AMERICAN ENCROACHMENTS ON British Rights; OR, OBSERVATIONS ON THE IMPORTANCE OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN COLONIES. AND ON THE LATE TREATIES WITH THE UNITED STATES: With REMARKS on Mr. BARING'S EXAMINATION; AND A DEFENCE OF THE SHIPPING INTEREST AND OF FACTIOUS CONDUCT IN THEIR OPPOSITION By NATHANIEL ATCHESON, Esq. F.A.S. "Disturb not one another with domestick disputes; but remember that we are English, and our enemies are foreigners. Enemies; which, let what party soever prevail, it is equally the interest of our country to humble and restrain." DR. JOHNSON'S LIFE OF ADMIRAL BLAKE. LONDON: SOLD BY J. ButterwortH, FLEET-STREET; AND J. M. CONTENTS. Independence of America acknowledged Trade with the United States regulated by orders of council Differences between the two countries as to boundaries, &c. The town of St. Andrew built on the banks of the river Discriminations in favour of the trade of the United States ib. Unfounded claim of the United States to British islands in Cession of these islands by convention in 1803 in lord Sid- Want of regulation as to the other boundaries Vexatious conduct and exactions of American revenue Observations on the late unratified treaty with America Infractions of the treaty of 1794 by the United States On the duties imposed at the inland posts Contraband trade carried on at the islands in Passama- Injurious effect of it on the trade of the British provinces |