it was taken from the town map. It was not deemed necessary to make any examinations for a route between the Cabotville line and that just described, for it would evidently be longer; the only object in such a case would be to comply with the terms of the charter, requiring the road to cross the Connecticut River in the town of Springfield. Respectfully submitted, W. H. SWIFT, RESIDENT ENGINEER. REPORT UPON THE SURVEYS BETWEEN CONNECTICUT RIVER AND THE WESTERN BOUNDARY OF THE STATE. Springfield, June 12th, 1837. TO THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS OF THE WESTERN RAIL ROAD CORPORATION. GENTLEMEN, In pursuance of the order of the Board, of 21st January last, the line from the point of termination of the First Division in East Brookfield, to Stony hill in Wilbraham, has been located. With the exception of such improvements, at particular portions of the line, as might be anticipated from a thorough revision of the whole, it corresponds, generally, in its essential points, with the route approximately located, and described in the Report to the Board of the 15th January last, and in lieu of recapitulating the details of the route, we would refer to the above mentioned report, and to the accompanying Maps and Profiles, for such information, in reference to the same, as may be desired. There are two points, however, upon the route, at which the line is not definitively located, and as the selection will depend, ultimately, upon the results to be furnished by surveys now in progress, the question cannot, at this time, be determined. One of the points referred to, is at the Brookfield meadows, and the other is in the vicinity of Warren village. The modifications are proposed, with a view to the saving of expense in the cost of construction. In the former case, the line in its present situation, fulfills the condition required for a perfect road, being for a distance of 2 miles, both straight and level. But the question arising in our minds, whether it would be attainable within reasonable limits, compared with the cost of constructing the line which we propose to substitute for it, we were unwilling, without the fullest investigation, to incur an expense which the circumstances of the case might not justify, and without all the facts, it would be premature to attempt to decide correctly upon it. By the order of the Board of 22d of March, that portion of the line between Stony hill in Wilbraham and Armory Street in Springfield, was ordered to be located, and from Armory street to a point on the west side of Connecticut river, lines were directed to be approximately located, on both sides of the Garden brook. In accordance with these instructions, the duties enjoined therein have been performed, a very favorable location has been made across the plain from Stony hill to the head of Garden brook; and from thence to a point one mile west of Connecticut river, four distinct lines have been approximately located. These lines cross the river between the present bridge and Ferry Street, embracing an extent north and south, of about 1600 feet. They are about three miles in length, and so similar in character, that it will be necessary to describe them rather minutely, to enable the Board to judge of their respective merits. For the sake of perspicuity we number these several lines, 1, 2, 3, and 4. No. 1. Commencing in the valley of Garden brook, at a point 3000 feet east of Armory Street, the southern line deflects to the south 20 in a distance of 400 feet upon a curve of 2 miles radius; thence by a tangent of 200 feet, thence it deflects to the north 15° in a distance of 3000 feet upon a curve of 2 miles radius. The western end of this curve being 300 feet from the river bank, thence by a straight line 1550 feet to the west bank of the river, thence curving to the north 63° 30', in a distance of 4200 feet upon a radius of 3820 feet, it unites by a straight line of 1600 feet with the northern line, or Route No. 4. Line No. 1 crosses the river 330 feet above the bridge, and at the Worthington lot, so called. No. 2. Passing north, the second line in succession, crosses the river 800 feet above the bridge, at Dr. Osgood's lot. It is straight from the point 3000 feet east of Armory Street, to the west bank of the river, a distance of 10,500 feet; thence it deflects 66° 58' to the north, in a distance of 4100 feet, upon a curve of 3509 feet radius, and there unites with line No. 1. No. 3. The third line in succession, is a tangent to the curve at a point 3080 feet east of Armory Street, and from its origin, it is also straight to the west bank of the river, 10,580 feet, thence it deflects 66° to the north in a distance of 4400 feet, on a radius of 3820 feet, and there unites with Route No. 1.. This line crosses the river at Mr. Hooker's lot, 1050 feet above the bridge. No. 4. The fourth or northern, deflects from the main line, 3380 feet east of Armory Street, thence it is straight 3900 feet; thence it deflects 3° 30′ in a distance of 700 feet, upon a curve of 2 miles radius, thence it is straight 7500 feet to the west bank of the river, thence it deflects 62° 40′ to the north upon a curve of 4700 feet in length, and of 4298 feet radius, and there unites with line No. 1. This line crosses the river at Mr. Brewer's lot, and is about 1500 feet above the bridge, or 100 feet below Ferry Street. No. 5. In addition to the above routes, a line was traced from the Garden Brook route, to a point in State Street, with the view of establishing a passenger depot, at or in the vicinity of that point. The computations of both the distance and the cost of line No. 5, are made from the point at which this route departs from No. 1, to its junction with the same again, east of Main Street. The amount is, of course, to be added to the cost of either of the lines across the river, which may be adopted for the route. The propositions of the several proprietors of the lots offered for a depot, have been made upon the supposition that both the passenger and freight depots would be established upon their grounds. If either were to be placed elsewhere, their terms, of course, would be less advantageous. The length of the line from its departure from Route No. 1 to State Street, is 4050 feet-of which 2725 feet is composed of curves of 1350 and 800 feet radius, respectively; and the balance of 1325 feet of straight line. Cost of grading the same Superstructure, (Bar iron)Cost of Land damages and ground for depot near Main Street If the depot were established farther north, $5568 70 2673 12 12,550 00 say opposite $7750 00 |