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On the cultivation of hemp and flax in the provinces and
their importance

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On its violation of ancient principles, and the evil con-
sequences resulting from it


Deviation from the navigation system only warranted in
two instances

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Praise-worthy conduct of the shipping interest during

the war of the French revolution

On Mr. Pitt's intention to resume the former system and

to enforce the maritime rights of Great Britain

Efforts of the American party to extend the new system
West India produce allowed to be exported to the United
States in British bottoms

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On the endeavours to lessen the popularity of the ener-

getic measures of the present administration

On the right of Great Britain to issue the late orders of
* council

Petition of the merchants of London in 1807 in support


of the old system, and praying enquiry, &c.

Similar petitions from the out ports


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The trade of America to the continent of Europe in-
jurious to Great Britain


The American trade to Vera Cruz detrimental to British


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New Brunswick erected into a separate province in 1784
Divided into counties



Courts of session established therein, and inhabitants of


Moose Island summoned as jurymen



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His reply

Act of assembly of New Brunswick, in 1786, dividing the
counties into townships, including these islands

Mr. Cooper an American sheriff in 1791, came to Moose
Island with an armed party; his attempts there to in-
fluence the inhabitants, some of whom took the oath
of allegiance to the United States, and to whom the
latter actually granted lands in these islands, &c.
Meritorious service of Mr. Leonard the British superin-
tendent of trade to prevent encroachments and contra-
band trade

State of Moose İsland in 1785 and 1805

Observations on the situation of these islands, and the

waters adjoining, and the boundaries of the British pro-

vinces under the treaty of 1783



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Mr. Liston's dispatch, December 1798, referred to in
lord Grenville's letter

Engraved section from Mitchell's map

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