NEW STAMP DUTIES. Recently published, in 8vo., price 8s. 6d. boards, Frome Selwood, Somersetshire, clothier, Oct. 2 at 11, Bristol, aud. ac.—Thos. Wright Lawford, Tivydail, Llandebie, Carmarthenshire, market gardener, Oct. 16 at 11, Bristol, aud. TILSLEY'S NEW STAMP ACTS of 1850, 1853, and ac.-James Michie, Battersea-fields, Surrey, engineer, Oct. 8 at 11, London, div.-John Moseley, Macclesfield, Cheshire, saddler, Nov. 6 at 12, Manchester, aud. ac.; Nov. 7 at 12, div.-Henry Peard Reed and Richard Ivens, Bristol, ship chandlers, Oct. 23 at 11, Bristol, div. joint and sep. ests. To be allowed, unless Cause be shewn to the contrary on or before the Day of Meeting. Thomas Ward, Great Winchester-street, City, and Parkstreet, Camden-town, commission-agent, Oct. 10 at 1, London.-David Marshall, Bristol, tailor, Oct. 13 at 11, Bristol. -John Robinson, Manchester, silk manufacturer, Oct. 8 (and not Oct. 2, as previously advertised) at 12, Manchester. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Nathaniel Layton Hadley and Edward Jones Filder, Gresham-street, London, and Ockley, Surrey, attornies, solicitors, and conveyancers.-Wm. Griffith George and Wm. Wagner Mitchell, Cardigan, attornies at law.-George Washington Abbott and Samuel Neale Driver, Birchin-lane, attornies and solicitors. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. James Graham, Edinburgh, draper.-Samuel Boaz Landeck, Glasgow, wholesale druggist. In royal 8vo.. price 21. 2s. boards, vol. 2 of 1854; with Notes and Explanatory Observations, and Tables of all the Stamp Duties payable after the 10th October, 1854; together with a Digest of Cases. By HUGH TILSLEY, Assistant Solicitor of Inland Revenue. Sixth Edition. Also, by the same Author, in 8vo., price 17. 118. 6d., A TREATISE on the STAMP LAWS; with Tables of all the Stamp Duties payable in the United Kingdom after the 10th October, 1854. Second Edition. With a Supplement. Stevens & Norton, 26, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn. BURTON ON REAL PROPERTY.-EIGHTH EDITION. AN ELEMENTARY COMPENDIUM of the LAW of REAL PROPERTY. By W. H. BURTON, Esq. With Notes, shewing the Alterations in the Law to the present time. To which is now prefixed an Introductory Chapter, giving a concise Historical Outline of such Parts of the Law as have been the subject of Statutory Alteration. By EDWARD PRIESTLEY COOPER, Esq., Barrister at Law. Stevens & Norton, 26, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn. THE LAW OF ELECTIONS. Recently published, in 1 vol. royal 12mo., price 10s. 6d. cloth bds., A PRACTICAL TREATISE on the LAW of ELECTIONS By of the United Kingdom, and "The CORRUPT PRACTICES PREVENTION ACT, 1854," with an Appendix of Statutes. JOHN CLERK, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law. Also, by the same Author, price 12s. cloth, The LAW and PRACTICE of ELECTION COMMITTEES, containing all the recent Decisions of Election Committees; with an Appendix of Petitions and Statutes. H. Sweet, 3, Chancery-lane, Fleet-street. OLIPHANT ON THE LAW OF HORSES, GAMING, &c. boards, of SPENCE on the EQUITABLE JURISDICTION of the Recently published, in 1 vol. 12mo., the Second Edition, price 12s. cloth COURT of CHANCERY: comprising EQUITABLE ESTATES and INTERESTS; their Nature, Qualities, and Incidents; in which is incorporated, so far as relates to those Subjects, the substance of "MADDOCK'S PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF THE COURT OF CHANCERY." By GEORGE SPENCE, Esq., Q. C. Vol. 1 may be had, price 17. 11s. 6d. boards. "A mass of matter, cases, arguments, and discussions, thrown together in a work of such bulk, is like a library containing as many different works as this contains cases. ... presenting the authorities on each point in the ipsissima verba of judicial decisions, but connecting, modifying, approving, or condemning them in his own words, which will be deservedly considered of little less weight by the student than the dicta to which they relate..... Such is the variety of topics, subdivided into an almost infinite ramification of cases and points, into which the learned author is necessarily led. Few writers, we apprehend, could be found sufficiently persevering to pursue every topic in such a list with the same untiring vigour, till each in its turn was exhausted; few would have the learning, fewer still the resolution."-Law Magazine, No. 22. "We must far surpass the limits of an article were we to attempt to discuss, with any sort of completeness, the vast variety of subjects which Mr. Spence's second volume contains-subjects treated by him with a fulness of detail indispensable in a book designed, not only as a guide, pointing out to the student the great principles upon which the law in its complexities of actual business depends, and tracing the mutual connexion of those extensive provinces of equity with whose details he is expected to become familiar, but also as a storehouse, from whose well-arranged repositories the practising lawyer may readily furnish himself with the armour needed for the conflicts of the Bar."-Law Review, No. 22. "There remains a vast amount of valuable information, both theoretical and practical, upon topics not to be found in any of the recent treatises, which must be carried to the sole credit of Mr. Spence's own eriginal and laborious investigations; and from this results the peculiar character of the book, that it is at once trite and recherché, containing all the stock information on subjects within its scope which may be found in the current text-books, and, superadded to these, the result of an experienced lawyer's researches in neglected paths, and resumés of, or criticisms (where criticism is called for) on, the most recent decisions, doctrines, and innovations of the Court of Chancery..... A more dense mass of living law, available alike for study, reference, and practice, has seldom been presented to the Profession."-Jurist, No. 668. "The reader, however, will be surprised at the mass of information which it contains; all the principal branches of learning are explored .... There never was less book-making in any book than in this."— Law Magazine, N. S., No. 8. "A work which promises to be one of the most learned and philosophical treatises on the largest branch of British jurisprudence which our language has produced."-Law Times. Stevens & Norton, 26, Bell yard, Lincoln's-inn. FINLASON'S CHARITABLE TRUSTS ACTS. THE ACT for the BETTER REGULATION of CHA RITABLE TRUSTS. With Notes, and an Introduction on the Jurisdiction exercised by the Court of Chancery; and the Rules of Equity as to their Management and Administration, and the Nature of the THE LAW of HORSES; including the Bargain and Sale of Chattels; also the Law of Racing, Wagers, and Gaming. By GEORGE HENRY HEWIT OLIPHANT, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law, Author of "The Law of Pews and Prohibition," "The Law of Church Ornaments," &c. H. Sweet, 3, Chancery-lane, Fleet-street. THE COMMON-LAW PROCEDURE ACT, WITH THE NEW THE COMMON-LAW PROCEDURE ACT, 1854, (17 & 18 Vict. c. 125); with Treatises on Injunction and Relief, By HENRY THURSTAN HOLLAND and THOMAS CHANDLESS. Jun., of the Inner Temple, Esqrs., Barristers at Law. Also, a Treatise on Inspection and Discovery, under the above Act and the 14 & 15 Vict. c. 99. By CHARLES EDWARD POLLOCK, of the Inner Temple, Esq., Barrister at Law. Together with Notes, Cases, Index, and the New Rules and Forms of Michaelmas Vacation, 1854. H. Sweet, 3, Chancery-lane, Fleet-street. POLLOCK'S PRACTICE OF THE COUNTY COURTS. THE PRACTICE of the COUNTY COURTS; in Eight Parts:-1. Proceedings in Plaints.-2. Jurisdiction under Friendly and Industrial and Provident Societies Acts.-3. Jurisdiction under Joint-stock Companies Winding-up Act.-4. Jurisdiction as to Insolvent Debtors.-5. Jurisdiction under Protection Acts.-6. Proceedings against Judgment Debtors.-7. Arrest of Absconding Debtors.-8. Administration of Charitable Trusts. With the Decisions of the Superior Courts, and Table of Fees. Also an Appendix, containing all the Statutes, a List of the Court Towns, Districts, and Parishes, and the Rules of Practice and Forms. By CHARLES EDWARD POLLOCK, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law. The Second Edition, much enlarged. H. Sweet, 3, Chancery-lane, Fleet-street. A THE LAW OF LETTERS PATENT. In 1 vol. 8vo., price 18s., in cloth boards, TREATISE on the LAW of LETTERS-PATENT for the SOLE USE of INVENTIONS in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, including the Practice connected with the Grant. To which is added, a Summary of the Patent Laws in force in the principal Foreign States; with an Appendix of Statutes, Rules, Practical Forms, &c. By JOHN CORYTON, Esq., of Lincoln's-inn, Barrister at Law. H. Sweet, 3, Chancery-lane, Fleet-street. STAMP'S COMPREHENSIVE INDEX TO THE STATUTES. In one vol., price 148. cloth boards, AN INDEX to the STATUTE LAW of ENGLAND. By GEORGE STAMP, Esq. The Second Edition, much enlarged, and brought down to the 15 & 16 Vict. 1852, inclusive. H. Sweet, 3, Chancery-lane, Fleet-street. THE LORD MAYOR'S COURT. In 12mo., price 5s. cloth boards, Jurisdiction by the Commissioners of Charities; Notices of all the chief THE LAW and PRACTICE of FOREIGN ATTACH Cases on the subject. To which is added, the Act 18 & 19 Vict. for the Amendment of the Act 16 & 17 Vict.; with Notes, and an Appendix containing Precedents of Schemes, &c. By W. F. FINLASON, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister at Law. The Supplement may be had separately, price 38. sewed. Stevens & Norton, 26, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn. MENT in the LORD MAYOR'S COURT, under the NEW RULES of PRACTICE. With an Appendix of the Forms of Proceeding in Attachment and in ordinary Actions. By JOHN LOCKE, M.A., Barrister at Law, and one of the Common Pleaders of the City of London. H. Sweet, 1, Chancery-lane, Fleet-street. CIETY, 10, Lancaster-place, Strand.-Persons desirous of DIS Edition of 20 EQUITABLE REVERSIONARY INTEREST SO- Just ready, in 1 vol. royal 12mo., price 248. cloth, the Thirteenth POSING of REVERSIONARY PROPERTY, LIFE INTERESTS, ARCHBOLD'S CRIMINAL LAW, by WELSBY.. and LIFE POLICIES of ASSURANCE may do so at this Office to any extent, and for the full value, without the delay, expense, and uncertainty of an auction. Forms of Proposal may be obtained at the Office as above, and of Mr. Hardy, the Actuary of the Society, London Assurance Corporation, 7, Royal Exchange. JOHN CLAYTON, Joint Secretaries. WEST of ENGLAND CLOTH, celebrated for its sterling quality and unalterable colour, direct from the Manufactory. Black Broad Cloth from 128.; Black Doeskin from 68. per yard. Orders to the value of 21. sent carriage free to any railway station in England, on receipt of Post-office orders payable to HENRY & CO., Woollen A TREATISE on the PRINCIPLES of EVIDENCE and PRACTICE as to PROOFS in COURTS of COMMON LAW; with Elementary Rules for conducting the Examination and Cross examination of Witnesses. By W. M. BEST, A.M., LL.B., of Gray's-inn, Esq., Barrister at Law. Second Edition, with a SUPPLE SUMMARY of the LAW relating to PLEADING and EVIDENCE in CRIMINAL CASES. With the Statutes, Precedents of Indictments, &c.; the Practice relating to them, and the Evidence necessary to support them. By JOHN JERVIS, Esq., (now Lord Chief Justice of her Majesty's Court of Common Pleas). The Thirteenth Edition. Including the Practice in Criminal Proceedings generally. By W. N. WELSBY, Esq., Barrister at Law, Recorder of Chester. H. Sweet, 3, Chancery-lane; and V. & R. Stevens & G. S. Norton, Bell-yard, Temple-bar. Just published, in 1 thick vol. 12mo., price 17. 10s.. ARCHBOLD'S BANKRUPT LAW, by FLATHER The LAW and PRACTICE in BANKRUPTCY, as founded on the recent Statutes. By JOHN F. ARCHBOLD, Esq. The Eleventh Edition. Including the Statutes and Cases to the 18 & 19 Vict., the General Orders of the Court, New Forms, and Tables of Costs. By JOHN FLATHER, Esq., of Lincoln's-inn, Barrister at Law. H. Sweet, 2, Chancery-lane; and V. & R. Stevens & G. S. Norten, Bell-yard, Temple-bar. FOURTH EDITION OF PALEY ON SUMMARY CONVICTIONS. MENT, shewing the Alterations effected by the Common-law Procedure PALEY on the LAW and PRACTICE of SUMMARY Act and other Statutes of 1854. The SUPPLEMENT can be had separately, price 2s., sewed in wrapper. A H. Sweet, 3. Chancery-lane, Fleet-street. THE NEW BUILDING ACT. KEY to the METROPOLITAN BUILDING ACT, 18 & 19 Vict. c. 122; being an Alphabetical Epitome thereof, and of the unrepealed Clauses in the former Building Acts, the Building CONVICTIONS by JUSTICES of the PEACE. Including Proceedings preliminary and subsequent to Convictions, and under the 18 & 19 Vict. c. 126, relating to Larceny, &c. With Practical Forms and Precedents of Convictions. The Fourth Edition. By H. T. J. MACNAMARA, Esq., of Lincoln's-inn, Barrister at Law. H. Sweet, 3 Chancery-lane; V. & R. Stevens & G. S. Norton, 26, Bell yard; W. Maxwell, 32, Bell-yard; Butterworths, 7, Fleet-street. BY AUTHORITY. Just published, price 9s. cloth boards, Clauses of the Metropolitan Local Management Act, and the wor PROCEDURE in the STANNARIES of CORNWALL With porated Clauses of the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act. Henry Sweet, 3, Chancery-lane, Fleet-street. NEW SEWERAGE DISTRICTS. PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS for the FORMATION of SEWERAGE DISTRICTS, and for the Conduct of Sewerage Boards, in the Neighbourhood of the Metropolis, under the Statute 17 & 18 Vict. c. 111; with the necessary Forms, and an Abstract of all and DEVON. Containing the New Rules and Orders for Regu lating the Practice, both at Equity and Common Law, of the Court of the Vice-Warden of the Stannaries; with the recent Statutes for esta blishing and extending its Jurisdiction. Preceded by Observations on the Power of the Court in relation to Mining Associations and Partner ships in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon. London: H. Sweet, 3, Chancery-lane, Fleet-street; Stevens & Norton, 26, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn. Now ready, price 88. cloth boards, the Metropolitan Sewers Acts. By TOULMIN SMITH, Esq., Bar-THE METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT ACT, rister at Law; Author of "The Parish: its Obligations and Powers," &c. BEAUMONT'S NEW COPYHOLD ENFRANCHISEMENT ACT. THE NEW COPYHOLD ENFRANCHISEMENT ACT, 15 & 16 Vict. c. 51, with Notes, and full Abstract of the preceding SCOTT'S COSTS IN COMMON LAW, CONVEYANCING, &c. 1855.-A complete Edition of this Act; with an Introduction, HARRISON'S ANALYTICAL DIGEST of all the REPORTED CASES determined in the HOUSE of LORDS, the SUPERIOR COURTS of COMMON LAW, and in BANK BILLS of COSTS in the SUPERIOR COURTS of RUPTCY; together with a Selection from the Decisions in the Privy COMMON LAW, also in the Crown Office and the Queen's Remembrancer's Office, and in Bankruptcy, Insolvency, Conveyancing, Criminal Prosecutions on Circuit and at Sessions, &c.; including Costs of Interlocutory Rules and Orders under the Common-law Procedure Acts, 1852 and 1854, and Bills of Exchange Act, 1855. By JOHN SCOTT, Esq., Barrister at Law. Stevens & Norton, 26, Bell yard, Lincoln's-inn. This day is published, in 1 thick vol. 8vo., price 11. Ss. cloth boards, Council and Courts of Chancery, and References to the Statutes and H. Sweet, 3, Chancery-lane; V. & R. Stevens & G. S. Norton, 26, Now complete, in 4 very thick vols., price 81. 8s. cloth boards, A COMPENDIUM of the LAW of REAL and PER-CHITTY'S COLLECTION of STATUTES of PRAC SONAL PROPERTY connected with Conveyancing. For the Use of Students and Practitioners. By JOSIAH W. SMITH, B. C. L., Barrister at Law. "It will be seen from this outline that the work is extremely well planned; the topics are arranged in the natural order as they flow out of one another, and thus immensely aid the reader's memory. He writes like a man who is master of his theme, clearly and concisely."-Law Times, Dec. 1, 1855. V. & R. Stevens & G. S. Norton, Law Booksellers and Publishers, 26, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn. GREENWOOD'S MANUAL OF CONVEYANCING. A MANUAL of the PRACTICE of CONVEYANCING; London: Stevens & Norton, 26, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn. COOKE ON INCLOSURES.-THIRD EDITION. TICAL UTILITY. With Notes thercon. Intended as a Circuit and Court Companion. The Second Edition. Containing all the Sta tutes of Practical Utility in the Civil and Criminal Administration of Justice to the Present Time. By W. N. WELSBY and EDWARD BEAVAN, Esqrs., Barristers at Law. In the debate on the proposed consolidation of the Statutes, on the 9th February, 1854, Lord Campbell said, "that the Statutes at Large extended to about fifty volumes folio, but all the Statutes which were usually required by lawyers for reference might be found in three octaro volumes compiled by his learned friend Mr. Welsby. When he Lord Campbell) was upon the bench he always had this work by him, and no Statutes were ever referred to by the Bar which he could not find in it." This important Work will be continued annually, by an Edition of the Statutes, arranged on a similar plan, with a full Index, being published S. Sweet, Chancery-lane; Stevens & Norton, Bell-yard. Orders for THE JURIST given to any Newsman, or letter (postpaid) sent to the Office, No. 3, CHANCERY LANE, or to STEVENS & NORTON, 26, BELL YARD, LINCOLN'S INN, will insure its THE ACTS for FACILITATING the INCLOSURE of punctual delivery in London, or its being forwarded on the evening of COMMONS in ENGLAND and WALES. With a Treatise on the Law of Rights of Common in reference to these Acts, and on the Jurisdiction of the Inclosure Commissioners in Exchanges and Partition under the Private Monies Drainage Acts, and under the Companies Acts relating thereto; with Forms as settled by the Commissioners. By G. W. COOKE, Esq., Barrister at Law. London: Stevens & Norton, 26, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn. publication, through the medium of the Post Office, to the Country Printed by HENRY HANSARD, at his Printing Office, in Parker Street, in the Parish of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, in the County of Middlesex; and Published at No. 3, CHANCERY LANE, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, by HENRY SWEET residing at No. 34, Porchester Terrace, Bayswater, in the County of Middlesex.-Saturday, September 20, 1856, 03300 WANTED, on MORTGAGE of ample Property, to be valued. Apply to Mr. Cattlin, 22, Ely-place, Holborn. This day is published, in 1 thick post 8vo. vol., price 188. cloth. THE SECOND EDITION of BLACKSTONE. Abridged, and adapted to the existing Law, incorporating some of the most important changes of the last Session. By SAMUEL WARREN, Esq., M. P., D. C. L. "A learned writer, who discusses legal history and legal principles with a force and elegance of diction which no other professional author of the present day has ventured to attempt."-Law Magazine. W. Maxwell, 32, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn. A New Edition, being the Fourth, of PRICE 18. SCOTT'S COSTS IN COMMON LAW, CONVEYANCING, &c. BILLS of COSTS in the SUPERIOR COURTS of COMMON LAW, also in the Crown Office and the Queen's Remembrancer's Office, and in Bankruptcy, Insolvency, Conveyancing, Criminal Prosecutions on Circuit and at Sessions, &c.; including Costs of Interlocutory Rules and Orders under the Common-law Procedure Acts, 1852 and 1854, and Bills of Exchange Act, 1855. By JOHN SCOTT, Esq., Barrister at Law. Stevens & Norton, 26, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn. Recently published, in 1 thick vol. 8vo., price 17. 88. cloth boards, SONAL PROPERTY connected with Conveyancing. For the A COMPENDIUM of the LAW of REAL and PERWILLIAMS'S LAW of REAL PROPERTY.-PRIN- Use of Students and Practitioners. By JOSIAH W. SMITH, B.C., CIPLES of the LAW of REAL PROPERTY; intended as a H. Sweet, 3, Chancery-lane, Fleet-street. THE PRINCIPLES of the LAW of PERSONAL PROPERTY, intended for the Use of Students in Conveyancing. By J. WILLIAMS, Esq., of Lincoln's-inn, Barrister at Law. H. Sweet, 3, Chancery-lane, Fleet-street. POLLOCK'S PRACTICE OF THE COUNTY COURTS. Barrister at Law. "It will be seen from this outline that the work is extremely well planned; the topics are arranged in the natural order as they flow out of one another, and thus immensely aid the reader's memory. He writes like a man who is master of his theme, clearly and concisely."-Law Times, Dec. 1, 1855. V. & R. Stevens & G. S. Norton, Law Booksellers and Publishers, 26, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn. GREENWOOD'S MANUAL OF CONVEYANCING, A MANUAL of the PRACTICE of CONVEYANCING; shewing the present Practice relating to the daily routine of Conveyancing in Solicitors' Offices. To which are added, CONCISE COMMON FORMS and PRECEDENTS in CONVEYANCING, ConBy G. W. GREENWOOD. THE PRACTICE of the COUNTY COURTS; in Eight ditions of Sale, Conveyances, and all other Assurances in constant use. London: Stevens & Norton, 26, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn. COOKE ON INCLOSURES.-THIRD EDITION. Parts:-1. Proceedings in Plaints.-2. Jurisdiction under Friendly and Industrial and Provident Societies Acts.-3. Jurisdiction under Joint-stock Companies Winding-up Act.-4. Jurisdiction as to Insolvent Debtors.-5. Jurisdiction under Protection Acts.-6. Proceedings against Judgment Debtors.-7. Arrest of Absconding Debtors.-8. Administration of Charitable Trusts. With the Decisions of the Superior Courts, THE ACTS for FACILITATING the INCLOSURE of and Table of Fees. Also an Appendix, containing all the Statutes, a List of the Court Towns, Districts, and Parishes, and the Rules of Practice and Forms. By CHARLES EDWARD POLLOCK, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law. The Second Edition, much enlarged. H. Sweet, 3, Chancery-lane, Fleet-street. In 1 vol. 8vo., price 16s., A TREATISE on DAMAGES, comprising their Measure, the Mode in which they are Assessed and Reviewed, the Practice of Granting New Trials, and the Law of Set-off and Compensation under the Lands Clauses Act. By JOHN D. MAYNE, Esq., Barrister at Law. HAYES & JARMAN'S CONCISE FORMS OF WILLS. CONCISE FORMS of WILLS, with Practical Notes. By COMMONS in ENGLAND and WALES. With a Treatise on the Law of Rights of Common in reference to these Acts, and on the Jurisdiction of the Inclosure Commissioners in Exchanges and Partition under the Private Monies Drainage Acts, and under the Companies Acts relating thereto; with Forms as settled by the Commissioners. By G. W. COOKE, Esq., Barrister at Law. London: Stevens & Norton, 26, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn. FINLASON'S COMMON-LAW. ACTS. Recently published, in 12mo., price 14s. cloth, THE COMMON-LAW PROCEDURE ACTS of 1852 and 1854; with Notes, containing all the Cases either already expressly decided on or tending to elucidate them. With an Appendix, containing the Common-law Procedure Act of Will. 4, the recent Acts on Evidence, the New Rules to Michaelmas Vacation, 1854, and an Introduction. By W. F. FINLASON, Esq., Barrister at Law. "This is, in our judgment, a most excellent and carefully written W. HAYES and T. JARMAN, of the Middle Temple, Esqrs. book The equity powers given to the Common-law Courts are adBarristers at Law. THE COMMON-LAW PROCEDURE ACT, WITH THE NEW In 1 vol. 12mo., price 10s. cloth boards, THE COMMON-LAW PROCEDURE ACT, 1854. H. Sweet, 3, Chancery-lanc, Fleet-street. WEST of ENGLAND CLOTH has been in high repute for upwards 500 YEARS, and is unequalled for sterling quality and permanent colour. It may now be obtained direct from the Manufactory, in small quantities, carriage free, whereby purchasers secure the genuine article on the best terms. Priced Circulars free by post. Address, Messrs. HENRY & CO., Woollen Manufacturers, Stroud, Gloucestershire. No. 90, VOL. II., NEW SERIES. mirably done. The views taken by Mr. Finlason of the practical bearing and operation of these acts are remarkably shrewd and suggestive. Such men, and their editions of statutes, tend very greatly to improve the laws they expound, and powerfully assist the objects of the Legislature."-Law Magazine, Feb. 1855. We have now before us the work of Mr. Finlason, whose previous labours in expounding other statutes entitle him to the favourable consideration of the Profession. The notes to the various new enactments are very full and valuable."-Legal Observer, Jan. 6, 1855. "This work is well done."-Law Times, Jan. 6, 1855. Stevens & Norton, 26, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn. CAUTION TO TRADESMEN, MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS, OUTFITTERS, &c. WHEREAS it has lately come to my knowledge that some unprincipled person or persons have for some time past been imposing upon the public, by selling to the Trade and others a spurious article under the name of BOND'S PERMANENT MARKING INK; this is to give Notice, that I am the original and sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of the said Article, and do not employ any traveller, or authorise any persons to represent themselves as coming from my establishment, for the purpose of selling the said Ink. This Caution is published by me to prevent further imposition upon the public, and serious injury to myself. E. R. BOND, Sole Executrix and Widow of the late John Bond, 28, Long-lane, West Smithfield, London. ** To avoid disappointment from the substitution of counterfeits, be careful to ask for the genuine Bond's Permanent Marking Ink; and further to distinguish it, observe that NO SIXPENNY SIZE is or has at any time been prepared by him, the Inventor and Proprietor. LL GAZETTES.-FRIDAY, Sept. 19. BANKRUPTS. CERTIFICATES. To be allowed, unless Cause be shewn to the contrary on or before the Day of Meeling. John Woodroffe, Newgate-street, licensed victualler, Oct. 13 at half-past 2, London.-Maxfield Honey, Maidstone, grocer, Oct. 13 at 1, London.-Edward Davis, Upper Chrispstreet, Bromley, licensed victualler, Oct. 13 at half-past 1, London.-Wm. Dodds, Imperial Iron Works, Wenlock-road, City-road, and Leadenhall-street, engineer, Oct. 13 at 2, London.-Thomas Horner, St. John-street and Bridport-place, Hoxton, surgeon, Oct. 13 at 12, London.-John Mortimer, Strand, printer, Oct. 14 at 2, London.-Robert Dix Davey, Beckford-row, Walworth, milliner, Oct. 14 at London.Samuel Bennett, Wellington-place, Southampton-street, Camberwell, tailor, Oct. 14 at half-past 12, London.- Alfred Quilter, Maldon, Essex, grocer, Oct. 18 at 12, London.Joseph Frederick Varley, Oxford-street, tobacconist, Oct. 14 at 12, London.-George Haslam, Bethnal-green-road, Middlesex, wholesale confectioner, Oct. 18 at 2, London.William Tingey, Tottenham-court-road, warehouseman, Oct. 20 at 11, London.-George Frederick Parsons, Cumming. place, Pentonville, jeweller, Oct. 20 at 1, London.-Edward Rowland and Thomas Evans, Coleman-street, New Northroad, builders, Oct. 20 at 12, London.-Henry Gomm, Cheltenham, draper, Oct. 13 at 11, Bristol.-Francis Jelley the younger, Stamford, Lincolnshire, brewer, Oct. 21 at half-past 10, Nottingham. FREDERICK HEIGHINGTON WARD, High-street, Whitechapel, tallow chandler, Sept. 27 at 2, and Oct. 30 at 12, London: Off. Ass. Johnson; Sol. Heath, 11, Artilleryplace West, Finsbury.-Pet. f. Sept. 11. ROBERT FEAST, Finsbury-pavement, and Little Moorfields, Italian warehouseman, Sept. 29 at 1, and Nov. 6 at 11, London: Off. Ass. Whitmore; Sols. J. & J. H. Linklater & Co., 17, Sise-lane, Bucklersbury; Heath, 11, Artillery-place West, Finsbury.--Pet. f. Sept. 16. WILLIAM HUGH RUSSELL, Strand, blacking manufacturer, (trading under the style or firms of William Russell & Co., and Warren, Russell, & Co.), Sept. 29 at half-past 12, and Nov. 6 at half-past 11, London: Off. Ass. Cannan; Sols. J. & J. H. Linklater & Co., 17, Sise-lane, Bucklersbury.-Pet. f. Sept. 12. FREDERICK MOUNTFORD, Huntingdon-street, Barnsbury-park, Islington, dealer in wines, Sept. 30 at 2, and Nov. 4 at half-past 1, London: Off. Ass. Lee; Sol. Brandon, 15, Essex-street, Strand.-Pet. f. Sept. 2. JOSEPH MAYOR, Northampton, innkeeper, Sept. 29 and Nov. 4 at 2, London: Off. Ass. Edwards; Sols. Wood & France, 8, Falcon-street.-Pet. f. Sept. 8. LOUIS ENSOLL, Great Titchfield-street, draper, Oct. 1 at 2, and Nov. 4 at half-past 11, London: Off. Ass. StansTo be granted, unless an Appeal be duly entered. feld; Sols. Ashurst & Co., 6, Old Jewry.-Pet. f. Sept. 16. Samuel Lovelock and Thomas Forster, Dowgate-hill, City, THOMAS SWINNERTON, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, and Streatham, Surrey, India rubber manufacturers.-William cordwainer, Oct. 3 and 24 at 11, Birmingham: Off. Ass. Francis Schmollinger, Gracechurch-street, City, tavern keeper. Bittleston; Sols. Motteram & Knight, Birmingham.-Pet.-Pemble Browne, Grosvenor-street, Bond-street, Middlesex, d. Sept. 16. JOHN LEE, Coventry, Warwickshire, watch manufacturer, EDWARD HENRY HAYES SHORTO, Exeter, jeweller, MEETINGS. and Charlton, Kent, wine merchant.-Robert Webb, Newport, PARTNERSHIP Dissolved. Thomas Ward, John William Ward, and Edward Collis, TUESDAY, Sept. 23. BANKRUPT. WILLIAM STUART FIND LATER, Plymouth, coal merchant, Sept. 29 and Oct. 27 at 1, East Stonehouse, Devonshire: Off. Ass. Hirtzel; Sols. Terrell, Exeter; Edmonds & Sons, Plymouth; Simons, Merthyr Tidvil.-Pet. f. Sept. 6. MEETINGS. Edward Rowland and Thos. Evans, Coleman-street, New North-road, builders, Oct. 7 at 12, London, pr. d.—William Tingey, Tottenham-court-road, Middlesex, and Richmond, Surrey, and Portland-terrace, Notting-hill, Middlesex, baker, Oct. 7 at 11, London, pr. d.-Lyon Samuel, Bury-street, St. Mary Axe, goldsmith, Oct. 9 at 11, London, last ex.-J. Young, Surrey-street, Strand, general commission agent, Oct. 13 at half-past 12, London, last ex.-Robert Senior and Stephen Senior, Staincliffe, Batley, Yorkshire, blanket manufacturers, Oct. 7 at 11, Leeds, last ex.-Wm. Jones, Brecon, builder, Oct. 23 at 11, Bristol, aud. ac.-Harriet Neale, James Sewell, Brackley, Northamptonshire, and TwyfordWilliam Neale, and John Neale, Liverpool, hollow-ware street, Caledonian-road, Islington, Middlesex, timber mer. manufacturers, Oct. 16 at 11, Liverpool, aud. ac.; Oct. chant, Oct. 14 at 11, London, last ex.-Samuel Sketchley, 17 at 11, div.-William Smith, Bradford, Yorkshire, grocer, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, scrivener, Nov. 12 at 12, KingstonOct. 20 at 11, Leeds, aud. ac. and div.-Benjamin Scott, upon-Hull, aud. ac.-Leonard Laidman, Chancery-lane, and Earlsheaton, near Dewsbury, Yorkshire, blanket manufac- Wentworth Lodge, Coborn New-road, Bow, stationer, Oct. turer, Oct. 20 at 11, Leeds, aud. ac. and div.-Thomas 14 at 2, London, div.-Joseph Hale Bryan, Lambeth-walk, Linfoot, York, builder, Oct. 20 at 11, Leeds, aud. ac. Lambeth, colourman, Oct. 14 at 11, London, div.-Joseph and div.-Maxfield Honey, Maidstone, grocer, Oct. 13 at Johns, Hertford, innkeeper, Oct. 15 at half-past 1, London, half-past 12, London, div. Thomas Nutter, Cambridge, div.-Harry Wooldridge, Strand, publisher, Oct. 15 at 1. brewer, Oct. 21 at half-past 12, London, div. Thomas London, div.-William Brown, Great Russell-street, CoventScully and Edward Scully, Curtain-road, Shoreditch, whole-garden, linendraper, Oct. 16 at half-past 11, London, div. sale cheesemongers, Oct. 20 at 2, London, div.-William Henry Peard Reed and Richard Ivens, Bristol, ship chandlers, Mundy, Palace-row, New-road, St. Pancras, cowkeeper, Oct. Oct. 23 at 11, Bristol, div. sep. est. of Henry Peard Reed.21 at half-past 11, London, div.-Thomas Pollard and Arthur Thomas Watson, Carlisle, currier, Oct. 16 at 11, NewcastleJ. Symonds, Guildford, Surrey, builders, Oct. 21 at 12, Lon-upon-Tyne, fin. div.-William Crathorne, Bishopwearmouth, don, div.-Alfred Twelvetrees, Holland-street, Blackfriars, grocer, Oct. 16 at half-past 11, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, fin. manufacturer of blacking, Oct. 10 at 1, London, div.-Joseph div.-James Craggs Herring, West Boldon, Durham, merH. Evins, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, surveyor, Oct. 16 chant, Oct. 16 at 12, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, div. at 11, Bristol, div.-John Lamb, Liverpool, dry salter, Oct. 13 at 11, Liverpool, div. [For continuation of Gazette, see p. 409]. 97 kin in the male line") ...... 887 892 895 ....... THE JURIST. LONDON, SEPTEMBER 27, 1856. VICE-CHANCELLOR STUART'S COURT. By T. F. MORSE, Barrister at Law. Alexander v. Alexander.-(Will-Construction-De- By MATTHEW B. BEGBIE, Barrister at Law. Mather v. Fraser. (Fixtures - Mortgagee and assignee in bankruptcy). ....... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. 900 By W. PATERSON and W. MILLS, Barristers at Law. Hale v. Allnutt.-(Act of bankruptcy-Assignment by trader of part of property-Fraudulent preference -12 & 13 Vict. c. 106, s. 67-13 Eliz. c. 5) .... 904 COURT OF EXCHEQUER. By W. M. BEST, Barrister at Law. In Fawcus v. Sarsfield the action was on a time policy, alleging, first, a loss in respect of the expenses of repairs; and, secondly, a subsequent total loss. It was found by the arbitrator to whom the case had been "In all voyage policies, and in no time policies, there referred, that as to the claim for repairs, the ship after is an implied warranty of seaworthiness." Such is the the making of the policy sailed on her voyage in an conclusion arrived at by Lord Campbell, C. J., and unseaworthy state, and that the necessity for the reconcurred in by Coleridge and Wightman, JJ., in the pairs arose therefrom. It was held by the whole Court cases of Thompson v. Hopper (2 Jur., N. S., part 1, p. that the underwriter was not liable in respect of these 608; S. C., 25 L. J., Q. B., 240) and Fawcus v. Sars- repairs, as they had been rendered necessary not by field, (2 Jur., N. S., part 1, p. 665; S. C., 25 L. J., perils of the sea, but by the bad condition of the ship Q. B., 249). Erle, J., dissents from this conclusion, at the commencement of the risk. As to the total loss, and is of opinion that both in voyage and time policies the arbitrator found that the policy was made in Lithere is an implied warranty of seaworthiness. verpool, and that the ship was there, and unseaworthy, when the risk and the voyage upon which she was lost commenced, and that there were sufficient means there to make her seaworthy. This was held by the majority of the Court not to be an answer to the total loss. These cases carry the law further than the decision in Gibson v. Small, (4 H. L. C. 353; S. C., 17 Jur., part 1, p. 1131), in which it was held that there was no implied warranty of seaworthiness in a time policy effected upon a ship then at sea. A difference of opinion existed among the learned judges on that occasion, whether such a warranty would not be implied if the ship at the time when the policy was effected was in a port where there were means of making her seaworthy. These additional facts existed in the two recent cases above alluded to. In Thompson v. Hopper it was alleged (and admitted on demurrer) that at the time of effecting the policy the ship was an outward-bound ship lying in a British port, where the owners, who were the plaintiffs, resided; that they sent her to sea in an unseaworthy state, and that she was afterwards, while in that condition, lost. It was further alleged, in another plea, that the plaintiffs knowingly and wilfully sent her to sea in such condition; and in a third plea it was added, that the plaintiffs knowingly sent her to sea in such condition, and without a master or proper crew to navigate her, and that "by reason of the premises" she was wrecked and lost. This last plea was held to afford a good defence to the action, upon the ground that the plaintiffs could not recover for a loss occasioned by their own wrongful act. The other pleas were held by the majority of the Court not to afford any answer. The substance of Mr. Justice Erle's opinion in favour of implying the warranty of seaworthiness in time policies appears to be this:-All Courts are bound to the extent of the decision in Gibson v. Small, the ground whereof is, that if a ship insured by a time policy is at the commencement of the risk in an unknown sea and an unknown state, the owner does not warrant it is in the state requisite for setting out on a voyage. But beyond this, the authority of cases and text-books is against the making of any distinction between voyage and time policies. It is true that the term "seaworthiness" must be extended to the middle or end of a voyage, so as to render it applicable to time policies; but this is only analogous to what is done in some cases of voyage policies. The nature of the contract of insurance requires this warranty, whether it be a time or a voyage or a mixed policy; the contract of the insurer is based upon it; a main question for him must always be, whether the risk is ordinary or extraordinary; and this can be answered only by the state of the ship being given to him. This is required in order that the insurance may be a prudent mercantile investment, and it also operates to prevent fraudulent insurances for the purpose of destruction. The warranty extends to |