which he dreaded the most unhappy consequences. It was his ambition to conciliate, not to irritate. Page 14. Charles Cotton. The author of "Scarronides, or Virgile Travestie," and of other poems. He composed the second part of "The Complete Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation;" being a continuation of Isaac Walton's tract on the same subject. In this work he thus speaks of our Biographer: "I have the happiness to know his person, and to be intimately acquainted with him, and in him to know the worthiest man, and to enjoy the best and truest friend any man ever had. Nay, I shall yet acquaint you further, that he gives me leave to call him Father, and I hope is not ashamed to own me for his adopted Son." Page 15. Dr. King. Dr. Henry King, Bishop of Chichester, was the author of a new metrical translation of the Pslams, and also of poems, elegies, paradoxes, sonnets, divers Latin and Greek poems, with some sermons and religious tracts. Whilst he was Dean of Rochester, he was suspected of favoring the Puritans. The King, desirous of gratifying that party, made him Bishop of Chichester. But during the time of Cromwell's usurpation, he suffered with his brethren, and was compelled to go abroad. He returned at the Restoration, and surviving that event nine years, died Oct. 1, 1669. Page 16. Mr. John Hales, of Eton. The ever memorable John Hales, Greek Professor in the University of Oxford, and afterward Fellow of Eton College, from his vast erudition, called "The Walking Library," was esteemed to be one of the greatest scholars in Europe. Having attended the Ambassador of James I. to the Synod of Dort, he composed, in a series of letters, a regular and most faithful narrative of the proceedings of that assembly. Obliged to sell his most valuable collection of books at a low price, he died in extreme misery, May 19, 1656, aged 72. Page 21. Franciscus Suarez. A celebrated Jesuit, the author of many controversial and other tracts. He was born in 1548, and died in 1617. His works are contained in 23 vols. folio. The treatise here alluded to is entitled "Defensio Fidei Catholicæ, contra Anglicana Sectæ Errores, una cum Responsione ad Jac. Regis Apologiam pro Juramento Fidelitatis. Mag. 1619." A copy of this book was burnt in England by public authority. It is related of him, that he met death with the most joyful tranquillity and composure of mind, uttering these words, "Non putabam tam dulce, tam suave esse mori." Page 21. Mr. John Saltkel. Mr. John Saltkel or Salkeild; for some years a Member of the Church of Rome and a Jesuit. He was profoundly read in theological and other authors; but, being for the fame of his learning brought before King James, he was so far convinced by his Majesty's arguments, as to come over to the Church of England, for which he was wont to style himself "The Royal Convert," and the King honored him so far, as to call him "The learned Salkeld" in his works and writings. Page 26. As once Pompey's poor bondman was. Philip, the freed-man of Pompey, watched the dead body of his master, till the multitude had satisfied their curiosity; and then washing it with sea-water, he wrapt it up in a garment of his own, and finding some rotten planks of a little fisherman's boat, he gathered them together for a funeral pile. Lucan has given a long description of Pompey's unhappy destiny. According to his account, the body was thrown into the sea, and Servius Codrus, once his quæstor and his friend, brought it to shore, and paid the last honors to it. E latebris pavidus decurrit ad æquora Cordus, Page 29. John Rastall. John Rastall, a celebrated printer, married Elizabeth the sister of Sir Thomas More. William, their son, was brought up to the bar, and was appointed one of the Justices of the King's Bench in 1558. Upon the demise of Queen Mary, he steadily adhered to his religion, left England, and spent the remainder of his days at Louvain. He published the works of his uncle, Sir Thomas More, in one volume. He also formed a collection of and wrote a comment on the statutes, and a very useful book entitled "Les Termes de la Ley," or "An explication of certain difficult and obscure words and terms of the common laws and statutes of this realm now in use." Page 30. Picus Mirandula. Picus, Prince of Mirandula, a duchy in Italy, now the property of the Dukes of Modena, was born in 1463, and having resigned his sovereignty in favor of his nephew, he died in 1494. He is said to have made so wonderful a progress in study, as to understand twenty-two languages at the age of eighteen years, and at the age of twenty-four years to dispute with great success, de omni scibili. He was honored with this pompous Epitaph. "Hic situs est Picus Mirandula: cætera norunt Et Tagus et Ganges, forsan et Antipodes." On which it was justly remarked by Dr. Johnson, that "his name, then celebrated in the remotest corners of the earth, is now almost forgotten, and his works then studied, admired, and applauded, are now mouldering in obscurity." Page 33. Cardinal Bellarmine. Robert Bellarmine, raised to the purple in 1599 by Pope Clement VIII. was born in 1542, and died at Rome in 1621. He was esteemed by the Jesuits as the brightest ornament of their order, and the Protestant writers have always considered him as the most learned advocate of the church of Rome. His great work has been called "Opus absolutissimum, quod controversiarum fermé omnium corpus dici queat." Page 33. The then Dean of Gloucester. Dr. Anthony Rudd, born in Yorkshire, and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. He died Bishop of St. David's in 1614. By his sermon preached in 1596 before Queen Elizabeth, from Ps. xc. 12, in which by personally alluding to her advanced years, and plainly telling her Majesty, that "age had furrowed her face, and besprinkled her hair with its meal," he incurred her heavy displeasure. Page 33. The Cales and Island voyages. The Cales, or Cadiz voyage, was an expedition set forward by Queen Elizabeth in 1596, to prevent the invasion of England by Philip, King of Spain. It consisted of a fleet of 150 sail, with twenty-two Dutch ships, and seven thousand soldiers; Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham, being Lord High Admiral, and the Earl of Essex, General of the land forces. On June 21st, the Spanish squadron was destroyed, and the town taken, with an immense treasure and stores; in addition to which the inhabitants redeemed their lives at the price of 520,000 ducats. The Island voyage was also an expedition to oppose the King of Spain invading Ireland, in 1597; and it consisted of 120 sail, and 6000 land forces under the |