Current Accounts are received on the same principles as those observed by the London Bankers. No Christmas Boxes or other gratuities are allowed to be taken by the Officers of the Bank. The Bank also takes the Agency of Joint-stock Banks, Private Bankers, and other parties residing at a distance. Cheques on Penny Stamps may be drawn from any place in the United Kingdom. Strong Rooms are provided for the security of Deeds and other property lodged by the Customers of the Bank. Sums from 10. to 1000l. are received on Deposit, at a rate of interest to be fixed at the time, and they are repayable upon demand, without notice. If withdrawn within a month no interest is allowed. Sums of 10001. and upwards are also received on Deposit Receipts, upon such terms as may be agreed upon, with regard to the rate of interest, and the time of repayment. Parties may lodge money upon an interest Account who have no Current Account, and those who have Current Accounts may transfer any portion of their Balance to an Interest Account. The Rate of Interest allowed at present on Deposits of 5001. and upwards is Five per Cent. London, Nov. 9, 1855. This day is published, the Fourth Number, price 2s. 6d., of J. W. GILBART, General Manager. This day is published, in 8vo., pp. 1142, price 17. 11s. 6d. in cloth, THE PRINCIPLES of EQUITY. By JOHN SIDNEY BROOM'S COMMENTARIES.-COMMENTARIES on SMITH, Esq., Barrister at Law, Author of "A Treatise on the Practice of the Court of Chancery." Benning & Co.. 43, Fleet-street. Thick Blue Laid Adhesive, 78. 6d. and 88. 6d. per 1000. Best Blotting, five quires for 4s., or 14s. 6d. per ream. Red Tape, 9d., Is., and 1s. 4d. per dozen pieces; Green Silk and Cord, Bodkins, Runners, Knives, Inkstands, Elastic Bands, &c. Indenture Skins, ruled and printed, 17s. per dozen, or 80s. per roll. . P. & C.'s Catalogue post-free. Everything not only cheap, but good., Building. No. 53, VOL. II., NEW SERIES. the COMMON LAW, designed as Introductory to its Study. By HERBERT BROOM, M. A., Barrister at Law, Reader in Common Law to the Inns of Court, Author of "A Selection of Legal Maxims," &c. Wm. Maxwell, 32, Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn, London; J. H. Parker & Son, Oxford; and Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge. WHEREAS it has lately come to my knowledge that some unprincipled person or persons have for some time past been imposing on the public, by selling to the Trade and others a spurious article under the name of BOND'S PERMANENT MARKING INK; this is to give Notice, that I am the original and sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of the said Article, and do not employ any traveller, or authorise any persons to represent themselves as coming from my establishment, for the purpose of selling the said Ink. This Caution is published by me to prevent further impositions upon the public, and serious, injury to myself. E. R. BOND, Sole Executrix and Widow of the late John Bond, 28, Long-lane, West Smithfield, London: To avoid disappointment from the substitution of counterfeits, be careful to ask for the genuine Bond's Permanent Marking Ink; and further to distinguish it, observe that NO SIXPENNY SIZE is or has at any time been prepared by him, the Inventor and Proprietor." THE LAW LIBRARY AND OFFICE FURNITURE OF THE MR. HODGSON will SELL by AUCTION, at his New Rooms, the corner of Fleet-street and Chancery-lane, on TUESDAY, Jan. 15, at half-past 12, (by order of the Executrix), the valuable LAW LIBRARY of the late John Cowling, Esq., containing a complete Set of Runnington's, Statutes, from Magna Charta to the 18 & 19 Vict., 37 vols.; Harrison's Digest, 1756 to 1843, 4 vols.; Chitty's Statutes, by Welsby & Beavan, 4 vols.; Kent's Commentaries on American Law, 4 vols.; and a large Collection of modern Text-books. Also, a Series of the modern Reports in the House of Lords, Privy Council, the Courts of Chancery, Queen's Bench, Exchequer, Common Pleas, Nisi Prius, Crown Cases, &c.; a few miscellaneous Books; and the Library Furniture, comprising neat Book Cases, Library Tables, Mahogany Chairs, Desks, and other useful items. To be viewed, and Catalogues had, Α f. Jan. 3. GAZETTES.-FRIDAY, Jan. 4. BANKRUPTS. HENRY CRICKMAR, East Donyland, Essex, shipowner, Jan. 11 at half-past 12, and Feb. 15 at 12, London: Off. Ass. Nicholson; Sol. Jones, Colchester, and 42, Southamp. ton-buildings, Chancery-lane.-Pet. f. Jan. 2. ROBERT LAWRENCE PHILLIPS and GEORGE DOUGLAS PHILLIPS, King William-street, London, late of Pelham-cottage, Brompton, and Arundel-st., Strand, Middlesex, general merchants, (formerly of Bombay, trading with James Eaton, under the style or firm of James Eaton & Co., as general merchants, and previous thereto, under the style or firm of Phillips, Brothers, & Co., at Bombay), Jan. 15 at 2, and Feb. 13 at 1, London: Off. Ass. Graham; Sols. Turnley & Luscombe, 38, Cannon-street, City.-Pet. EDWARD GAUNTLETT and ROBERT LIVING, Devonshire Wharf, Camden-town, wharfingers, Jan. 15 at 2, and Feb. 12 at 1, London: Off. Ass. Lee; Sol. Tibbitts, 1, Field-court, Gray's-inn.-Pet. f. Dec. 21. WILLIAM TOWELL, Bolingbroke-row, Walworth-road, Newington, and Brixton-bill, Surrey, bootmaker, Jan. 9 at half-past 2, and Feb. 12 at half-past 1, London: Off. Ass. Stansfeld; Sol. Dods, 102, St. Martin's-lane, Charing-Henry Titford, Worship-square, engraver, Jan. 17 at 11, cross. Pet. f. Dec. 31. MALCOLM RONALD LAING MEASON, Manchesterbuildings, London, merchant, Jan. 17 at 11, and Feb. 14 at 1, London: Off. Ass. Johnson; Sol. Stubbs, Moorgatestreet.-Pet. pres. Oct. 23. THOMAS SHERWIN, Loughborough, Leicestershire, currier, Jan. 15 and Feb. 12 at half-past 10, Nottingham: Off. Ass. Harris; Sols. Craddock & Woolley, Loughborough; Motteram & Knight, Birmingham.-Pet. d. Dec. 26. RICHARD GREENE, Lichfield, banker, Jan. 31 and Feb. 21 at half-past 12, Birmingham: Off. Ass. Bittleston; Sols. Motteram & Knight, Birmingham.-Pet. d. Jan. 1. THOMAS BARFF, Harrogate, Yorkshire, hotel keeper, Jan. 21 and Feb. 18 at 11, Leeds: Off. Ass. Hope; Sols. Cariss & Cudworth, Leeds.-Pet. d. Jan. 1. THOMAS FOULDS, Bingley, Yorkshire, coach proprietor, Jan. 17 and Feb. 15 at 11, Leeds: Off. Ass. Young; Sols. Weatherhead & Burr, Keighley; Bond & Barwick, Leeds. -Pet. d. Dec. 27. ROBERT WELLS, Kingston-upon-Hull, tailor, Jan. 23 Bristol.-Pet. f. Jan. 3. HENRY STIRKE, Manchester, money scrivener, Jan. 16 and Feb. 13 at 12, Manchester: Off. Ass. Pott; Sols. Sale & Co., Manchester.-Pet. f. Jan. 2. MEETINGS. Wm. Smith Hickman, Duke-street, St. James's, picture dealer, Feb. 14 at 2, London, last ex.-Wm. Thorne, Queen street-place, London; Connaught-terrace, Edgeware-road, Middlesex; and Barnstaple, Devonshire, railway contractor, Jan. 14 at 12, London, aud. ac.-Henry Newson Brewer, Deptford, Kent, and Bermondsey, Surrey, blockmaker, Jan. 14 at half-past 11, London, aud. ac.-James Loneragan, Cambridge-terrace, Lower-road, Islington, corn dealer, Jan. 14 at half-past 11, London, aud. ac.-William Ayres, Blackheath, Kent, nurseryman, Jan. 14 at 12, London, aud. ac.-Henry Bunny, Newbury, Berkshire, brickmaker, Jan. 14 at 12, London, aud. ac.-Henry Brett, Portsea, Southampton, grocer, Jan. 14 at 12, London, aud. ac.-Edward Green, Cork-street, St. James's, Westminster, tailor, Jan. 14 at 12, London, aud. ac.-John Grogan, Stockbridge-terrace, Pimlico, musical instrument dealer, Jan. 24 at half-past 12, London, aud. ac.-Alfred Twelvetrees, Holland-street, Blackfriars, manufacturer of blacking, Jan. 22 at 11, London, aud. ac. — - Richard Butler, Pickering-terrace, Bayswater, ironmonger, Jan. 22 at 12, London, aud. ac.— -Chas. Coombs, Waltham, Kent, grocer, Jan. 15 at 11, London, aud. ac.-J. Solomon, Circus, Minories, shipowner, Jan. 16 at 1, London, aud. ac.-Ebenezer Bolton, Weymouth-street, Portland-place, soda-water manufacturer, Jan. 16 at 12, London, aud. ac. Charles Grossmith, Wellington-street, Strand, fancy soap maker, Jan. 16 at 12, London, aud. ac.-Thomas Edward King, Guildford, Surrey, bookseller, Jan. 22 at 1, London, aud. ac.-Wm. Barker the younger, Hampstead-road, Haverstock-hill, brewer, Jan. 22 at 12, London, aud. ac.-John Carter Lucas and Thomas Lucas, Aldersgate-street, wholesale druggists, Jan. 18 at 11, London, aud. ac. joint and sep. ests.-Henry Wylde, New Cavendish-street, St. Marylebone, music seller, Jan. 18 at 11, London, aud. ac.-Alfred Dixon Toovey and Joseph Wyatt, Aldermanbury, wholesale stationers, Jan. 17 at 11, London, aud. ac. sep. ests.-George S. Bayley, Crown-court, Philpot-lane, commission agent, Jan. 17 at 11, London, aud. ac.- -Wm. Mundy, Palace-row, Newroad, St. Pancras, cowkeeper, Jan. 18 at 11, London, aud. ac. London, aud. ac.-John Henry Spicer, Wandsworth, paper maker, Jan. 17 at 11, London, aud. ac.-Thomas Edwards, Tonpandy, Ystradyfodwg, near Pontypridd, Glamorganshire, grocer, Jan. 17 at 11, Bristol, aud. ac.-E. J. L. Whitmore, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, apothecary, Jan. 17 at 11, Bristol, aud. ac.; Jan. 31 at 11, div.—Bright Eagland and W. Crampton, Bedford, near Leigh, Lancashire, cotton manufacturers, Jan. 15 at 12, Manchester, aud. ac.-John Lowther Ward, Burnley, Lancashire, cotton spinner, Jan. 15 at 12, Manchester, aud. ac.-Jos. Bell, Little Bolton, Lancashire, cotton spinner, Jan. 17 at 1, Manchester, aud. ac.; Jan. 25 at 1, div.-John Bronson, Old Haymarket, Liverpool, hosier, Jan. 17 at 11, Liverpool, aud. ac.- George Atkinson, Liverpool, grocer, Jan. 14 at 11, Liverpool, aud. ac.-Thomas Briggs, North Shields, Northumberland, grocer, Jan. 22 at half-past 12, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, aud. ac.-John Augustus Noel, South Shields, Durham, wine merchant, Jan. 22 at 12, Newcastleupon-Tyne, aud. ac.-Samuel Oldfield, John Allan, and Edward John Sinclair Couzens, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, cloth merchants. Jan. 17 at 11. Leeds, aud. ac.-Jonas Smith, Low Moor, Yorkshire, worsted spinner, Jan. 17 at 11, Leeds, aud. ac.-John Mills, New Bank, near Halifax, Yorkshire, ironfounder, Jan. 17 at 11, Leeds, aud. ac.-Thomas Chatterton, Rye, Sussex, baker, Jan. 25 at 1, London, div.Francis Rolfe, Great Marlborough-street, tailor, Jan. 25 at 11, London, div.-Samuel Barnett, Wellington-road, Liverpool-road, builder, Jan. 25 at 12, London, div.-Anthony Gibson, Lloyd's Coffee-house, Royal Exchange, underwriter, Jan. 25 at 12, London, div.-William Ivory, Norwich, wholesale grocer, Jan. 25 at half-past 11, London, div.-Robert Brown, Lime-street, City, insurance broker, Jan. 25 at 11, London, div.-William Henry Goodburn Mason, Brighton, printseller, Jan. 16 at 12, London, aud. ac.-Thomas Kershaw, Crossland, near Huddersfield, Yorkshire, and Manchester, quarry worker, Jan. 28 at 12, Manchester, div.— Thomas Bell, Jarrow, Durham, alkali manufacturer, Jan. 31 at 11, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, div.-James Hood, Selby, Yorkshire, currier, Jan. 25 at 11, Leeds, div.-George Thompson, Knaresborough, Yorkshire, leather seller, Jan. 25 at 11, Leeds, CERTIFICATES. div. To be allowed, unless Cause be shewn to the contrary on or before the Day of Meeting. shire, timber merchant, Jan. 25 at 11, London.-William Charles Henry Paul Rawlings, Mile-end, Portsea, HampBuxton, John Buxton, and Samuel Septimus Buxton, Carlisle, Cumberland, and Bradford, Yorkshire, woolstaplers, Jan. 25 at half-past 11, London.-Charles Geary, Shoreditch, cheesemonger, Jan. 25 at 1, London.-John Phillips, WoodEdmund John Ludlow Whitmore, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, apostreet, Clerkenwell, rag merchant, Jan. 25 at 11, London.thecary, Jan. 29 at 11, Bristol.-James Riley, Chester, china dealer, Jan. 28 at 11, Liverpool.-Moses Hindle Burrows [For continuation of Gazette, see p. 11]. |