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An ACCOUNT of the Quantity of SUGAR Imported from the West India Colonies into Great Britain, in the under-mentioned Periods, from 1761 to 1806, both inclusive, with the Quantity exported in the same Periods; distinguishing the Export to Ireland from the Export to all other Parts; and expressing the Sugar in Cwts. after reducing the Refined into Raw, on the principle of 34

to 20.

[blocks in formation]

An ACCOUNT of the Quantity of RUM Imported from the West India Colonies into Great Britain, in the under-mentioned Periods,
from 1761 to 1806, both inclusive, with the Quantity exported in the same Periods; distinguishing the Export to Ireland from the
Export to all other Parts.

[blocks in formation]

An ACCOUNT of the Quantity of COFFEE Imported from the West India Colonies into Great Britain, in the under-mentioned Periods,
from 1761 to 1806, both inclusive, with the Quantity exported in the same Periods; distinguishing the Export to Ireland from the
Export to all other Parte.

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