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agreements for sale of real property as affected by the Sta-
tute of Frauds, 71, 81, 94, 117

particulars and conditions of sale, 130, 153, 164, 178,
189, 214, 246, 268, 315, 334, 350
CORONERS. Order in Council respecting Norfolk district,



power of executor to sell real estate under a charge of
debts, 68

attachment of, under Common-law Procedure Act, 3
DEGREES in law in the University of London, 1856; 336
DELIVERY ORDER. Liability of innocent purchaser for
vendor's fraud, 457, 557, 565

DENISON, Archdeacon. Judgment on,


DETINUE. Specific delivery of goods, 358
DISCLAIMER of trusteeship as to part, 91
DOCK WARRANT. Liability of innocent purchaser for
vendor's fraud, 457, 557, 565

CORPORATION. Liability of, for misfeasance, &c., 27
when bound by contracts not under seal, ib.
COUNCIL. Orders in, respecting Bills of Exchange Act, 55
COUNTY COURTS. Order in Council respecting certain
districts in Bedfordshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, DUCAREL, Dr. A. C. Notice of, 406
and Norfolk, 308

DOODY v. HIGGINS. Case of, considered, 465
DOWDESWELL'S Merchant Shipping Acts, reviewed, 17
DUBLIN. Commissioner for taking affidavits for courts in,

scale of costs and charges, 440

rules and orders, 540


and Mr. Collier on, 530

forms and suggestions as to Bills of Exchange Act issued ECCLESIASTICAL DISCIPLINE. Judgment in Arch-
by judges, 120

appointment of judges, 23, 309

bill to amend the acts, 194

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deaths of Messrs. Chilton, Carrow, Hildyard, Wing, and
Burnaby. Resignations of Messrs. Amos, Wilkin-
son, Palmer, and Elsley. Appointments of Messrs.
Adolphus, Taylor, Last, Cooke, Lonsdale, Will-
more, Temple, W. E. Wilmot, and Miller, 23
COURT OF CHANCERY. Easter holidays, 74
COURT PAPERS. Equity Sittings, Hilary Term, 1856; 6
Equity Sittings after Hilary Term, 58

Equity Sittings before and in Easter Term, 143

Equity Sittings in Trinity Term, 234

Equity Sittings after Trinity Term, 283

Equity Sittings in Michaelmas Term, 448, 459

Equity Sittings after Michaelmas Term, 506

Equity Sittings, Hilary Term, 1857; 566

[blocks in formation]

ECCLESIASTICAL LEASE. Injustice to lessees by re-
cent enactments, 243

EMBEZZLEMENT. Employment, 291
ELMER on Lunacy, reviewed, 527

ERASURES in affidavits, answers, &c. not to be made with a
knife, 74

EVANS v. COVENTRY. Case of, considered, 421
EVIDENCE. On the necessity of rules of, 199

on Sir F. Kelly's bill for amendment of the law of, 223
of accomplice, 293

bankrupt, how far bound to criminate himself, 333
by affidavit of irregularity of, summary proceeding, 431
EXAMINATION of students of Inns of Court. Rules for,

candidates for honours, ib.

EXAMINER. The answer to an article in, on Mr. Serjeant
Wilkins, 39

EXECUTION. Not binding on purchasers for value before
seizure or attachment, 358

under Common-law Procedure Act, against debts owing
to debtor, 3

Common-law Sittings and Cause Lists, Easter Term, 1856; EXECUTOR. On the liability of, to creditors, 437


Common-law Sittings, Trinity Term, 237

Common-law Sittings after Trinity Term, 274

Common-law Sittings, Hilary Term, 1857; 560

Common-law Cause Lists, Hilary Term, 1857; 567

Sittings of Court of Exchequer, 46

New Trials, 193

provision for relief of, in the 13 & 14 Vict. c. 35; 437
power to sell real estate under a charge of debts, 68


FLATHER'S Archbold's Bankrupt Law, reviewed, 222
FORGERY. Altering diploma, 292

FORMS AND FICTIONS of the law, 466
FRANCE. On legal education in, 414

COURTS. Queen's Bench; postponement of cases in the FRAUD. Effect of, on contracts, 457, 557, 565

[blocks in formation]

liability of innocent holder of delivery order, dock war-
rant, &c., 457, 557, 565

effect of fraudulent misrepresentations on liability of
shareholder, 325

CRIMINAL LAW. Notice of recent decision of the Court FRAUDS, STATUTE OF. As to agreements for sale of

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HALF HOLIDAY. Saturday; rule as to services, 227
HEIR. Judgment debts of, postponed to simple contract debts
of ancestor, 313, 341

"HEIRS." Gift of personalty to, 211, 224, 461

HOLIDAY, Saturday half-holiday; rule for services, 227
HONOURS. Examination of candidates for, in Inns of Court,

HOUSE OF LORDS. Macqueen's Letter on, reviewed, 44
as to life peerages, 67

schemes for amendment in respect of appellate jurisdic-
tion, 103

report of select committee on the appellate jurisdiction of,


debate on, 258

protest of peers on the appellate jurisdiction bill, 271
evidence of Sir R. Bethell, S. G., 271, 280

debate on the claim of an Irish convict to appeal, 225
appellate jurisdiction, evidence of Lord St. Leonards,
318, 326

evidence of the Master of the Rolls, 398
evidence of Sir F. Kelly, 400, 408, 416

INCORPORATED Law Society. Examinations at, 483
INJUNCTIONS of a mandatory character. Review of cases,

INNS OF COURT. Prospectus of Lectures, Trinity Term,
1856; 180

Prospectus of Lectures, Michaelmas Term, 1856; 375
Prospectus of Lectures, Hilary Term, 1857; 540

rules for examination of students and candidates for
honours, 118, 391, 519

results of examination, 250

vacancy in office of reader, 227

[blocks in formation]

INSURANCE, marine. As to warranty of seaworthiness in LEGGE ▼, EDWARDS. Case of, considered, 139

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[blocks in formation]

LORDS, HOUSE OF. Scheme for amendment in respect
of appellate jurisdiction, 103, 115
LUNACY. Orders in, 475

MACGREGOR, J., on Specifications, reviewed, 326
MACQUEEN'S Letter to Lord Lyndhurst on the House of
MACRAE, D. C., on Insolvency, reviewed, 527
Peers in its Judicial Character, reviewed, 44
MALTA. Verdicts in, 433

MALZY v. EDGE. Case of, considered, 97
MANDAMUS under Common-law Procedure Act, 1854; 343
MARINE INSURANCE. As to warranty of seaworthiness
in time policies, 405
MARKHAM. Common-law Procedure Acts, reviewed, 527
MARRIAGE. Re-marrying by clergymen after marriage in
a dissenting chapel or before registrar, 326
MARRIED WOMEN. On the bill for enabling them to
assign their reversionary interests in personalty, 141
property of, report of Law Amendment Society on, 222,


acknowledgments by, of deeds, may be taken by a judge
of county court, 367

MASTER AND SERVANT. Responsibility of master for
injury to servant, 381

relation between cab owner and cab driver, 350

MAYNE, J. D., on Damages, reviewed, 305

amended bill, ib.

debate on bill, 270

petition against repealing the 17th section of the Statute
of Frauds, 191

letter on, 204

bill, extract from report of the Society of Solicitors in
Scotland on, 202

357, 366

MORTGAGEE of ship. Right to receive freight, 73

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remedy for arrears of interest; Statute of Limitations, 175, PROCEDURE.-See COMMON-LAW PROCEDURE.
on Sir F. Kelly's bill for amendment of, 223

whether equity of redemption is assets, 537

right of mortgagee on death of mortgagor without heir, ib. PROTEST of peers on the Appellate Jurisdiction Bill, 271
MURDER. Intent, 292

[blocks in formation]

PARLIAMENT. Debate on the Mercantile-law Amend-
ment Bill, 270

protest of peers on the Appellate Jurisdiction Bill, 271
members returned, 75, 98, 123, 159, 239, 298, 329, 345,
356, 561, 575

PAROL CONTRACTS for sale of land, 71, 81, 94, 117
on, 130, 153, 164, 178, 189, 214, 246, 268, 293, 315,
334, 350

PARTNERS. As to service of demand by creditor of part-
ners for act of bankruptcy, 93


PEACHEY, J. P. Lectures on settlements, 477, 503, 516
PEARSON, Henry, Esq. Death of, 63

PEERAGES for life. Article on, 67

protest of certain peers, 110

PETITION to Parliament by women, 134

PLATT, Baron. Notice of, 458

PLEADING, on the necessity of rules of, 199

under the Common-law Procedure Act, 438, 447

POISONING case at Burdon. Remarks on the evidence, 9
detection of strychnine, 376, 575

POST LETTER. Stealing from, 293

POWER. Whether exercisable by trustees appointed by the

Court, 389, 501

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PUBLIC COMPANY. When bound by contract not under
seal, 27

responsibility of directors of insurance company, 421
responsibility of shareholders and solicitor of insurance

company, ib.

question on Joint-stock Companies Act, 1856; 473, 525
insurance companies, 473

bankruptcy and winding up, 432, 445

Tipperary Bank; as to exempting shareholders from con-
tribution who joined on the faith of fraudulent re-
presentations, 325

PUBLIC PROSECUTORS. Evidence of T. F. Ellis, Esq.,
as to the system at Leeds, and generally, 18
evidence of R. M. Straight, Esq., 22, 32, 54
evidence of Mr. Davies, New York, 33
evidence of Lord Campbell, C. J., 33, 46
prosecutions in Scotland, 33
evidence of J. Hemp, Esq., 54

evidence of Henry Reynolds, Esq., 54, 74, 84
evidence of Horatio Waddington, Esq., 86
evidence of Mr. Samuel Robert Goodman, ib.
evidence of the Right Hon. Joseph Napier, 84
evidence of Henry Avery, Esq., 106

evidence of Sir A. J. E. Cockburn, 107, 141, 168
evidence of the Right Hon. J. A. Stuart Wortley, 192
report of committee, 296, 306

[blocks in formation]

Arnold, T. J., on the Tenure of Office by Police Magis-
trates, 167

Bainbridge on Mines and Minerals, 529

Bigg. Minutes of Parliamentary Proceedings, 528
Broom's Commentaries on the Common Law, 43
Cole, W. R., on Ejectment, 515

Dowdeswell's Merchant Shipping Acts, 17

Elmer on Lunacy, 527

Flather's Archbold's Bankrupt Law, 222

Grant on Bankers, 529

Gray's Country Solicitor's Practice, 528

Greenwood's Manual of Conveyancing, 200

Lindley's Introduction to the Study of Jurisprudence, 17

Macgregor on Specification of Inventions, 326

Macqueen's Letter to Lord Lyndhurst on the House of

Peers in its Judicial Character, 44

Macrae on Insolvency, 527

Markham on the Common-law Procedure Act, ib.
Mayne on Damages, 305

Russell on Arbitrators, 2nd ed., 141

Scott on Costs, 225

Shelford on Probate, Legacy, and Succession Duties, 83
J. W. Smith's Compendium of the Law of Real and Per-
sonal Property, 156

[blocks in formation]

SALFORD Court of Record. Order in Council extending
certain provisions of the Common-law Procedure Act
and Bills of Exchange Act to, 168
SATURDAY half-holiday. Rule for services, 227
SCOTT on Costs, reviewed, 225

SERJEANT. Ceremony of pleading, 466
SERVICES on Saturday. Rule as to, 227

SETTLEMENTS. Lectures on, by J. P. Peachey, 477, 503,

SEWER RATE on rectorial tithes, 467
SHELFORD on Probate, Legacy, and Succession Duties, re-
viewed, 83

SHERIFFS. List of, 484

and agents. List of, 97

SHIPPING. Right of mortgagee to receive freight. Case
of Myers v. Willis, 73

liability of shipowner for act of master, 163


liability of reversioner after several life estates; effect of
death of testator or first tenant for life before the
act, 127, 279

ACT, 55

SUMMARY PROCEEDING. When irregularity may be
shewn by affidavit, 431

SURETY. Rights and obligations of, 42
when discharged by change of firm, 357
right to securities of creditor, ib.

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Channel Islands to be home ports in relation to claims TUDOR'S Leading Cases on Real Property and Convey-

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mortgagee's remedies for interest, 175, 217
STATUTES, sleeping. Bill for repealing, 226
STOCK IN THE FUNDS. Effect of charging order, 79
STRYCHNINE. On the detection of, 376, 575
STUDENTS. Rules for the public examination of, 118
SUCCESSION DUTY ACT. Case of sale of fee-simple by
tenant for life and remainderman, 15, 43, 51
practice of commissioners as to commutation of duty, ib.
points on the act, 51

when payable by successor on extinction of charge created
by himself, ib.

ancing, reviewed, 141

UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. Degrees and honours in
law in 1856; 336

VAGABOND. What is, 467

VENDOR AND PURCHASER. Contracts as affected by
the Statute of Frauds, 71, 81, 94, 117
particulars and conditions of sale, 130, 153, 164, 178,
189, 214, 246, 293, 315, 334, 350

part performance of parol contract, 117
succession duty, where tenant for life and remainderman
concur in sale, 15

VENUE. Locality of cause of action, 358
false pretence, 293

privilege of attorney as to, 475

WATSON, Baron. Notice of, 459

WATTS v. PORTER. Case of, considered, 79
WIFE. On bill for enabling married women to assign their
reversionary interests in personalty, 141
WILKINS, Mr. Serjt. Attack on, in the Examiner, an
swered, 39

WILL. Construction of bequest "to A. or his heirs," 211,
WILLIAMS, W., on Pleading, reviewed, 558
224, 465
WITNESS. Liability to return conduct money, 493
WOMEN. On the injustice of the laws with respect to, 129
petition to Parliament by, 134.




Archibald Wm. Cockburn, Edinburgh, doctor of medicine. To be allowed, unless Cause be shewn to the contrary on or -Wm. Calder Gallaher, Glasgow, varnish manufacturer. before the Day of Meeting.

TUESDAY, Jan. 6.


ROBERT EDWARD KEY, Thorney, Cambridgeshire,
grocer, Jan. 15 at half-past 11, and Feb. 19 at 12, London:
Off. Ass. Bell; Sols. Wilkinson, Peterborough; Wright,
South-square, Gray's-inn.-Pet. f. Dec. 20.
JOHN RICHARD DAWSON, West Cowes, Isle of Wight,
hotel keeper, Jan. 19 at 11, and Feb. 18 at 12, London:
Off. Ass. Pennell; Sols. Hearn, Newport, Isle of Wight;
Westmacott & Blake, 28, John-street, Bedford-row.-Pet.

f. Jan. 2.

JOHN HENRY STEVENS, Great Wild-street, Lincoln's. inn-fields, engraver, Jan. 21 at 2, and Feb. 17 at 1, London: Off. Ass. Graham; Sol. Kennett, 106, Fenchurchstreet, City. - Pet. f. Jan. 3.

EDWARD CROFTS, West-place, John's-row, St. Luke's, hearth rug manufacturer, Jan. 21 at half-past 1, and Feb. 17 at 12, London: Off. Ass. Stansfeld; Sols. Sole & Co., 68. Aldermanbury.- Pet. f. Dec. 20.

SAMUEL MUDDIMAN, Northampton, shoe manufacturer, Jan. 20 at 2, and Feb. 17 at half- past 1, London: Off. Ass. Stansfeld; Sols. Loftus & Young, 10, New-inn, Strand.Pet. f. Dec. 22.

WILLIAM KINGSTON, Bridge-road, Lambeth, linendraper, Jan. 21 at half-past 12, and Feb. 23 at 12, London: Off. Ass. Nicholson; Sols. Lawrance & Co., 14, Old Jewry-chambers, Old Jewry.-Pet. f. Jan. 1. NATHANIEL LEVY, (commonly known as Nathaniel Levy Nathan), Church-lane, Whitechapel, butcher, Jan. 15 and Feb. 20 at 1, London: Off. Ass. Whitmore; Sols. Smith & Son, Barnard's-inn, Holborn. - Pet. f. Jan. 2. EDWARD POLLACK, Fieldgate-street, Middlesex, sugar refiner, Jan. 16 and Feb. 10 at half-past 2, London: Off. Ass. Edwards; Sols. Martin & Co., Mincing lane.-Pet. f. Jan. 2. THOMAS RODGER, Attercliffe-cum-Darnall, Yorkshire, grocer, Jan. 17 and Feb. 21 at 10, Sheffield: Off. Ass. Brewin; Sol. Webster, Sheffield.-Pet. d. Dec. 26. THOMAS STOREY BELTON, Marton and Horncastle, Lincolnshire, and Lincoln, maltster, Jan. 21 and Feb. 18 at 12, Kingston-upon-Hull: Off. Ass. Carrick; Sol. Chidley, Basinghall-street.-Pet. d. Dec. 27.


George Josiah Palmer, Savoy-street, Strand, printer, Jan. 16 at 2, London, pr. d.-John Crosthwaite, Liverpool, merchant, Jan. 16 at 11, Liverpool, pr. d.-Henry J. Hawkins, Midway-terrace, Lower-road, Rotherhithe, Surrey, dealer in milk, Jan. 17 at 12, London, last ex.-Jesse Wilkinson, Huddersfield, woollen cloth manufacturer, Jan. 23 at 11, Leeds, last ex.-. -Moss A. Lewis and Jacob Lewis, Fore-street, Cripplegate, lithographic printers, Jan. 19 at half-past 11, London, aud. ac.-Wm. Turner, High-street, Forest-hill, Kent, milliner, Jan. 19 at half-past 11, London, aud. ac.-James W. Knights, Ipswich, corn merchant, Jan. 20 at 11, London, aud. ac.-J. Wren and E. Wren, Charlotte-mews, Fitzroy-square, bedding manufacturers, Jan. 27 at 12, London, aud. ac.Octavius King and Alfred King, Dullingham, near Newmarket, Cambridgeshire, corn merchants, Jan. 22 at 1. London, aud. ac.-Henry Quincey Andrews, Strand, Middlesex, American drug merchant, Jan. 27 at 1, London, aud. ac.Domenico Draggiotti and Paul Testa, Lombard-street, City, merchants, Jan. 16 at 11, London, aud. ac.- -Geo. Hawkins, Eden-place, Old Kent-road, Surrey, oilman, Jan. 16 at 1, London, aud. ac.-James Moore, Ardwick, Manchester, livery stable keeper, Jan. 23 at 12, Manchester, aud. ac.-- - George Boss, Brighton, Sussex, livery stable keeper, Jan. 29 at 11, London, div.-Nathaniel Nicholls, Holborn-bridge, London, baker, Jan. 28 at half-past 12, London, div.- George Hall, Lothbury, City, hat manufacturer, Jan. 28 at 1, London, div. -Morris Schwartz, Haydon-square, Minories, clothier, Jan. 28 at 1, London, div.-Mary Ann Apletree, Stow-on-theWold, Gloucestershire, innkeeper, Feb. 5 at 11, Bristol, div.

William Charles Stuart, Cambridge, tailor, Jan. 28 at 1, London.-John Hulbert, Bristol, soap boiler, Feb. 2 at 11, Bristol.-Chamney Leicester and John Eeles Littleboy, Liverpool, corn merchants, Jan. 28 at 11, Liverpool. -Joshua Gill, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, grocer, Feb. 3 at 11, Leeds.Robert Marston and George Marston, Leicester, manufacturers of hosiery, March 3 at half-past 10, Birmingham.— Samuel James Harrison, Kidderminster, cabinet maker, Jan. 29 at 10, Birmingham.

To be granted, unless an appeal be duly entered. Thomas Edward Shales, Brighton, linendraper. - Ralph Brady Simpson, Sunderland, Durham, builder.-John Johnson, Bourn, Lincolnshire, ironmonger.-John Burgess, Kidderminster, builder.-Daniel Grigg, West Bromwich, Staffordshire, grocer.-Thomas Foxley, Birmingham, grocer.


John Frederick Isaacson and George Isaacson, Norfolkstreet, Strand, attornies and solicitors.


John Mitchell, Dunoon, slater.-John Mather, Haddington, surgeon.-William Pullar, Perth, innkeeper.-Alexander Mackenzie, Dingwall, county clerk of Ross-shire.-Robert Mackinlay, Aberdeen, grocer.

POISONING BY STRYCHNINE.-At an inquest held on the 30th ult. before Mr. Wakley, it appeared that the deceased had poisoned herself by taking about twelve grains of strychnine mixed with French chalk. It is stated in the Times report that there was nothing in the appearance of the body at the time to account for death-no rigor mortis, such as is believed to follow death by this poison, with the exception of muscular contraction in the fingers. The coroner is reported to have said, "that the case was an exceedingly important and extraordinary one. It was generally believed that poisoning by strychnine resulted in violent contortions of the hands, and convulsions; but here was a case that exploded the whole theory. The deceased, it appeared, was seen well at four o'clock in the afternoon; at a quarter to six she was found dead; but there were none of those convulsive actions about the body which usually were seen when death resulted from such a poison. On the contrary, she lay in an easy and recumbent position on the floor, the only thing peculiar being a slight convulsive action in the fingers. In poisoning by strychnine it had invariably occurred that the body was so rigid and contorted, and the back so bent, that the body could rest on the back of the head and the heels, but it was not the result in the present case. On the whole he considered the investigation one of the most important brought under his notice for some time past, and trusted it would be duly recorded in medical jurisprudence; for besides its important features in a medico-legal point of view, it was really useful to know that a person might die from the effects of strychnine, and yet no external trace be left, nor even the slightest injury result to the coats of the stomach, which was the means of immediate detection in other poisons."

MEMBER RETURNED TO SERVE IN PARLIAMENT.-Alexander Dundas Ross Wisheart Baillie Cochrane, Esq., for the county of Lanark, in the room of William Lockhart, Esq., deceased.

DOWDESWELL ON THE MERCHANT SHIPPING ACTS. This day is published, in 12mo., price 14s. cloth,

THE MERCHANT SHIPPING ACTS, 1854 and 1855, (17 & 18 Vict. cc. 104, 120, and 18 & 19 Vict. c. 91); with a readable Abridgment of the former Act, and an Explanation of the Law relating to it. Also, Notes, and an Appendix containing a Selection of the Instructions and Forms issued by the Commissioners of Customs and the Board of Trade. By G. M. DOWDESWELL, Esq., Barrister at Law. London: Stevens & Norton, H. Sweet, and W. Maxwell.

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