fought, which indeed was, "to subject the sovereign power to the people." But I need not strive to vindicate Mr. Hooker in this particular. His known loyalty to his prince whilst he lived, the sorrow expressed by King James at his death, the value our late sovereign (of ever-blessed memory) put upon his works, and now, the singular character of his worth by you, given in the passages of his Life, especially in your Appendix to it, do sufficiently clear him from that imputation. And I am glad you mention how much value Thomas Stapleton, Pope Clement the Eighth, and other eminent men of the Romish persuasion, have put upon his books; having been told the same in my youth by persons of worth that have travelled Italy. Lastly, I must again congratulate this undertaking of yours, as now more proper to you than any other person, by reason of your long knowledge and alliance to the worthy family of the Cranmers (my old friends also), who have been men of noted wisdom, especially Mr. George Cranmer, whose prudence, added to that of Sir Edwin Sandys, proved very useful in the completing of Mr. Hooker's matchless books. One of their letters I herewith send you, to make use of if you think fit. And let me say further; you many of Mr. Hooker's best merit much from friends then living; namely, from the ever-re nowned Archbishop Whitgift, of whose incomparable worth, with the character of the times, you have given us a more short and significant account than I have received from any other pen. You have done much for the learned Sir Henry Savile, his contemporary and familiar friend; amongst the surviving monuments of whose learning (give me leave to tell you so) two are omitted; his edition of Euclid, but especially his translation of "King James's Apology for the Oath of Allegiance," into elegant Latin; which, flying in that dress as far as Rome, was by the Pope and Conclave sent to Salamanca unto Franciscus Suarez (then residing there as president of that college) with a command to answer it. And it is worth noting, that when he had perfected the work which he calls "Defensio Fidei Catholica," it was transmitted to Rome for a view of the inquisitors, who, according to their custom, blotted out what they pleased, and (as Mr. Hooker hath been used since his death) added whatsoever might advance the Pope's supremacy, or carry on their own interest; commonly coupling together" deponere et occidere," the deposing and then killing of princes: which cruel and unchristian language, Mr. John Saltkel, the amanuensis to Saurez, when he wrote that answer (but since a convert, and living long in my father's house), often professed the good old man (whose piety and charity Mr. Saltkel magnified much) not only disavowed, but detested. Not to trouble you further; your reader (if according to your desire my approbation of your work carries any weight) will here find many just reasons to thank you for it; and possibly for this circumstance here mentioned (not known to many), may happily apprehend one to thank him, who heartily wishes your happiness, and is unfeignedly, Sir, your ever faithful and affectionate old friend, HENRY CHICHESTER. CHICHESTER, Nov. 17, 1664. |