plane would be in the ratio of 1 to 9-say 587 feet per mile, then sufficient considerations, resulting from the annual cost of maintaining the stationary engines, with the delay and risk of accidents on so steep an acclivity, would, in our opinion, outweigh those which we have assumed may belong to the route, and we should still feel it our duty to recommend to your adoption the Morey summit route. In our present uncertainty, therefore, resulting from the want of adequate data to guide us with certainty to a correct conclusion, we should suggest that a decision on this most important question be, for the present, postponed ; and that such farther surveys be forthwith instituted as shall suffice to dispel all doubt. These surveys, it is supposed, may not only be made, but the line prepared for contract, so that proposals may be invited for the graduation of the Rail-Road, and its actual construction begun, on or before the 15th October. The location may also simultaneously progress beyond Gallup's mills. So that, at any rate, during the current year, 1836, the construction of the Rail-Road throughout the entire distance between Worcester and Springfield shall have been begun. It may be well to add, that a route, not heretofore alluded to, since our present investigations began, has been surveyed, diverging from 644 of Route No. 1, and passing the Hobbs summit in a direct route across the ridge, to the red school-house; the distance by which from Worcester to Gallup's mills, would be 18.7 miles; but the approach to the summit would be difficult, and the descent from it so abrupt, as to require stationary power. The elevation of the summit, moreover, after reducing it by a cut of 20 feet in depth, (as deep as would be expedient) would be 468 feet, or 30 feet higher than either of the other summits, which when equated, will be found to result, virtually, in an increased distance beyond that of the Morey summit route. The Board is aware that experimental surveys are now being made beyond the town of Springfield, the results of which will be duly communicated. Respectfully submitted, WM. GIBBS MCNEILL, CHIEF ENGINEER. W. H. SWIFT, RESIDENT ENGINEER. B. & W.R. R. 600 ft. E.of Fr. Dep. 3010 00 Sturbridge Road 1500 ft. west of [Ascent] Desc. Length. Total of Total of length. Grade. Ascent. Grade Station. Feet. Miles. Miles. Feet. Feet. 53. 5300 1.004 1.00410. 10. 10. 29343.2 50 2300000 12394 70 Jaques's hill. 147. 9400 1,780 2.784 12. 22. 22. 22.58 6.74 53,642.3 2965.1 85822.5 198. 5100 0.966 3.750 38. 60. 60. 85.01 38.55 80,307.8 4638.6 83845.6 75 206 4.4000 29558 60 Sand-hill west of New-Worcester. 316.8 11880 2.250 6.00086. 146. 146. 144.37 38.55 198,990.7 21238.9 18864.4 47592.9 448. 13120 2.485 8.485 85. 20 790 7000 93095 80 Near Knowles's mills. 231. 462. 1400 0.265 8.750 11.3 242.3 242.03 234.49 35.01 499. 3700 0.701 9.451 25.7 268. 268. 284.19 35.01 26609.1 15333.3 660.1 558. 5900 1.118 10.569 37.94 305.94 305.94 338.41 35.01 34157.7 2082.2 662. 10400 1.970 12.538 68.56 374.5 374.05 375.82 35.01 730. 6800 1.288 13.826 45.50 420. 1420. 452.41 35.01 151434.0 734. 400 0.076 13-902 790. 5600 1.060 14.962 40.09 40.09 379.90 385.55 35.29 138947.8 73639.9 809. 1900 0.360 15-322 12.90 53. 367. 384.07 35.29 57546.9 883. 7400 1.402 16-724 897.6 1460 0.276 17.000 10.01 112.01 307.99 299.64 35.29 31261.0 1014. 116.40 2.205 19.205 1300 88.99 201. 219. 233.36 39.83 159798.5 5000.0 14374.3 120560.2 1054. 4000 0.758 19.963 29. 230. 190. 218.42 39.83 59452.6 225895.0 1065. 1100 0.208 20.171 5. 235. 185. 197.19 22.63 29144.3 867.8 1072. 700 0.132 20.303 1117. 4500 0.852 21.155 1132. 1500 0.284 21.439 198. 5900 1.117 3.579 52.5 60. 1132. 60. 85.01 53.71 119033.3 5010. 17.689 21.552 1624761.5 80117.3 70290.8 1482998.1 92596.4 70 308 2.700 38322 70 Unites with Route No. 1. By Route No. 1. 325 8895 26.200 741225 60 No. 6. Ryan Summit Route. Station. Length. Ascent De- Feet. Miles. Miles. Feet. cent. Feet. SYNOPOSIS OF ROUTES.-(Continued.) Total or 499 5700 1.079 9.564 36.99 36.99 11.988 21.552 662. 12.538 734. 7200 1.363 13.901 53. 53. Elev. of Elev.of Excavation. Embank. Earth. Rock. L. Rock. ment. Cul Bridg-verts. Grub. es. bing. Amount. Per- Feet. Feet. ches. 427.5 435.38 38.88 811501.8 70797.6 39424.2 837273.3 310 4892 17600/403625/20 112902.2 119.51 119.51 307.99 299.64 38.57 190766.4 11120.3 897.6 16360 3.098 17.000 1132. 4.439 21.439 809. 887. or 883. 7800 1.477 16.799 49. 49. 1132. 4.715 21.514 115.322 302 1800 3366160 400 feet west of the summit. 1564.1 69746.8 3000 152356 10 By Route No. 1. 897.61 17.000 922. 2440 0.462 17.462 1004. 8200 1.553 19.015 1080 or1132 7600 1.439 20.454 50. 151. 150. 162.43 34.74 32609.7 5046.8 81945.8 20 190 1800 29916 70 By Route No. 1. 1392407.188307.3|46512.5 1292886.93308690 30450653239 60 Total of Total of Total Length. Grade. As Grade Descent. No. 7. Ryan Summit Route, SYNOPSIS OF ROUTES-(Continued.) Elev. of Elev.of 219 Excavation. Embank. ment. Earth. Rock. L. Rock. CulBridg-verts. Grub es. bing. Amount. PerFeet. ches. Feet. From Station 1014 of Route No. 1, to Station 1065 of same, crossing Seven Mile River, at a point about 1000 feet south of Route No. 1. 233.36 1461213.9188260.5 60886.8|1136170.8|310 715425700 63056370 No. 8. Grout Summit Route. thence on South side of French River, and South of Watson's Hill to Grout's Summit, thence by South yds. of rock to be added to the quan 18152 50 Grout's 87574 00 Near road from Charlton to Brook. 25536 00 Opposite N. Bemis's saw mill. 490 300 4300 1900 39188.1 10 82 1400 45410.3 10 00 2700 92968.2 616 2900 17 277 153. 162.43 13.20 39730.8 53064.6 100 456 1400 17188 10 Sturbridge road to Brookfield. 1367206.9 83996.8/63902.1 1004694.4 465 6543 34800 602292 30 Stations. Length. Ascent Desc. Feet. Miles. Miles. Feet. cent. Feet. 1014 1060.5 19.205 or 1065 4650 0.881 20.086 1132. 1.266 21.352 34 34 185 197.19 38.59 59553.9 163959.1 40 975 1400 49169 70 2400 60227 50 Head of Wall's Reservoir (nearly.) 00 16151 40 Near Watson's saw mill. 448. 8.4851 562. 1400 2.159 10.664 65. 65. 609. 4700 0.889 11.533 50.53 115.53 350.53 345.50 56.77 655. 4600 0.872 12.405 49.46 165. 400. 407.25 56.78 6804.3 11917.6 184365.5 70 1318 709 or 745. 5400 1.023 13.428 30. 195. 1430. 445.75 29.33 27697.4 6614.7 1433.2 37428.8 910. 16500 3.125 16.553 110 110 320. 316. 35.20 73600.0 48000.0 93542.7 10 371 989. 7900 1.496 18.046 35 145 285. 291.51 23.39 63488.9 4766.2 58733.4 40 266 1035. 4600 0.871 18.920 41 186 244. 266.99 47.14 221459.7 6678.3 1073. 3800 0.720 19 640 34 220 210. 210.62 47.14 52333. 1124. 5100 0,966/20.606 40 260 170. 168.57 41.41 68990.5 1192 or 1132. 6800 1.288 21.894 1474.5 No. 9. Grout Summit Route. From 462. 8,750 242.3 234.491 515. 5300 1.004 9.754 32.70 32.70 32.70 275. 268.33 32.57 14183.3 2364.1 146093.9 607 or 609. 9200 1.742 11.496 77. 109.70 352. 1132. 10.361 21.857 345.50 44.20 103354.7 Station 462 of Route No. 1, to Station 609 of Route No. 8, 20670 8 79743.7 15 550 1300 42202 90 Near N. end G. hill 609 of R. No. 8. 554104.6 54614.7 16196.2 475288.2 210 2465 14900 266822 80 609 to 1132 by Route No. 8. 1243939.7183996.8 65114.1 1171788.1 410 6591 31300 601523 00 See note at No. 8. De- Elev. of Elev. of Total Grade surf. of of De above ground Grade. Embank. Ascent. Grade. scent. B. & W. ab. B.& Earth. Rock. L. Rock. ment. Feet. R. R. W.R.R Cul Bridg- verts. Grub- Per Amount. No. 10. Grout Summit Route. From Sta. 448 of R. No. 1. to Sta. 1132 of same, via Grout's Sum., Spencer, L. Village, & Prouty's mills. 4. 204. 226. 227.42 3.58 50579.8 10521.9 125163.2 12 350 6. 210. 220. 228.82 7.92 22415.1 11385.8 23986.3 356 000 No. 11. Morey Summit Route. 10.568 558. 622. 6400 1.212 11.780 41.56 41.56 1256603.8 118925.3 119486.8 1459121.8 339 7498 20000 71795500 From Station 558 of Route No. 1. to Station 790 of same, across Morey's Summit. No. 12. Grout Summit Route. 157.94 162.43 5650.3 92883.6 267327.0 22707.9 451824.9 17462.9 15242.1 460026.6 3103518 16300 295018/60 10 372 400 31492 20 20 538 1000 100185 00 418 000 921460 20 3179 6900 220183 70 1310673.9 87036.3 47435.5 1386352.5 360 8025 24600 655984 10 A line from Station 1 to Henshaw meadow, north of Henshaw pond, in Leicester, from the experimental line surveyed in 1835, thence to Grout's summit. 739.5 1. Length. Total Ascent of Sta Length. Grade. Total tions. Feet. Miles. Miles. Feet. 448. 745. 4.943 13.428 890, 14500 2.746 16.174 85. 973. 8300 1.572 17.746 87. 1010. 3700 0.701 18.447 28. 1069. 5900 1.117 19.564 1109. 4000 0.758 20.322 1140. or1072 3100 0.587 20.909 1132. 53. 5300 1.004 1.004 10. 10. 10. 37.74 9.90 23675.8 29343.2 175. 12200 2.310 3.314 80. 90. 90. 60.06 34.81 223149.0 167240.0 237. 6200 1.178 4.492 60. 150. 150. 150.28 50.93 25685.0 222245.0 305. 6800 1.288 5.780 100. 250. 250. 258.42 77.64 251868.0 4670.0 355.7 5070 0.960 6.740 81. 331. 331. 316.83 84.35 28188.0 80709.01 No. 745 5.350 12.090 445.75 2600 of R. 8. 582565.8 739.5 504107.2 |