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" Ocean, the first thing which strikes us is, that, the north-east and south-east monsoons, which are found the one on the north and the other on... "
Reports of the Engineers of the Western Railroad Corporation: Made to the ... - Page 84
by Western Rail-Road Corporation - 1838 - 120 pages
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Nine Geometricall Exercises: For Young Sea-men, and Others that are Studious ...

William Leybourn - 1704 - 436 pages
...theit Diflance. 2. If the Two P/tfffj lye under the fame Meridian, but in different Hemifpheres, ie one on the North, and the other on the South Side of the JEquinoSial : Then, AM both the Latitudes together, and the Sum of them is their Diflance. . . . Example....
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Topography of Great Britain: Or, British Traveller's Directory: Cornwall

George Alexander Cooke - 1817 - 308 pages
...Cromarty are two promontories called Sutors, jutting into the sea, and considerably ahove the level; the one on the north and the other on the south side of the mouth of the bay : the hody of water hetween is ahout a mile and a half broad. After passing the Sutors,...
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A History of the College of Arms: And the Lives of All the Kings, Heralds ...

Mark Noble - 1804 - 548 pages
...Earl Marshal, and act " under his authority. Formerly Scotland was divided into two provinces, " the one on the north, and the other on the south side of Forth; arid these " provinces were under the management of two deputies, appointed by " the Lord Lion...
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A History of the College of Arms: And the Lives of All the Kings, Heralds ...

Mark Noble - 1805 - 552 pages
...Earl Marshal, and act " under his authority. Formerly Scotland was divided into two provinces, " the one on the north, and the other on the south side of Forth j and these " provinces were under the management of two deputies, appointed by " the Lord Lion...
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Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet,: Containing a Series of ..., Volume 9

James Storer - 1811 - 318 pages
...sheltered, in a great measure, from the storm. Below the Town Quay are PART OF NEW ABERDEEN. two harbours, one on the north and the other on the south side of the river, to both of which ships of much larger burden than those already mentioned have access. The present...
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The Thames: Or Graphic Illustrations of Seats, Villas, Public ..., Volume 1

Samuel Owen - 1811 - 414 pages
...the sepulchre, according to the apostolic narrative of the extraordinary transaction. Two windows, one on the north and the other on the south side of the altar, contain the arms of the Sovereign and knights companions of the order of the Garter, who subscribed...
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The Thames: Or, Graphic Illustrations of Seats, Villas, Public ..., Volume 1

William Bernard Cooke - 1811 - 326 pages
...the sepulchre, according to the apostolic narrative of the extraordinary transaction. Two windows, one on the north and the other on the south side of the altar, contain the arms of the Sovereign and knights companions of the order of the Garter, who subscribed...
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Rural Sports, Volume 2

William Barker Daniel - 1812 - 654 pages
...north-west : the two principal branches which form the Tieth descend each from a chain of Lakes ; the one on the north, and the other on the south side of the lofty mountain Ben Liddie. The northern branch passes through and forms three Lochs, Doine, Voil, and...
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The Port Folio

1813 - 710 pages
...Accordingly on the 10th of November} messrs, Hunt an4 Crooks set out, each with eighteen men, one party on the north, and the other on the south side of the river. Mr. Hunt was fortunate in finding Indians with abundance of salmon and some horses; but Mr. Crooks...
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A review of the reports to the Board of agriculture, Volume 5

William Humphrey Marshall - 1817 - 750 pages
...there are two very fertile districts which abound with this species of soil. One of these districts is on the north, and the other on the south side of the range of mountainous grounds we have described. " The northern district is on the banks of the Alan...
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