RECAPITULATION. Extra charges on British Sugar to Holland and Flanders. Freight per cwt. as above Insurance as above........ £.0 14 0 1 12 Guineas 6 Ditto On Sugar valued at 40s. per cwt... Upon what documents do you ground this ftatement?-The freight of fugar from the West Indies to the United States I ground on what I know, from my own knowledge, to have been paid by planters at Trinidad; the freight from the United States to various ports in Europe on the bills of lading (which the witnefs exhibited to the committee), and the charge of insurance, from what has come within my own knowledge as an underwriter and merchant. Do you know whether any confiderable quantity of the produce of the hoftile colonies is carried direct to the European markets in enemy's bottoms?—I believe hardly such an attempt has been made fince the commencement of the present war, when enemy's fhips were on fuch voyages, without having been apprized of hostilities having taken place. Whether any confiderable quantity of the produce of the hoftile colonies is carried direct to the European markets in neutral bottoms? I believe not. Do you happen to know to what extent, or nearly, the trade from the enemy's West India colonies to Europe is carried on by the way of America?-I have an accurate return of the import of fugar and coffee in American veffels into the port of Amfterdam, for the year 1806; but have not been able to procure returns, equally accurate, of the imports in the other ports of Europe. What is the amount of that import into Amsterdam in the year 1806-As near as can be calculated, reducing the various packages of coffee into hogsheads of 8 cwt. each, and of sugar into hogsheads of 12 cwt. each, the whole amounts to 34,085 hogheads of coffee, and 45,097 hogsheads of fugar. Upon what documents do you found that information ?-Upon the Amfterdam manifefts, from which the account of the cargoes now delivered in is taken. |